Chapter 19: Rise of the Cybermen

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The past cannot be changed, forgotten, edited, or erased; it can only be accepted.


After the trio had arrived at the Tyler mansion, they all found a way to attend the party without gaining suspicions but also have the best, more well informed positions. So, therefore, they became part of the catering staff as servers. Something that ticked Rose off especially. "We could have been anyone." she grumbled with severe annoyance.

The Doctor rolled his eyes, "Got us in, didn't it?" he asked sarcastically as they carried their trays out to the more populated rooms.

"You're in charge of the psychic paper. We could've been guests. Celebrities. Sir Doctor, Dame Rose, Dame Echo. We end up serving. Did enough of this back home." she continued to complain.

Echo then nodded to one of the guests, "This is actually the perfect position to have. No one would even realize we're here. We're the help. We don't have faces. We're the only ones to be made invisible without ever realizing." she explained quietly with a well rehearsed and very fake smile reserved for the public.

The Doctor nodded with complete agreement, over joyed to know someone actually understood the moves they were making. "Exactly. If you want to know what's actually going on, work in the kitchens. Now, according to Lucy, that man over there--" he began, only to get cut off by the suddenly and unexplainably jealous blonde.

"Who's Lucy?" she couldn't help but ask.

"She's carrying the salmon pinwheels. Anyway, Lucy said that that man is the President of Great Britain." he informed, making Echo nod with a mildly interested level of focus on what he had said.

Rose studied the man in question with unexpected surprise. "What? There's a President and not a Prime Minister?"

"Seems so." he answered with a shrug.

"Or maybe Lucy's just a bit thick." the blonde grumbled to herself as she allowed guests to help themselves to the items on her tray.

"Telepathic spiders and talking fruit, Rose. Anything goes when dimension hopping." Echo reminded, her attention bouncing around the room miscellaneously. Just as Pete got in place on the stairs and began his speech for Jackie's birthday party, Echo saw the one face she constantly hoped she'd never have to see again. With an involuntary gasp of unexpected emotional torment, she froze in place like a living statue. 😉 

Hearing her almost silent gasp, the Doctor looked at her and immediately became extremely worried upon seeing her sudden, tearful agony. She was so absorbed that all sound around her was muted, meaningless. "Echo? Echo, what's wrong?" he instantly asked with a serious expression, needing to figure out the threat so he could protect her from it or simply help her get through it.

"Xander..." she shakily whispered, unable to take her eyes off of her brother's doppleganger. The moment he looked their way and saw Echo's obviously bothered state, he became confused and concerned. Unable to handle looking him in the eyes for any length of time, she then quickly walked out of the room and outside in case she was going to have a mental break down. She'd never seen any of her family members since the fateful day she discovered their brutally murdered corpses; to which was permanently seared in her mind. In truth, nothing could help her heal from such wounds. Nothing but time and her strongest levels of willpower she no doubt had could be enough to allow her a chance at moving on.

What she didn't expect, of all else that could have happened, was Xander following her outside in hopes of offering council. He sat beside her while she let her tears run free, not an ounce of embarrassment did she feel. "Wanna talk about it?" he offered gently, not wanting to drive her away.

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