Chapter 123: Last of the Time Lords

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This episode will have intense and in-depth descriptions of gore, torture, abuse and over all heinousness without any of the sugar coating. I'm not kidding. This is going to be a lot. Like, "Outlast 2" level shit. Tread carefully and enjoy.❤️


525,600 minutes
8,760 hours
366 days
1 year

No matter what happened or how long she had to endure corrupt ways of punishment or interrogation methods, Echo clung to keeping track of time as accurately as she could manage.

In the beginning of his reign, the Master tried everything he could think of to get her to give herself to him. Though, a sarcastic and snarky insult and denial was the only response he'd ever be given. "How does this look?" he'd ask her about his new suit.

She'd roll her eyes with distaste. "You look how warm milk tastes."

When she'd grumble obscenities and hateful comments, he'd demand she speak  louder. "You want to say that to my face?"

"I would if you had one, but all I see is an arse with two eyes." she'd answer without a speck of shame or caution.

During his anger fits, he'd threaten her with anything he could think of. "I'm the world's most dangerous predator." he'd warn.

"Okay, don't get too ahead of yourself. You're not that great." came her snarky response.

When he'd laugh at the genocides of entire countries he attacked, Echo fantasized more and more of what she'd love to do to him if she ever got free from her shackles. That was the worst part for her. For she was constantly kept on a chain leash attached to a metal collar around her neck. "Get on a chair, staple your eyelids to the fucking ceiling and jump."

Eventually, the Master moved on from seduction to interrogation. He wanted a portal gun all his own. With every outright denial of giving up her infinite secrets, she'd earn herself five lashings from a whip. No matter how many times she endured or bled, she refused to make a single sound. No matter how miniscule. To which angered the twisted Time Lord all the more; something she found great pleasure in. Stepping up on his information search, he then moved on to electrocution. When even that didn't break her, she was subjected to water torture. Such as putting a towel over her head tightly and pouring copious amounts of water on her.

One day, after being violently beaten within an inch of her life, Echo was tended to by none other than Martha's mother. As her wounds were cleaned and dressed, she allowed herself to grimace and grunt from the pain for once. It was the only time she could. "I'm so sorry, Echo." Francine said regretfully.

Slowly, she opened her heavy eyelids so as to meet her gaze. "You were only trying to protect your daughter. I won't hold that against you. I get it." she informed sincerely. The guilty feeling woman sighed heavily. Echo then saw the familiar look of self hatred in her frown and eyes. "The fact that humans, who are themselves mere collections of fundamental particles of nature, have been able to come as far as they do is a great triumph." she spoke quietly as she rested while she could. "So remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Allow yourself to be curious. It matters that you don't give up. Remember that while there is life, there is hope." She smiled softly, knowing that every word was being heard and absorbed. "There are no limits to the human spirit. I believe that what makes each of you unique is transcending your limits."

Francine continued tending to her wounds, though was hanging on every word spoken. "How can we do that? How do we transcend our limits?" she asked with genuine desperation. Desperation for any way possible way of defeating the ruling Master.

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