Chapter 116: Utopia

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The moment they entered the laboratory, Professor Yana led both Echo and her Doctor to various pieces of equipment straight away. "Now, this is the gravitissimal accelerator. It's past its best but it works." he explained excitedly. "And over here is the footprint impellor system. Now, do you know anything about end-time gravity?"

Echo shrugged. "Sounds familiar."

He nodded and continued on. "One of our problems is that we can't get it to harmonize."

That was when the Doctor noticed Jack's flirting with Chantho, the Professor's assistant. "Stop it."

"Can't I say hello to anyone?" he complained childishly.

"Chan I do not protest tho." the insectoid woman told them with a flattered smile.

Jack gave her a dazzling grin, "Maybe another time, blue." then turned away and went over to the conversing scientists. 

"All this feeds into the rocket?" the Doctor asked curiously.

The Professor nodded, "Yeah, except without a stable footprint, you see, we're unable to achieve escape velocity. If only we could harmonize the five impact patterns and unify them, well, we might yet make it. What do you think, Doctor? Echo? Any ideas?"

"Well, er... basically, sort of...; not a clue." he answered as his eyes looked around at all the equipment surrounding them.

Yana's disappointment crashed into him like a blow from a minotaur. "Nothing?" he asked as his hope began to dwindle.

"I'm sorry, we're not from around these parts. I've never seen a system like it. It reminds me of Echo's workshop, to be honest." the Doctor admitted.

The disappointed professor looked away from them completely, his shoulders sagging. "No, no. I'm sorry. It's my fault. There's been so little help."

With a strong urge fueling her actions, Martha went unnoticed as she began to look through Jack's bag. Though, what spooked her the most was the sight of a preserved hand in some kind of stasis liquid. "Oh, my God! You've got a hand! A hand in a jar. A hand in a jar in your bag." she stated accusingly and feeling thoroughly disturbed.

When the Doctor saw the item, instant recognition over came him. "But that, that, that's my hand." he exclaimed in shocked disbelief. He then turned and looked at the undying man.

"I did say I have a Doctor detector." Jack replied with an almost nonchalant way about him.

"Chan Is this a tradition amongst your people tho?"

Martha still had a deeply disturbed expression. "Not on my street. What do you mean, that's your hand? You've got both your hands, I can see them."

He was completely unaffected as the memories flooded his mind. "Long story. I lost my hand Christmas Day, in a swordfight."

She couldn't even barely wrap her mind around the concept in any way. "What? And you grew another hand?"

Echo laughed with a shake of her head. "Of course you did."

Professor Yana became curious and even confused as he furrowed his brow. "Might I ask, what species are you?"

"He's the last of the Time Lords." Echo stated as she sat beside him.

When there was no recognition or reaction on their faces, the Doctor frowned. "Heard of them? Legend or anything? Not even a myth? Blimey, end of the universe is a bit humbling." he practically grumbled, making his girl chuckle with great amusement.

"Chan It is said that I am the last of my species tho." the beautiful insectoid woman said in understanding.

"What was your name, sweet one?" Echo then asked, genuinely curious for her answer.

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