Chapter 103: Human Nature

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"How people treat you is their karma. How you react is yours."
-- Wayne Dyer


Walking out of John's room with journal in hand, Echo suddenly and unexpectedly came face to face with Nurse Joan Redfern. "Oh, hello, Miss Halifax. I was just on my way to check on Mr. Smith. I heard he fell down the stairs."

She nodded in understanding and waved her off. "There's no need for that. I already examined him and found no physical injuries to get excited over." she informed casually.

Joan, however, refused to back down easily. "From what I know, I'm the one with the medical experience. Not you. It's my duty to look after him." As she spoke, judgment and insecurities flooded her system powerfully just from looking at the beautiful teacher.

Echo raised a challenging eyebrow, eager for a fight. "Your limited knowledge has been rendered moot in comparison with how much I already know. John Smith is of no concern to you. Therefore, he is mine to look after and mine to protect."

The arrogant human woman smirked mockingly. "Your jealousy will do you no good. Maybe you should pay more attention to teaching and leave the medical aspects to someone more qualified. Like me." she spoke condescendingly.

With a very unlady like snort of derision, Echo rolled her eyes. "Oh, honey. I'm not jealous. I'm territorial. Jealousy is when you want something that's not yours, just like you. Territorial is protecting what's already yours, just like me. So, it's best if you remember your true position in comparison to us." She stepped closer to her as a subtle form of intimidation. "Don't challenge me again, little girl. It won't end well for you, and that's a promise." She then gave her a wink and calmly walked around her to continue on with her day. Instead of heeding the given warning, Joan felt defiance and determination spread within her relentlessly.


After the enveloping shadow of night passed over the world yet again, Echo decided to have a peaceful stroll to enjoy the cold atmosphere. As she walked, she felt herself plunge straight into her most treasured memories of her beloved Doctor. They say that the first time you fall in love is a moment that you will never forget. You remember everything. The way the sky was, the way the wind felt. Falling in love for the first time changes you. You see things differently, you think you can withstand anything. It's strong enough to stay with you forever. Her thoughts were then abruptly cut off by an incredibly bright green spotlight searching the forest before disappearing. Without hesitation, she ran as fast as she was capable towards the pub she knew Martha would be at.

The moment Echo was seen, the housemaid companion immediately became aware of her disturbed state. "Echo, are you all right?"

"Did you see it? Those lights?" she immediately asked, hoping they hadn't been found out.

Just then did the curious John Smith arrive on the scene. "Anything wrong, ladies? Far too cold to be standing around in the dark, don't you think?" he agreed, confused from seeing the two women's worried expressions.

Before a clever lie could be given, green lights appeared again as they streaked downward. "There it is again." she muttered with a sharp gaze and a foreboding sensation poisoning her mind.

"Oh, that's beautiful." Jenny said in awe, unaware of what they could mean.

Only a few seconds passed before they'd disappeared completely. "All gone. Commonly known as a meteorite. It's just rocks falling to the ground, that's all." John explained and smiled at his special lady friend.

"Do you think it came down into the woods?" Martha asked of her, feeling just as much hope for them to remain undetected.

But John chose to answer first. "No, no, no. They always look close, when actually they're miles off. Nothing left but a cinder." Coming back to himself, he then smiled at the present women. "Now, I should escort you back to the school. Ladies?"

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