Chapter 62: The Runaway Bride

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Lance and Donna danced happily together as the party commenced once again. The Doctor and his Echo were hanging out at the bar as she sipped at her bourbon absently. Noticing her solemn features and uncharacteristic silence, he then decided to grant them another distraction. He borrowed a man's cellphone and proceeded to do some research on HC Clements. Once he gained his love's attention, they scanned everything they could find who the sole proprietor was. The one and only Torchwood. It was a fact that could only enrage them to such impossible extents.

Echo scoffed with a roll of her eyes. "Let's just focus on Donna for a bit. We'll deal with them once we know that she's actually safe." she said calmly then downed the rest of her drink. When she looked around and saw all the smiling faces, she became even more irritated.

Just then did she spot a man with a camera making a video record of the wedding. Without hesitation, she then took his hand and led him over to the busy young man. "Excuse me. But were you there during the wedding?" she asked, impatient for his answer. "You know, when the bride disappeared."

He nodded in acknowledgment. "Oh, I taped the whole thing. You can have a look if you want." he said, instantly seeing her undisputable beauty and wishing to see more.

When he pulled up the recording, both travelers watched intently. "So, hey, I was thinking you and I could get a drink some time." the cameraman said with feigned confidence.

But their minds didn't even register the comment as she watched Donna turn into golden energy and disappeared. They were both flabbergasted. "Can't be. Play it again." the Time Lord said with furrowed brow. Echo, too, recognized the energy transfer as the recording played again. If it was what they thought it was, then Donna was in more danger than they expected.

"Clever, mind. Good trick, I'll give her that. I was clapping." the cameraman said absently, keeping his envious eyes on the focused and over all oblivious brunette woman.

"I know I haven't seen them in a good minute; but that looks exactly like Huon Particles." she said with a troubled look at her lover.

The human man's smile slowly fell. "What's that then?"

"That's impossible is what it is." the Doctor said just as troubled. "That's ancient. Huon particles haven't existed in this reality for billions of years. So old--"

"That it can't be hidden by a bio-damper!" Echo then cut him off with a concerned look towards the oblivious bride.

Wasting not a second's worth of time, they both sprinted to the windows only to see the robot Santas approaching. They then quickly went over to the smiling red-head. "Donna! Donna, they've found you." he said, immediately frightening her.

"But you two said I was safe!" she said with greatly worried confusion. She wasn't mad at them, she more so focused on her family and friends being present.

"The bio-damper doesn't work. We've got to get everyone out." he informed quickly.

Echo pulled out her blaster without a second thought, ready for any threat that dared corner them. Thinking rapidly, she then scanned their entire surroundings with her watch. Once done, she activated a hologram to show them more clearly. "Oh, good. We're covered on every exit. Always more fun when they actually think things through." she mused, gladdened by the information of the somewhat intelligent offense. She then received a blip, indicating the use of an inhuman device. "Okay, then.  Seems like they're using alien tech. Like a remote or something. Do you see anything in here that shouldn't be? It's not far. Has to be in this room."

"Christmas trees." her Doctor then muttered quietly; making both women look at him curiously.

"What about them?" Donna asked with confusion.

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