Chapter 05: Tooth and Claw

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"This, I take it, is the famous Endeavour." Queen Victoria said in awe as they all looked upon the magnificently large bronze telescope looking contraption.

Robert smiled at her interest in the equipment. "All my father's work. Built by hand in his final years. Became something of an obsession. He spent his money on this rather than caring for the house or himself." he explained with clear fondness in his features.

"I wish I'd met him. I like him. That thing's beautiful. Can I?" The Doctor then walked over to the telescope after being given permission. "What did he model it on?" he wondered aloud.

"I know nothing about it. To be honest, most of us thought him a little, shall we say, eccentric. I wish now I'd spent more time with him and listened to his stories." Robert's smile slowly fell as he reminisced.

As the Doctor opened his mouth, Echo began speaking instead. "It's got way to many prisms to be an ordinary telescope. The magnification's gone right over the top. I wonder what it was meant to be used for. Obviously not regular star gazing." she mused out loud as her mind began to go rampant with possibilities for it's use. 

"And the imagination of it should be applauded." the Queen said with satisfaction at the brunette woman's clear intelligence. 

"Mmm. Thought you might disapprove, Your Majesty. Stargazing. Isn't that a bit fanciful? You could easily not be amused, or something? No?" Rose tried again, only for Victoria to give her a knowing look to cease in her actions. "This device surveys the infinite work of God. What could be finer? Sir Robert's father was an example to us all. A polymath, steeped in astronomy and sciences, yet equally well versed in folklore and fairytales." she explained further, truly happy to be in the one place her late husband talked so much about.

"Stars and magic. I like him more and more." the Doctor absently said as he continued to look over the device. 

"Oh, my late husband enjoyed his company. Prince Albert himself was acquainted with many rural superstitions, coming as he did from Saxe Coburg." Victoria said with another soft smile, then looked over at Robert once more. "When Albert was told about your local wolf, he was transported."

"So, what's this wolf, then?" the Doctor asked as he looked up at them, peaking Echo's interest just as much.

"It's just a story." Sir Robert said, his nervousness exuding from him.

"Then tell it." she pressed with a piercing gaze, seeing him glance in the direction of the bald waiting staff.

"It is said that--" 

But he was cut off by one of the more severe bald men. "Excuse me, sir. Perhaps her Majesty's party could repair to their rooms. It's almost dark."

Robert nodded with a forced smile, "Of course. Yes, of course."

"And then supper. And could we find some clothes for Miss Tyler? I'm tired of nakedness." the Queen said to him, her voice growing weary towards the end.

"It's not amusing, is it?" Rose pressed, making Victoria give her another look. Silently telling her to shut her mouth before she dug herself a hole to deep to climb out of. Echo rubbed her eyebrow in slight annoyance, but she understood the girl's desire to win the bet. For she had made many in her years of traveling. 

"Sir Robert, your wife must have left some clothes. See to it. We shall dine at seven, and talk some more of this wolf. After all, there is a full moon tonight." Victoria mused, wanting nothing more than to discuss tales of the impossible. 

"So there is, Ma'am." he said with resignation.

At dinner the Queen, Captain Reynolds, Echo, Sir Robert and the Doctor were all sitting around the dinner table for supper. "Your companion begs an apology, Doctor. Her clothing has somewhat delayed her." the head server said as he walked back into the room. But Echo could sense there was something off with him and the rest of the wait staff. 

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