Chapter 83: Gridlock

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"In loss, the seven stages of grief come as a road of shards that can only be travelled upon with bare soles."


Echo grimaced as she tried to push the vehicle faster, then smiled at the adrenaline rush she was experiencing. She knew it would be fun; but with the added stress of the stirred up Macra? She felt as though she was on cloud nine. Just when they least expected anything was going to happen, the computer switched on by itself. "Sorry, no Sally Calypso. She was just a hologram. My name's the Doctor." Both Martha and Echo smiled triumphantly and with complete joy. "This is an order. Everyone drive up. Right now. I've opened the roof of the motorway. Come on. Throttle those engines. Drive up. All of you. The whole under-city. Drive up! Fast!"

With an amused laugh, Echo prepared to ascend once she was sure their needed path was open. "You can't! We'll hit the layer!" Milo exclaimed fearfully.

She rolled her eyes and continued. "Where's your sense of adventure?" came her snarky reply, then abruptly pulled their car upwards.

As they quickly drove to the massive opening above, they were all bathed in the light of day. "It's daylight. Oh, my God! That's the sky! The real proper sky!" Cheen said with a massive grin and a sense of excited euphoria came to her mind. Perhaps all she'd hoped for could actually come to reality.

A satisfied expression then took place on Echo's features as she relaxed in the driver's seat. Martha, feeling just as much relief, gave her a hug from behind and laughed. "You are amazing!"

"Car four six five diamond six, I've sent you a flight path. Come to the Senate." they heard the Doctor say through the computer.

With a joyous sensation, Echo grabbed the mouthpiece. "Not to worry, my love. Be there in a mo." she answered, seeing Cheen smile fondly in the corner of her eye. Something she didn't mind in the slightest.

"It's been far too long since we've last seen each other. I hope you've been behaving." he said with amusement.

She laughed with immense merriment. "Of course not. Don't you know me at all?"

After only ten minutes, they finally arrived outside their intended destination. Both Echo and Martha were eager to be reunited with their awaiting Doctor; mainly wanting to tell him all about their death defying adventure down in the fast lane. They bid farewell to Milo and Cheen then ran inside. What they didn't expect to find were old human skeletons in seemingly random places. "Doctor?" Martha called, worried for their missing friend.

"Over here." they heard his somber voice in the next room over.

When they hurried over to him, their smiles immediately dropped. One surprised and one shocked. On the floor and out of his broken tank was the Face of Boe. Echo immediately ran to his side as devastation thrashed around in her heart and mind. The moment she was at his side did her tears flow freely. "Oh, Boe. My beloved Boe..." she practically whimpered. This was the moment she hated most when it came to caring for others. She didn't want to deal with it so soon after Rose's departure. Wasting no time, she scanned him with her watch.

"What's that?" Martha asked, still surprised but not afraid.

"It's the Face of Boe. It's all right. Come and say hello. And this is Hame. She's a cat. Don't worry." the Doctor said, keeping his eyes trained on Boe. "He's the one that saved you both, not me." he admitted easily. Sorrowful worry began to swell within him as he noticed his love's shaking hands.

"My Lord gave his life to save the city, and now he's dying." Novice Hame said as her own tears glistened in her eyes.

Echo whispered helplessly, knowing there was nothing she could do to prevent his passing. "No... You once told me you were immortal. You said you couldn't die. I'll– I'll make you another tank. A better one. I can fix this..."

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