Chapter 87: Daleks in Manhattan

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After both Echo and her Doctor had descended into the damp and dark sewers, they noticed Tallulah following them down. "No, no, no, no, no way. You're not coming." he immediately denied.

"Tell me what's going on." she demanded in turn.

"There is absolutely nothing you can do to help." Echo answered, not wanting to have the added ordeal of babysitting while fighting against the Daleks.

With a hardened expression, the blonde refused to be left behind. "Look, whoever's taken Martha, they could've taken Laszlo, couldn't they?"

"Tallulah, you're not safe down here." he pressed firmly, also not wanting to deal. After having lost Frank, he didn't want her to be taken as well.

"Then that's my problem." she shot back defiantly. "Come on. Which way?" then walked down a random tunnel.

Echo took an annoyed deep breath before walking down the correct path. "It's this way." she informed, causing the blonde to turn around and follow them.

As they walked under a portcullis, Tallulah voiced her wonderings. "When you say 'they've taken her', who's they exactly? And who are you two? I never asked."

"Hush." the Doctor said quietly, having heard a small sound from somewhere ahead of them.

"Okay, okay."

Just then did the shadow of a Dalek be cast on the wall and was drawing nearer. Before another word could be said, Echo silenced the woman as she and her Doctor quickly pulled her into a service alcove they'd passed just moments before. The Dalek slowly rolled by without noticing their presence. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no. They survived. They always survive while I lose everything."

Tallulah felt immensely taken aback by the pure rage and hatred that over took their features. "That metal thing? What was it?" she asked with genuine confusion.

"It's called a Dalek. And it's not just metal, it's alive." he answered, holding his love's hand for support and grounding.

Not believing such a fact, the blonde scoffed. "You're kidding."

"Does it look like he's kidding?" Echo snapped, the hatred in her eyes causing a cold shiver to instantly run down the ignorant woman's spine.

"Inside that shell is a creature born to hate, whose only thought is to destroy everything and everyone that isn't a Dalek too. It won't stop until it's killed every single human being alive." he practically growled, painting a horrible picture for her.

Tallulah looked towards where the Dalek had disappeared. "But if it's not a human being, that kind of implies it's from outer space." When she saw the looks they gave her, fear forcefully wormed its way further into her heart and mind. "Yet again, that's a no with the kidding. Boy. Well, what's it doing here, in New York?"

Without giving her question an answer, the Doctor began to lead the way down the path they'd come from. "Every second you're down here, you're in danger. We're taking you back right now."

As they rounded a corner, they unexpectedly came upon a lone pig-man. Unable to stop herself, Tallulah screamed in fright and caused the creature to try and hide. Without hesitation, Echo pulled out her blaster and took aim. "Where the hell have you taken Martha? Answer me!" she ordered with strong authority.

"I didn't take her." came its answer, heavy with truth.

Sensing a massive difference in this pig-man, the Doctor moved forward. "Can you remember your name?" he asked carefully, slowly lowering the ready blaster.

"Don't look at me." they pleaded with complete dejection.

Tallulah stepped towards them, a feeling of familiarity shooting through her. "Do you know where she is?" she asked softly.

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