Chapter 145: The Sontaran Stratagem

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"Never blame anyone in your life. Good people give you happiness. Bad people give you experience. The worst people give you a lesson and the best people give you memories."
-- Zig Ziglar


Time had passed and fun was had. It had been two and a half weeks since their escapade on the Ood planet, and relaxation was greatly wanted. Echo and her beloved Doctor decided on taking Donna to have lunch on one of the Pleasure Moons of Pakros. "You should have seen it, Donna." she concluded, finishing off her story about how Rose almost got them all arrested over a Wombat fruit. The meadow in which they sat stretched out like a tiny green ocean, dotted with wildflowers in every conceivable color. Butterflies and various insects fluttered from bloom to bloom, their delicate wings adding splashes of color to the vibrant landscape. The air was fresh and sweet, filled with the scent of grass and blossoms alike. A gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the nearby trees, adding a whispering undertone to the peaceful scene. Birds sang melodiously, their songs creating a harmonious symphony of peaceful nature and serenity.

"What does a Wombat fruit taste like?" Donna immediately asked with incredible intrigue.

Echo shrugged. "Why don't we hit up the Flip-Dip Tavern so you can try some."

"I am so ready." came her quick response before she jumped to her feet from her spot on their plum purple blanket.

With a smile of approval, the knowing brunette looked to her beloved. "Well, my love. I do believe it is time to skedaddle." She then laughed as he, too, scrambled to his feet. She knew just how much he loved the unique and rare fruit.

Moving eagerly, the three travelers walked through the portal that had just been activated. On the other side, they found themselves in a somewhat dingy bar scene. All around them was the usual sight of dangerous-looking aliens of all kinds. Without hesitation, the Doctor walked up to the bartender with purpose in his every step. Donna looked around with a curious but reasonably cautious gaze. Without having to be told, she knew to keep close to her best mates and to keep her wits about her. Just as the happy Time Lord returned to them with three neon magenta fruits the size of navel oranges in hand, an alien reptilian creature was heard. "Yo, Halifax. You wanna throw in?"

With a mischievous grin, Echo walked over to the group of four sitting at a round table. It then became clear that they were gambling, playing a game similar to that of poker. "Only if you got enough to lose." Then, before sitting down with them, she looked to her love and her incredible girlfriend. "You guys wanna play, too?"

Donna had an intimidated look as the Doctor munched happily on his snack. "I got fruit." he said joyously, held it out as evidence, then took another mouthful. To which caused both women to chuckle with amusement.

"Don't worry about it. I'll score us some blemflarks for more fruit, then we can show you the fun of the Gloppy Drop System if you wish." Echo then sat down and picked up the offered handful of cards.

Only ten minutes passed before Donna finished her Wombat fruit. She then got up and went to the bathroom to wash up. She'd only been in there for a few minutes before she heard the door open. Looking up instinctively, expecting to see Echo, she instead found a blue skinned man casually walking towards her.

 Looking up instinctively, expecting to see Echo, she instead found a blue skinned man casually walking towards her

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