Chapter 113: Blink

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The following day had arrived and the three travelers were ready to complete their final tasks. Once the autocue was set up, both Echo and her Doctor took a seat in front of the Martha controlled camera. "The Doctor and his Echo." came the first line of Sally's as they turned everything on.

"Yup, that would be us." came the beautiful brunette's reply.

"Okay, that was scary."

"No, it sounds like they're replying, but she always says that."

"Indeed, I do." she went on with a nod.

"And that."

As repetition began to ensue, Echo couldn't help but crack her neck in slight annoyance. "Are you really going to recite all that we have to say, or can we get the show on the road?" she snapped.


"Who are you?"

"We're time travelers. Or we were. We're now stuck in 1969." the Doctor cut in, knowing just how antagonistic Echo could get at times.

"I've seen this bit before."

"Quite possibly." Echo said in understanding, glad to get on with the assignment.

"1969, that's where you're talking from?" In the typed words could the confusion be felt.

"Afraid so." the Doctor nodded in confirmation.

"But you're replying to me. You can't know exactly what I'm going to say forty years before I say it."

Echo shook her head. "Thirty-eight, but close enough I suppose."

"How? How is this possible? Tell me."

Sharing a look with his love, the Time Lord decided to answer. "People don't understand time. It's not what you think it is."

"Then what is it?"

"Complicated?" Echo answered, not sure on exactly how to explain so Sally could understand quickly and properly. Though she knew it wouldn't be accepted as an answer.

"Tell me."

"Very complicated?"

"I'm clever and I'm listening. And don't patronize me, because people have died and I'm not happy. Now tell me."

"Ooooh, someone's a salty shrimp." she practically taunted, then rolled her eyes in acquiescence when her Doctor gave her a pointed look. "Fiiiine."

"People assume time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually from a non-linear and non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbily, timey-wimey... stuff." the Doctor explained as simply as he could.

Echo slowly deadpanned towards him, unsure on how to react. "Quite the genius, you are." she said playfully.

"Yeah, I've seen this bit before. You said that sentence got away from you."

"It got away from me, yeah..." he then agreed thoughtfully.

"Next thing you're going to say is, 'Well, I can hear you.' "

"Well, I can hear you." he promptly said. "Well, not hear you, exactly. But I know everything you're going to say." he went on, knowing Sally's time was starting to run out.

"How can you know what I'm going to say?"

"Look to your left, my dear." Echo answered, having already figured out that someone else was there and writing everything down. Something they were grateful for.

Untold Knowledge (Doctor Who x Genius Fem! Oc) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now