Chapter 143: Planet of the Ood

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As both the Doctor and Echo ran through the warehouse, they quickly noticed that Donna was no longer with them. "Where's she gone?" he wondered aloud.

His love grumbled a bit. "Damn it." then had them continue their running. "Donna? Can you hear me?" she called out, wanting to be reunited sooner rather than later. Only seconds later did they notice the giant crane-claw chasing after them from above. "Gods-damn it! This way!" Though, when the nearest cargo container was found to be locked, they were forced to continue running.

They pushed themselves to go as swiftly as was physically possible. They dodged barrels and dashed through the difficult to navigate maze. When they began to feel fatigue seeping into their bodies, they became more vulnerable to attack and it was very known. At the last second and being completely unexpected, the Doctor shoved Echo out of the way as the claw came down at a rapid speed. "Ass!" she yelled as she hit the floor at the same time as her beloved. Though, only moments later, they were both surrounded by heavily armed guards. To whom forced them to their feet.

As they were roughly escorted through the warehouse, they heard Donna yelling from within a shipping container. "Doctor, get me out! Echo, get me out of here!"

"If you don't do what she says, you're really in trouble. Not from me, from my lovely Echo and of course Donna." the Doctor said to the leading guards.

Echo smiled happily. "It's true. I can be quite vexing."

The guard rolled his eyes. "Unlock the container."

Once the door had been opened, the scared human woman ran out and went directly into Echo's arms. "There we go, safe and sound." the Doctor said with mild relief as his girls embraced each other.

But Donna knew something they didn't. "Never mind about me. What about them?"

On cue, one of the Ood in the container she had been trapped in killed the nearest guard with their Persil ball. "Red alert! Fire!" the lead guard shouted, commanding for the Ood to be taken out. "Shoot to kill!" Then, as the guards fired their guns, the Doctor, Donna, Echo and a suddenly appearing Solana ran outside and into the snow.

Back out in the factory complex, the group of four hid behind a corner. "If people back on Earth knew what was going on here." Donna began with rage in her mind as she stared at only Solana.

But the PR woman rolled her eyes. "Oh, don't be so stupid. Of course they know."

Echo glared at her treatment of her friend but remained silent for the time being. "They know how you treat the Ood?"

"They don't ask. Same thing."

The Doctor then spoke his mind, in need of more information. "Solana, the Ood aren't born like this. They can't be. A species born to serve could never evolve in the first place. What does the company do to make them obey?"

The woman froze for a moment with wide eyes. "That's nothing to do with me."

It was then his turn to roll his eyes. "Oh, what, because you don't ask?"

"That's Doctor Ryder's territory." she clarified, honest about her ignorance on the subject.

"Okay, well then, where's he?" Echo then asked, wanting her to spill as much information as quickly as possible. "What bit of the complex?"

When she gave a hesitant look, the Doctor held back a growl of frustration. "We can help with the red eye. Now show us."

Upon feeling his demand, she pointed to a specific building on the map he held out for her. "There. Beyond the red section."

"Come with us. You've seen the warehouse. You can't agree with all this. You know this place better than us. You could help." he offered and requested.

Instead of going with her gut feeling, she chose the easier path. "They're over here! Guards! They're over here!"

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