Chapter 69: Smith, Jones and Halifax

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When the Judoon entered the MRI room, the Slab released the limp Doctor as Florence immediately hid her straw in her handbag. Echo dropped to her love's side without hesitation, tears stinging her eyes. She knew she had to keep up the charade that he had died, knowing it wouldn't be difficult. But the mere sight of him unconscious and hurt struck her to her very soul. He knew how to appear dead even to scanners, though hating the experience more and more the longer he stayed in such a state. "Now see what you've done. This poor man just died of fright." the old woman said, thinking quickly.

Echo could feel herself becoming weaker and weaker as the air around them ran out faster and faster. "Scan him." the lead Judoon commanded, getting the results almost instantly. "Confirmation, deceased."

Martha then ran into the room with Sybil hot on her heels. "No, he can't be. Let us through. Let us see." she urged, horror at the scene in front of them overwhelming them both.

"Stop. Case closed." the Judoon answered without care.

Sybil looked at them with disbelief. "It was her, though. She killed him."

"Judoon have no authority over human crimes."

"But she's not human." Martha countered urgently, feeling their time running out faster and faster just like the oxygen.

Florence's smirk returned without delay. "Oh, but I am. I've been cataloged." She then showed them her marked hand.

Sybil then put it together with a devious look of satisfaction, realizing what the lovers had accomplished. She remembered the previous day when Echo gushed to her about his basic being. "Wait. So you drank his blood? The Doctor's blood? I bet bottom dollar that if you give her a quick scan, you'll find out who she really is."

"Oh, I don't mind. Scan all you like." Florence urged, though began to feel extremely uneasy from her amused expression.

"Non-human." the Judoon then announced as Martha took one of their scanners and used it.

Florence's smirk immediately vanished at the news. "But, what?"

"Confirm analysis."

As they all then scanned her together, she began to try and lamely cover for herself. "Oh, but it's a mistake, surely. I'm human. I'm as human as they come."

Echo looked up at her with a glare like none other. "You're pathetic." she growled hatefully.

"Confirm. Plasmavore, charged with the crime of murdering the child princess of Patrival Regency Nine." the Judoon said, revealing her true identity.

When she saw that she was no longer able to hide or run, Florence decided on a different route. "Well, she deserved it! Those pink cheeks and those blonde curls and that simpering voice. She was begging for the bite of a plasmavore." she sneered, filling the dimension hopper with complete and absolute disgust.

"Then you confess?" the Judoon asked, her sentence already set in stone.

She scoffed scornfully, "Confess? I'm proud of it! Slab, stop them!" she ordered as she hurried into the MRI safe room and did her last tamperings with the scanner. The 'Magnetic Overload' sign came on only seconds later. "Enjoy your victory, Judoon. Because you're going to burn with me. Burn in Hell!"

The four police rhinos then all fired at her, resulting in the old woman's incineration. "Case closed."

Martha then looked at the Judoon with extreme worry when she saw Echo lay next to her Doctor to conserve her strength. "But what did she mean, 'burn with me'? The scanner shouldn't be doing that. She's done something."

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