Chapter 106: The Family of Blood

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"Make your decision, Mister Smith." Jenny practically taunted.

"Perhaps if that human heart breaks, the Time Lord will emerge." Baines suggested with an equally sinister grin to his features. Out of sight, Latimer took the watch from his pocket and opened it for a second or two. Golden energy shimmered out and the Family turned their heads quickly. "It's him!" Baines exclaimed excitedly.

Once the device had been closed, Martha got the gun off Jenny and used her as a shield as she aimed her new weapon at Baines; to whom did the same towards her. In the same moment, Echo elbowed Mister Clark and punched him to get away; then grabbed his gun and smashed it under her boot in the same instant. "All right! One more move and I shoot!" Martha shouted strongly as her brunette friend moved back to Martha's side.

"Oh, the maid is full of fire!" Baines exclaimed with enjoyment clear in his stolen features.

"And you can shut up!" she replied and shot the gun at the ceiling as warning. Her blood pumped rapidly as her adrenaline allowed for quick thinking and needed confidence.

"Careful, Son of Mine. This is all for you, so that you can live forever." Mister Clark cautioned, keeping his eyes on the ready women.

Echo smirked with malicious intent. "You want immortality. Then let thy will be done as in heaven, so on earth." she vowed, knowing exactly what she'd do once chance had been given.

But, of course, they wouldn't listen to her true meaning. "Shoot you down."

"Try it. We'll die together." Martha shot back without skipping a single beat.

Baines studied her for only a brief moment. "Would you really pull the trigger? Looks too scared."

"Scared and holding a gun. It's a good combination. Do you want to risk it?"

After a moment of consideration, the family lowered their remaining weapons and Echo slowly moved from Martha's to John's side. Across the room, Joan watched with terrified wide eyes and a racing heart. She had no idea of what was going on. All she knew was that she and John had to get out of there and fast. "Echo, get everyone out. There's a door at the side. Mister Smith, help her with the others." Martha said shakily, knowing their chance at escape was beginning to slip away.

Moving into action, both lovers and surprisingly Joan ushered every guest out of the building. As the villagers ran out screaming, Echo then had to get her John and the frustration inducing Joan out as well. Once outside, she continued to usher people away. "Mister Hicks, warn the village. Get everyone out. Latimer, get back to the school. Tell the Headmaster."

But he pulled away from her touch as though she was diseased. "Don't touch me! You're as bad as him and them!" then ran away as fast as he could.

"I agree, but what the fuck?" she wondered absently.

Not long later did Martha come running out. "Don't just stand there, move! God, you're rubbish as a human. Come on!" she said as she took the lead in running back to the relative safety of the school.


Back in Farringham School, John immediately secured the main doors behind them, then grabbed a bell and began ringing it loudly. "What the hell are you doing?" Echo demanded, thinking of the children's safety only.

"Maybe one man can't fight them, but this school teaches us to stand together. Take arms! Take arms!" he replied before announcing the need to fight.

Something neither women would simply accept. "You can't do that!" Martha, too, denied.

"You want me to fight, don't you? Take arms! Take arms!"

A young boy came down the stairs with a tired and confused look upon his face. "I say sir, what's the matter?"

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