Chapter 105: Human Nature

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After about an hour or so of sitting still, John finished his drawing and went to sit beside his Echo on the Chesterfield. "Oh, my. You think far too highly of me to draw me like this." she said with a flattered, soft smile.

"Well, that's how I see you." he said with complete honesty. John then gently moved a lock of her soft hair away from her face with a look of nervous hesitation. "Can I-- Would you mind if I-- Uhm--..." Knowing exactly what he wanted to do, she rolled her eyes at his anxiety and pulled him into a loving kiss. "I've never... erm..."

She giggled in amusement and kissed him again, wanting him to know just how much she loved him already. "I know you're not ready to do anything more, so I won't push you. Just know that I love you. Now and always. I love you." she vowed with wholehearted sincerity.

He paused with a growing smile. "I-- I think I love you too." As they shared another joyous kiss, Martha suddenly came in without knocking once again. "Martha, what have I told you about entering unannounced?"

Echo smiled at her as she immediately left. Upon seeing his flustered state, she giggled happily. "It's quite alright, my love. It is almost time to prepare for the dance." They then shared another kiss and smiled with genuine infatuation like none never before.


Later that evening, Echo went straight to John's room to show off her dress to him

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Later that evening, Echo went straight to John's room to show off her dress to him. "You look absolutely beautiful." he immediately said the moment she walked in.

"Why thank you. You look quite attractive yourself." she replied, then went over to help straighten his bowtie. "Now, let's figure this out. Will you be leading in the dance or shall I?"

He paused thoughtfully. "I'm not entirely certain."

She giggled and nodded. "We'll figure it all out when we get there, then."

Not long later, Martha suddenly burst into the room breathlessly. "They've found us."

As Echo had a lightly horror-struck expression, John shook his head with no understanding. "Now, Martha, I've warned you."

But she wouldn't be turned away. "They've found us and I've seen them. They look like people, like us, like normal. I'm sorry, but you've got to open the watch." She immediately went to the mantlepiece, then felt her heart drop when she couldn't find it. "Oh, my God. Where's it gone? Where's the watch?"

Echo watched with furrowed brow of thoughtful worry. "Martha, tell me everything you know so far." she said with prepared calmness to her words.

"Okay. They've got Jenny and they've possessed her or copied her or something. I just know that we need the watch. It's time." she said quickly, making John watch and listen with great confusion and even worry. They were speaking of things that resembled his dreams as if they were real.

Echo nodded, "Okay, I'll stay with him. He's useless as a human, so leave that bit to me. You find the watch. I'll stay with him down at the dance to give you a chance for a proper search. Use your time wisely. I'll keep an eye on all that I can. Just find that watch if you can and anything else that might help."

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