Chapter 131: Voyage of the Damned

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As the Host removed their haloes, Echo picked up a sword length bit of piping and got in a fighting stance. "Arm yourselves, quickly!" she ordered, causing the others to copy her actions. Seconds later, everyone took a swing to try and deny the weaponized haloes coming at them. Even though they succeeded, the Doctor received a cut on his arm and Mister Copper attained a similar injury on his side. "Bannakaffalatta stop. Bannakaffalatta proud. Bannakaffalatta cyborg!" the small,  red alien suddenly declared with confident determination. He then lifted his shirt and sent out a powerful energy pulse. The Host immediately were caused to short-circuit and were sent plummeting down into the engine core. All except for one, who had landed on the catwalk just behind Foon at the back of their line.

"Electromagnetic pulse took out the robotics. Oh, Bannakaffalatta, that was brilliant!" the Doctor praised with a massive grin. Though, it instantly vanished when their small friend stumbled back and collapsed on the bridge.

Astrid immediately went to his side with sorrowful fear. "He's used all his power." she said with intense concern.

Bannakaffalatta looked up at her. "Did good?"

She smiled sorrowfully. "You saved our lives."

He, too, smiled a little. "Bannakaffalatta happy." he confirmed, already aware of his inevitable fate.

"We can recharge you. Get you to a powerpoint and just plug you in." Astrid tried to comfort, sensing just how bad he was doing.

He shook his head, "Too late."

Tears began to form as she shook her head. "No, but you still gotta get me that drink, remember?"

Bannakaffalatta smiled slightly more as he looked up at her with complete adoration shining in his dimming eyes. "Pretty girl." Moments later, his eyes closed and he permanently powered down.

Out of respect, Astrid began to close and fasten his shirt into place. Unexpectedly, Mister Copper went to remove a component in the middle of their passed friend's chest. "Leave him alone." Astrid said sadly.

But he continued anyway. "It's the EMP transmitter. He'd want us to use it." he explained. "I used to sell these things. They'd always give me a bed for the night in the cyborg caravans. They're good people. But if we can recharge it, we can use it as a weapon against the rest of the Host. Bannakaffalatta might have saved us all."

"Do you think? Try telling him that." Slade said, saying the exact wrong thing at the exact wrong time.

Just then, the Host that had landed just behind Foon began to move. "Information. Reboot."

"Use the EMP!" the ignorant man yelled in fright.

Mister Copper shook his head with just as much concern. "It's dead. It's dead."

"It's got to have an emergency switch." Astrid said, desperate for no one else to get hurt.

The Doctor quickly jumped in before another word could be said. "No, no, no. Hold on. Override loophole. Security protocol ten. Six six six? Er, twenty-one, four, five six, seven, eight. I don't know, forty-two? Er, one!"

"Information. State request."

He exhaled with slight relief. "Good. Right. You've been ordered to kill the survivors, but why?"

"Information. No witnesses." to which caused even more confusion.

He furrowed his brow and inquired further. "But this ship's going to fall on the Earth and kill everyone. The human race have nothing to do with the Titanic, so that contravenes your orders, yes?"

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