Chapter 72: The Shakespeare Code

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"He's gonna figure us out. You do know that, right?" Echo informed them as they made their way to Shakespeare's room.

The Doctor snorted, "No, he won't. He's a genius, but even he couldn't figure it all out." he countered confidently.

Echo shrugged, "Fine. What's your bet?"

"Hmmm. Perhaps banana bacon pancakes? Your recipe is the best."

She nodded in acceptance. "Alright. I bet an afternoon on the paradise planet Laylora. I heard they have a new ice cream flavour that I really want to try." They shook hands, sealing the deal.

Just then did they enter the correct living quarters. "Hello! Excuse me, not interrupting, are we? Mister Shakespeare, isn't it?" the Doctor greeted with clear excitement. How could he not? It was the William Shakespeare.

Seeing the familiar reaction, the human genius rolled his eyes. "Oh, no. No, no, no. Who let you in? No autographs. No, you can't have yourself sketched with me. And please don't ask where I get my ideas from. Thanks for the interest. Now, be a good boy and shove–" Just then did he spot both Martha and Echo peaking around their Time Lord with intense curiosity. "Hey, nonny nonny. Sit right down here next to me." he requested with overwhelming interest, then turned to the two men still sitting in front of him. "You two get sewing on them costumes. Off you go."

Dolly, a blonde woman with a kind smile, gave them a knowing look. "Come on, lads. I think our William's found his new muses." then ushered them out of the room.

With a lustful gleam to his eyes, Shakespeare gestured for them to take the then vacant seats. "Sweet ladies." Echo had Martha sit next to the playwright as she took a comfortable seat on her Doctor's lap once he was seated in the only other chair. Once settled in, her love then began to idly play with her hair. He'd always had a fascination with the unnatural softness her hair possessed, causing him to enjoy it every chance he got. "Such unusual clothes. So fitted." Seeing the infatuation between the couple, William immediately knew his only shot was with Martha. Even though Echo did have an extremely unique air about her that pulled him in like none other.

"Er, verily, forsooth, egads." Martha struggled, making Echo giggle with great enjoyment.

"No, you don't want to do that, sweetie." she warned without embarrassment.

The clever Doctor then took out his psychic paper and showed it to William. "We are Sir Doctor and Lady Echo of Tardis, and this is our companion Miss Martha Jones." he introduced briefly.

"Interesting, that bit of paper. It's blank." Shakespeare said, confused by the strange action.

The Doctor beamed with pride. "Oh, that's clever. That proves it. Absolute genius." he gushed happily.

Martha furrowed her brow, taken aback. "No, it says so right there. Sir Doctor, Lady Echo, Martha Jones. It says so."

"And I say it's blank." William countered factually.

"You are absolutely correct. And you're correct as well, Martha. It's called psychic paper. Says whatever you want it to say. Except for those that are smart enough to see through it." Echo explained happily, not minding the need to explain the basics.

"Psychic? Never heard that before and words are my trade. Who are you exactly? More's the point, who is your delicious blackamoor lady?" William flirted openly, surprising Martha all the more.

Never before had someone so openly hit on her without care of rejection. It was most certainly foreign territory. "What did you say?" she asked incredulously.

"Oops. Isn't that a word we use nowadays? An Ethiop girl? A swarth? A Queen of Afric?" he went on, his smirk of intrigue staying in place.

"I can't believe I'm hearing this." Martha said, her own smile staying in place. No one said she couldn't enjoy herself a little.

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