Chapter 100: 42

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Once in the Med-Center, Martha helped to get the writhing Time Lord into the stasis chamber as Echo went to work the controls. "It's all right, my love. We'll set you at minus two hundred and freeze it out." she said calmly as she typed in the correct temperatures.

"No, you don't know how this equipment works. You'll kill him. Nobody can survive those temperatures." McDonnell said, not wanting to see anyone else die.

Echo rolled her eyes and continued her work. "And him getting that pod remagnetized was supposed to be impossible as well. I know what I'm doing, so shut it."

Martha, too, nodded. "He's not human. If they say he can survive, then he can." she agreed with determination in her tone.

"Let me help you, then."

But Martha glared at her as a way of stopping her. "You've done enough damage."

As the Doctor lay in the stasis chamber, he held Martha's hand thinking it was Echo's. "Ten seconds. That's all I'll be able to take. No more. Argh! Echo!"

She paused and went to his side without hesitation. "What is it, my love?"

"It's burning me up. I can't control it. If you don't get rid of it, I could kill you. I could kill you all. I'm scared! I'm so scared!" he said shakily, genuinely terrified of bringing harm to his one and only.

Echo furrowed her brow and did her absolute best to stay as outwardly calm as was possible. Hearing and seeing him in such a state brought her intense distress. A feeling she'd been running from for centuries. But, if it was because of him, she'd take it and be grateful. "I'll do everything in my infinite power to help you. Just have faith."

"It's burning through me. Then what'll happen?"

She shook her head, "I won't let you get to that point. I'm going to help you, then we're going to help them. And for good measure, we'll be going to Baydafarn to enjoy the singing trees and the mood changing rocks. If you're extra good, you and I can go off on our own and have an intimate moment or two, eh?" She then moved back to the controls and grabbed the joystick. "You ready?"

He breathed raggedly and nodded, "Ready."

She then rolled him completely into the chamber, typed two hundred into the keypad and pressed the green button. As the machine responded, the Doctor began to scream in even more agony as his body temperature fell. "Heat shields failing at five percent." the computer announced as she remained focused.

Not long after was the power cut at only negative seventy degrees. The Doctor was covered in frost, but was nowhere near cured. "No! Echo, you can't stop it. Not yet."

"What happened?" Martha asked with intense worry and confusion.

Echo looked everything over. "I'd say that the power's been cut down in Engineering."

Martha's eyes widened. "But who's down there?"

"Leave it to me." McDonnell said and sprinted out of the room.

"Impact in four forty seven."

"Martha! Echo! I've only got a moment. You've got to go!" the Doctor yelled, terrified of hurting them in any fashion.

"Not going to happen." Echo answered, then nodded at Martha to do as told.

"Get to the front. Vent the engines. Sun particles in the fuel, get rid of them." he went on, his eyes squeezed shut.

"I'm not leaving you two." Martha denied, though knew she'd have to go.

"You've got to give back what they took."

"Martha, it's okay. I'll stay with him. Empty the fuel." Echo said in a reassuring tone. She then nodded and gently pushed her towards the door. "Go."

When she nodded and sprinted out of the room, the Doctor shook his head. "You have to go, too! I won't hurt you!"

"Exactly. You won't get the chance. Therefore, I'm staying. Get over it." she answered, already having a plan on what to do.

"Impact in two seventeen. Primary engines critical." The Doctor fell out of the stasis chamber and began crawling across the floor. Echo remained out of the way but ready to do what was needed in order to help him, or stop him if need be. "Repeat. Primary engines critical. Survival estimate projection zero percent."

"Martha!" he yelled, trying to maintain his thought processes through his unimaginable afflictions.

"Doctor! What are you doing?" she asked, her breathing heavy from her running.

"I can't fight it. Give it back or burn with me. Burn with me, Martha. Argh!"

Echo made sure to stand directly behind him as he repeatedly tried to face her. Though, seeing as she was a master at the game, she knew he'd never succeed. "Keep going, Martha. I've got him. Hurry!"

"Impact in one twenty-one."

Echo continued her dance with him but with a thoroughly disturbed expression. Though, suddenly, there was a loud Bang! and the light in the Doctor's eyes faded; causing him to keel over. The ship lurched and began to pull away from the sun as the countdown reached one second.

"Impact averted. Impact averted. Impact averted."

When the exhausted Time Lord was about to drop to the floor, Echo was immediately at his side supporting his weight. "It's okay, my love. It's okay. We did it. It's done. It's done." she whispered reassuringly as he pulled her into a desperate and euphoric embrace. She subconsciously began to play with his hair, knowing just how much he loved it.

Not long after did Martha come running up to them with a massive smile of relief. He then allowed her to hug him, causing them both to begin laughing happily. "See? Echo was right! She always is!" she said with genuine and complete joy, pulling the brunette in question into their hug.


After they had steered the ship into the safety of interstellar space, the three travelers showed the remaining two crewmembers their incredible Tardis in Area 30. "This is never your ship." Scannell said with a disbelieving grin.

"Compact, eh?" the Doctor said with a loving pat to her wooden wall. "And another good word, robust. Barely a scorch mark on her."

Echo shrugged and leaned against the closed doors. "Eh. Only the heart of a sun or a neutrino bomb, maybe, could destroy her. And trust me. I'm working on that. Though, I don't know how long it'll take."

Martha looked to the two men standing before them with concern clear on her face, though was still happy. "We can't just leave you drifting with no fuel."

Riley smiled and shook his head. "We've sent out an official mayday. The authorities will pick us up soon enough."

"Though how we explain what happened..." Scannell trailed off, truly at a loss of an explanation.

"Just tell them. That sun needs care and protection just like any other living thing." said the Doctor. He then looked at Echo and held her hands lovingly. "Now, my impossible angel. What were you saying about having an intimate moment?"

She giggled with an involuntary blush. "I don't know. You'll have to remind me." She then pulled him into the Tardis, leaving Martha alone to do as she pleased.

When Martha entered the glorious ship, she found Echo sitting on the console deeply kissing her lover; pumped up from their victory. "Well then. Happy are we?"

They parted, though she held him close all the same. "But of course. We were able to help both sides. In a way. Oh, and catch." She then tossed her a key on a chain. "You'll be needing that. Frequent flier's privilege."

Martha felt as though she'd been bestowed the highest of honors as she shared at the Tardis key in her hands. Though, it quickly fell as a thought came to mind. "Oh, no. Mum." and quickly pulled out her phone. As she phoned her mother, Echo hopped down with a wink at her Doctor and joined him in piloting their home to Baydafarn; both of them ready for the next adventure.

Untold Knowledge (Doctor Who x Genius Fem! Oc) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now