Chapter 82: Gridlock

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It was just after everyone on the motorway sang in unison during their Daily Contemplation when the computer spoke the phrase they'd been waiting for. "Fast lane access. Please drive safely."

Relief washed through him as Milo's smile returned. "We made it. The fast lane." They then drove down to level fifty.

Much to their surprise, there was not a single car to accompany them. To which allowed them to reach the Brooklyn turnoffs in record time. But when they tried to use them, the computer denied them access. "Brooklyn turnoff one, closed." "Brooklyn turnoff two, closed." was the only response they were given over and over. Concern flooded throughout the vehicle as the unusual response went on.

"What do we do?" Cheen asked desperately and with fright lacing her words.

Milo shook his head, trying to dispel his own uneasiness. "We'll keep going round. We'll do the whole loop, and by the time we come back, they'll be open." he tried to reassure them and himself, though was over all unconvincing to them all.

Just then was there a much louder growl from outside and an unnerving shudder that passed through their car. "You're still calling that air vents?" Echo asked absently as she put her phone back into her pocket.

He looked at her with uncertainty, "What else could it be?"

Another growl sounded, making it clear that whatever made the sound was getting much closer. "What the hell is that?" Cheen asked of nobody while fear muddled her every thought.

"It's just the hydraulics." Milo answered without hesitation, hoping beyond hope that he was correct.

"But it sounds like it's alive." Martha said, her eyes never straying from the windows.

Milo, again, shook his head. "It's all exhaust fumes out there. Nothing could breathe in that."

With a roll of her eyes, Echo groaned loudly. "All legends are based on an inkling of truth. There are over forty species at the very least that can thrive in environments like this and they're all pretty nasty. So, why is it so hard for you to believe if even a little?" she informed, her annoyance with him beginning to build.

Suddenly and without warning, someone began talking to them over their intercom. "Calling car four six five diamond six." came a woman's voice from their computer.

Wasting not even a second's worth of time, Milo grabbed the mouth piece. "This is car four six five diamond six. Who's that? Where are you?"

The desperation and determination rang clear as she quickly responded. "I'm in the fast lane, about fifty yards behind. Can you get back up? Can you get off the fast lane?"

They all shared a look before he replied. "We only have permission to go down. We need the Brooklyn flyover."

"It's closed. Go back up." the woman ordered firmly.

Echo looked at Milo expectantly, then glared when he denied once again. "We can't, we'll just go around."

The woman, too, became intensely exasperated. "Don't you understand? They're closed. They're always closed. We're stuck down here, and there's something else out there in the fog. Can't you hear it?"

On cue, there was a sudden roar like nothing they'd ever heard before. "That's the air vents." he deflected, desperate for that to be true.

"What are you? Some stupid kid? Get out of here!" she yelled just before there was an audible crash and shouting.

Fear rolled through them with as much power as a super cell storm. "What's happening?" he quickly asked as genuine horror began to blossom.

"I can't move! They've got us! Just drive, you idiots! Get out of here!" 

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