Chapter 25: The Age of Steel

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Carl Jung wrote, "The healthy man does not torture others. Generally, it is the tortured who turn into torturers."


Before any conversation could be had, an alarm went off signaling the deactivation of the ear pods. "That's our friends at work! Good boys!" the Doctor declared with pride for the success, then turned back to Cyber Controller. "Mister Lumic, I think that's a vote for free will." he taunted as the screams of fright and rebellion reached their ears.

"I have factories waiting on seven continents." Cyber-Lumic revealed. "If the ear pods have failed, then the Cybermen will take humanity by force. London has fallen. So shall the world." he said with strong conviction. "Humanity has such great potential. Through conversion, they will also live forever. Enough time to achieve absolute perfection. I will bring peace to the world. Everlasting peace and unity and uniformity." he stated, believing his perspective and wants were more important than anything or anyone else.

The Doctor stepped forward. "And imagination? What about that? The one thing that led you here; imagination. You're killing it dead." he said with undoubtable truth. Something he would willingly perish for without hesitation.

"What is your name?" Cyber-Lumic questioned, hating the feeling of ignorance. 

"I'm the Doctor." he answered as the feeling of his power spread through the room for everyone to feel.

Though Lumic refused to back down. "A redundant title. Doctors need not exist. Cybermen never sicken." he said, knowing for a fact that the upgrade was a gift.

Echo glared at the sitting robot with all the hatred she could muster up. "That's exactly what we're talking about you off-brand, bootleg, terminator wannabe." she sneered with dangerous hell fire shining in her piercing gaze. "Everything you've created, you did so in the efforts of battling your sickness. Something that is deeply rooted in your most primal instincts. But once you take away all weaknesses, then what's the point of living? You won't advance or evolve. Eventually, you'll just stop. You'll remain as life moves on. You wouldn't just die. You'd deactivate like a useless and outdated windows ten laptop."

"You are proud of your emotions, your natural set-backs that come with your meat suit." Cyber-Lumic pointed out, already having rejected such a point of view.

"Oh, yes." the Doctor said as Echo nodded her head.

"Then tell me. Have either of you known grief, and rage, and pain?" he inquired, thinking he had them intellectually cornered.

Echo stepped forward challengingly. "More than you could ever possibly imagine." she replied without hesitation.

"I could set you free. Would you not want that? A life without pain?" he tried to coerce.

"I have countless hurtful, painful, haunting memories." Echo said confidently. "Only those with such memories buried in their hearts can become stronger, more passionate, and have exceptional emotional flexibility. And only those can obtain genuine happiness." she answered with correctness on her side only. "You may as well just kill us."

Cyber-Lumic had already made his decision. "Then I take that option."

The Doctor glared with hatred all his own. "It's not yours to take. You're a Cyber Controller. You don't control us or anything with blood in its heart." he practically growled.

"You have no means of stopping me. I have an army. A species of my own." he countered, thinking of himself as nothing less than godly.

Echo then pulled out her blaster and pointed it directly at the sitting Cyber Controller. "I've killed a lot more for a lot less." she promised with dangerous levels of calm to both her words and her body language.

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