Chapter 130: Voyage of the Damned

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As they came to a more furnished corridor, they paused for a bit so as to connect with the bridge again. "Morvin, look. Food." Foon pointed out as they came upon a trolley of sandwiches.

Slade rolled his eyes condescendingly. "Oh great. Someone's happy." he commented sarcastically.

Echo had to take a deep breath to keep from lashing out once again. "Don't have any then." Morvin shot back in seconds.

"Mister Frame, are you still there?" the Doctor asked, hoping for the best.

"Yes, sir. But I've got Host outside. I've sealed the door."

"They've been programmed to kill. Why would anyone do that?" he wondered aloud, trying to figure out the strange happenings.

"That's not the only problem, Doctor. I had to use a maximum deadlock on the door, which means no one can get in. I'm sealed off. Even if you can fix the Titanic, you can't get to the bridge."

He nodded dramatically. "Yeah, right, fine. One problem at a time. What's on deck thirty one?"

"Er, that's down below. It's nothing. It's just the Host storage deck. That's where we keep the robots."

Moving to look at an image of the ship, the Doctor noticed something strange with the mystery deck. "Well, what's that? Do you see that panel? Black. It's registering nothing. No power, no heat, no light."

"I've never seen it before."

Echo gave a confused and suspicious look at the scanner. "One hundred percent shielded. What do you think is down there?" she wondered curiously.

"I'll try intensifying the scanner."

"Let us know if you find anything. And keep those engines going." the Doctor advised before stepping away; though Echo stayed at the scanner to see if she could do anything of significance.

Astrid walked up to him with a sandwich of his own. "Saved you some. You might be a Time King from Gaddabee, but you still need to eat."

He took the sandwich gratefully. "Yeah, thanks."

"So, you look good for nine hundred and three." she commented, trying to flirt subtly.

Though, of course, he didn't notice. "You should see me in the mornings." he joked, then smiled at the thought of Echo in the mornings. How fair her skin was. How attractive she looked when sleepy. How suggestive her messy and knotted hair looked when she would get out of bed. The sound of her voice when she was just waking up. The alluring sight of her wearing only a sheet.

Astrid smiled a little as well, but for an entirely different reason. "Okay."

Mister Copper then approached them. "Doctor, it must be well past midnight, Earth time. Christmas Day."

He smiled a little in turn. "So it is. Merry Christmas."

"This Christmas thing, what's it all about?" Astrid wondered, feeling genuinely curious towards the strange holiday.

"Long story." he answered. "I should know, I was there. Echo and I got the last room."

Approaching them with a chuckle, Echo nodded at the memory. "Quite the adventure." she agreed and gave him a loving kiss on his cheek.

Mister Copper then voiced his long thought of suggestion. "But if the planet's waking up, can't we signal them? They could send up a rocket or something."

The Doctor shook his head. "They don't have spaceships."

"No, I read about it. They have shuffles. Space shuffles." he stated, feeling confused but hopeful.

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