Chapter 79: Getting Home

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"Okay, okay, okay. There's about seventy-four Echos, three of us, and I'm not allowed to kill them all with ease. Okay." Echo mumbled to herself as she looked around the alley corner at all those surrounding the Tardis. She wanted very badly to just send in a bomb of sorts, but knew she shouldn't.

"I feel like we're up against the Gromflomites all over again." Martha grumbled quietly, feeling completely and utterly helpless against such an overwhelming force.

Echo paused and looked at her with wide eyes and a proud smile. "You're a genius, you are. Don't you see? That's the answer. The Gromflomites." They gave her confused expressions as she began to input long series of coordinates into her portal gun. "Never done this before." She then activated portal after portal above the unaware soldiers. One after the other, Gromflomite soldiers fell through the portals and ignited an all out battle. "Now's our chance. Move fast and don't look back." she warned seriously, then shot one more gateway beside them.

In the middle of the chaos, the swift travelers found themselves just outside the Tardis doors. Echo, already having her key out, unlocked them and dashed inside. Once they had all gotten in and the doors had closed, both the Doctor and Echo rushed around the console as they took off. They only worked for a minute before they had safely "parked" themselves within the Time Vortex. Echo then relaxed for the first time in what felt like a life time. "Holy shit, we did it." she said to herself as she took a steadying deep breath.

Martha walked over to her and pulled her into another, much needed hug. "Thank you." was all she could say.

She hugged her back just as tightly. "I'm so sorry, Martha. You didn't deserve any of this." she began.

The human woman immediately stopped her with a shake of her head, pulling away. "Don't you dare. What happened happened. You simply did the best with what you had." It was true when she expressed how she didn't blame her. She just hoped Echo wouldn't continue to blame herself. When she noticed the look the Doctor had, Martha knew what to do. "I'm going to go shower. Goodnight." then walked out of the room with one last glance at the troubled Time Lord. They both knew what she was trying to do for them, and both felt immense gratitude.

As silence enveloped the two lovers, Echo hesitantly turned to face him. His eyes were full of asking concern while he remained completely silent. In that moment, she couldn't stop her emotions from pouring out any longer. Tears immediately began to flow with no immediate way of stopping them. "I-- I can't--..."

Her hands flew to her head as she allowed all her pain, sadness and rage to show. Normally she'd simply ignore it as she desperately would seek comfort in the bottom of so many bottles. But now that she was alone with her one and only soulmate, she didn't want to hold back. Her uncontrollable sobs wracked her body and filled the room in an agonizingly unforgettable melody. The Doctor immediately pulled her into an all too consuming embrace. He held her close and kissed her hair. All he wanted was to be there for her in her time of need. Not wanting any interruptions, he then picked her up carefully and carried her to their room. He wanted to get her into a warm bath and into bed as soon as possible.

When he walked into their bathroom, Echo had calmed down enough to allow her sobs to silence and her tears to dry up. He helped her out of her clothes, and noticed the unthinkable. All along her skin, all over her body, were scars. Lightening scars that spidered and left unique and intricate patterns completely uncopiable. The moment he saw them, his own eyes began to moisten and trickle with sorrow. "My love..." he whispered in shock. He then felt unimaginable rage. Homicidal rage only equivalent to hers.

Seeing the darkness within his eyes, she immediately went into comforting mode. "I'm safe. I'm here. We found each other again. We're safe." she reassured soothingly, though the pain in their eyes never faltered. As a way of hiding her internal distress, she pulled him close once again.

 As a way of hiding her internal distress, she pulled him close once again

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It had been days since their unforgettable Echo adventure and they still hadn't left the Tardis. The Doctor wanted to keep his love under his own supervision, wanting to know exactly how she was as much as possible. The scars could only tell so much of all she'd been through. He wanted so badly to ask her, to know all that was forced upon her. But he knew exactly what that'd  feel like. He knew just how desperately she wanted to forget, to put the whole thing behind them. He refused to make her relive anything she didn't have to.

When she came out of their bathroom with damp hair and a new outfit, he was found reading Stephen King's 'The Running Man' peacefully on their jade bed. Echo payed him no mind as she pulled out her phone and sent a text to Martha, wanting her to meet them in the console room. She then put it away and went to stand beside her love, arms crossed. "We are getting out of this Tardis. I want adventure."

He closed his book with a sigh, "I suppose you're right. But you have to promise me to take it easy and avoid anything that can hurt you again." he said firmly.

Echo rolled her eyes, "Not gonna happen, babe. Plus, I'll have you. We'll be absolutely fine." Noticing his hesitation, she sat beside him and took his hands into her own. "I promise you that I will be as careful as an octopus among sharks." she vowed with a soft grin. "Now can we go and find some trouble to get into? Please?"

The Doctor couldn't help the smile that choicelessly pulled at his lips. "What about Martha? We promised her only one trip."

"She's been a tremendous help, you have to admit. I think she deserves another adventure as thanks. We could take her to New Earth. I received a message from there while I was in the shower. It had a weak signal, but I was able to trace it all the same. Don't know what they wanted to say, though." she enticed, wanting Martha to have more fun as well.

With his smile growing, he then nodded in agreement. "You're right. I just--"

Before he could continue, Echo silenced him with a reassuring kiss. "I love you, too." then pulled him to his feet and led them out towards the console room.

Untold Knowledge (Doctor Who x Genius Fem! Oc) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now