Chapter 76: Taken

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Echo, Martha and the Doctor were all enjoying their time on the tropical planet Laylora while eating their famous utumauti ice cream; a flavor to allow certain species to feel straight ecstasy with every bite. It wasn't called the Paradise Planet for nothing. Everything was so peaceful. So effortlessly enjoyable. That was until two dark green fighting ships with Gromflomites stopped them. Much to Martha's surprise, bug soldiers aimed their heavy artillery at them threateningly after repelling from each ship. "Echo Halifax! You are under arrest by order of the Intergalactic Federation! Surrender or die!"

Without taking her eyes off the enemies before them, Echo slowly raised her hands in surrender and cautiously waited for them to arrest her. "Don't do anything to stop this." she warned them both seriously. "And don't worry about me. I'll figure this out."

"Echo, no!" Martha exclaimed as her friend was aggressively taken away.

The Doctor held her back as he watched his one and only lover be taken right before his eyes. He wanted to step in and stop everything. He also knew that Echo could take care of herself. But that didn't mean he wouldn't try and help her get out of harm's way once he was free to leave. He had to think of Martha's safety as well. "We'll get her back." he vowed darkly, fury and deep hatred for the Gromflomites coursing through him like fire. "I'll get her back..."


The moment they got into the Tardis, the Doctor began his search. Martha couldn't help but feel genuine fear. From seeing her new best friend being arrested at gunpoint, to seeing the crazed look the obviously dangerous Time Lord now had. She realized in that moment just how small she was in the face of the universe. She had no idea what was truly happening around her. Perhaps she'd never know. "Where are we going?" she asked hesitantly as his hands flew across the console.

"We're going to the only people that can help get our Echo back." he answered rapidly, the Tardis helping him to pilot properly.

Martha clung to the jump seat so she could stay out of his way. "Who?"

"Echos." came his only answer, confusing her all the more.

Exiting the Tardis only minutes later, the two travelers were met with an empty and snow covered street. Without saying a word, the Doctor led the way into an ordinarily vacant building. To Martha, it looked like the slums. Upon entry, they were stopped by what looked like an impressively muscled bouncer. "I'm here to see Echo." he informed and showed the man his psychic paper. The seriousness in his voice told of his immediate need to see the woman, urging the man to not ask any unnecessary questions.

As they were allowed in, Martha looked at him with great confusion. "But Echo was taken. What are we–" She was then cut off as they walked into what was obviously a high end strip club. She felt tongue tied as she followed the furious Time Lord through the crowd of wealthy customers and dancers alike.

When they came to the VIP section, he then ordered to be taken to Echo yet again. In no time were they led to a hidden away office with 'J Zeta 17' written on the front of the door. Martha's eyes widened when they were met with an identical Echo to theirs. "Thank you for seeing us on such short notice, but we need your help." he informed firmly.

The brunette looked up at them, then rolled her eyes with a sigh. "What the hell do you want from me now? I already gave you your bounty."

"That's not why I'm here. My Echo's been arrested by the Gromflomites."

J Zeta 17's eyes widened as she paused, "That's concerning. I'm sure the council will want to know about that. Can't have Echo secrets getting into the Federation's hands." She then pulled out her cellphone and pressed the speed dial. "Hey. You hear the news? Well, the roguest Echo got arrested by the Federation." She paused for only a moment before snapping into the interdimensional device. "Then get on it, bitch! I don't have time for your shit and none of the others will either. Hop to it!" She then stood and pulled out her portal gun.

"What's happening?" the Doctor demanded impatiently.

"Seal Team Echos will be deployed to locate your Echo. And before you get all thankful and shit, they're being sent to assassinate her. Easiest method to protect our secrets." she answered without care, then shot a portal on the wall beside them. "Now, get out of my office. I got shit to do."

Martha looked at her with disgusted shock and the Doctor practically growled. "We didn't come her to hand our Echo over to her death. Now help us find her!"

J Zeta 17 pointed her blaster at him without hesitation. "Get out or get blasted. Your choice."

"This isn't over." he promised, then stormed out of the room through the door instead of her portal. A plan to locate his love began to swarm his mind as his pure hatred fueled him. The oncoming storm has come.


Echo came to with a thudding headache, eyes closed against the dull pain. The back of her skull throbbed like a whore's heart. She bit out a curse and moved her hand to inspect the damage– except that it didn't move. Something was restraining her arms. Her legs, too, were immobilized; something she noticed when she tried to get up. The violent hum of electricity streaking through the air assaulted her already battered head, calling forth a grimace of agony.

How long had she been out cold? 

Her lips were parched and hunger clawed at her stomach. She cracked open her eyes slowly to better perceive how deep in shit she truly was. Blackness continued to engulf her. A tremor of panic vibrated in her core. Echo knew then that she was as good as dead; a lamb awaiting slaughter. Poultry breathing its last lungful before the bloodied knife would steal it forever more. That slight tremor increased in intensity until she physically shook in time with it. 'It's all a dream, all a dream. Only a nightmare. I'll wake up any second now. Just a dream. Not real, not real. Not real!' she thought nervously.

She tried to wrench her arms free and felt narrow straps dig into her skin. She held back a cry of pain and kept battering at the straps with her forearms. They sawed in deeper and even drew blood, but she was far too gone to notice it. Her every instinct forced her to fight this unseen enemy, to escape these bonds, to run free once again.

She snapped her head back, the impact dizzying her for a moment. She hit the metallic table again and again with the back of her head, pounding away at her restraints. The stuffy air invaded her mouth, causing her to almost gag. How hadn't she noticed before? The metallic scent of blood mixed with the stench of excretion; like fingers of decay forcing their way down her throat and lodging in her heart.

Echo's strength was beginning to ebb; her poundings came at longer intervals; her feet beating the painstakingly slow rhythm of a burial march. She drew in ragged breath after another, inviting the foul fingers back down her throat again and again– a demented adult film of sickening proportions.

She then heard footsteps approaching somewhere to her left. Just then, the bag over her head was ripped away. Once able to, Echo looked around with trepidation filled curiosity. Standing beside her was a stern looking man with a similarly severe woman standing to his left. That was when she saw it. On a tray table beside her was a strangely altered battery with wires stemming from its front.

"You will tell us everything we want to know." he stated as fact.

"I don't–" she began but was punched across the face by the woman.

"In time. But not before we've had our fun."

Hearing such sinister meaning within his words, Echo looked back up at him with a defiant twinkle to her eyes. "Give me your best shot, baby." she challenged, then laid back as a show of superiority. Little did she know, she was just at the tip of the iceberg.

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