Chapter 112: Blink

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After Echo had awoken, she sat up and glared at the open curtains and intruding sunlight as though it were personally offending her on purpose. That was when her Doctor came walking in with his finished gizmo in hand. Though, much to her surprise, he was covered in blood and feathers. "Throwing hands with chickens, love? What did they do to you? Did they steal your lunch money?" she asked playfully as she opened one of her necklaces and drank the dark green contents within. She then groaned in relief. "So much better."

"I finished our little tool, but apparently it's not chicken friendly." he answered with an almost disturbed look towards it and sat beside her on the bed. "How are you feeling?"

Echo shrugged nonchalantly, "Much better now." She then had him take his suit jacket off to be washed. Though, as he did so, she couldn't help but watch his every movement with an interested smirk. When he turned back around, she motioned for him to come forward with a single finger. "I'd feel even better with you, however." she said suggestively.

With an excited grin, he was mere inches from kissing her in seconds and stopped at the last second teasingly. "Shouldn't we start searching for that police fellow?"

She shrugged without care, "Once they're here, we can find them. No worries, really." Then in seconds, they both closed the distance between them eagerly.

Moving quickly, he had her shirt on the floor just before his had joined it. When his lips had migrated to her neck, she had his hands on her bare breasts with enjoyment flooding through her entire system. Unable to help himself, he lovingly bit her neck. As he moved her towards the bed, she fluidly had him lay down and she straddled him with a chuckle. His mind felt frazzled and yet perfectly in tune with every action that occurred. Echo then entwined their hands as she practically held him down.

Reconnecting their lips, he released an undeniable groan as she began to rock her hips back and forth. Her smile was infectious as she leaned back and began undoing his pants and belt. "You are incredible." he muttered as he sat up, kissing and nibbling along her shoulder, collarbone and down to her breasts. He then began to undo her pants as well, slowly lowering them happily.

He then flipped them around so that she was under him. "I love you." she vowed wholeheartedly, feeling euphoric from his attention to detail. They could never get enough.

"I love you..."


Walking out of their bedroom with happy smirks on both their faces, they saw Martha exit her room moments later with a tired grimace. "My head is killing." she grumbled in pain and distaste.

Echo chuckled humorously and gave her a vial of dark green liquid. "Here. Hangover cure. My own special little concoction." then went to grab her jacket from a nearby chair.

Once the "cure" was gone, Martha then placed necklace of the same design as Echo's around her neck reverently. "What was that?"

"For emergencies. Never know when you may end up shit faced with no where to go. The casing is self-refilling, so no trouble for multiple uses." came her response, glad for having made two. "We were gonna go searching for that cop fellow. Care to join?" They all then headed out, eager to continue their task and return to their beloved Tardis.

Billy slid down the alley wall with a groan of intense physical pain. "Welcome." the Doctor greeted, pleased to have found the correct man.

"Where am I?" he grumbled, trying to clear his blurred vision and force away his agony.

"1969. Not bad, as it goes. You've got the moon landing to look forward to." the Time Lord answered as they approached the thoroughly confused man.

Martha smiled with a bit of happiness. "Oh, the moon landing's brilliant. We went four times. Back when we had transport." she said, giving the Doctor a pointed look.

"Working on it." he answered with a nod.

"How did I get here?" Billy asked as the idiotic genius sat beside him. 

"The exact same way we did, my good fellow. Through the touch of a Weeping Angel." Echo answered as she leaned against the wall beside him.

"Same one that got us, probably; since you ended up in the same year." the Doctor went on. When Billy tried to force himself onto his feet, he was stopped. "No, no. No, no, no, don't get up. Time travel without a capsule. Nasty. Catch your breath. Don't go swimming for half an hour."

Billy grimaced as his confusion mounted exponentially. "I don't-- I can't--"

"Fascinating race, the Weeping Angels." the Time Lord mused, unable to stop his thoughtful ramblings. "The only psychopaths in the universe to kill you nicely. No mess, no fuss. They just zap you into the past and let you live to death. The rest of your life used up in the blink of an eye. You die in the past, and in the present they consume the energy of all the days you might have had. All your stolen moments. They're creatures of the abstract. They live off potential energy." he explained far too quickly to keep up with.

"What in God's name are you talking about?"

"Trust me. Just nod when he stops for breath." Martha suggested, knowing it could be a saving grace.

Echo then squatted down to their level and continued with the explanation. "We were able to track your displaced energy signal down with that thing." and pointed to the gizmo. "It goes 'ding' when there's stuff. It can also boil an egg at around thirty paces. Best to avoid hens, apparently." With her comment came the Doctor's slightly embarrassed smile.

Billy looked at them both and shook his head. "I still don't understand. Where am I?"

"1969, hun. Pay attention." Echo repeated and gave him an attempted reassuring pat on the shoulder.

"Normally, we'd offer you a lift home. But we don't exactly have our motor at the moment. So, we need you to take a message to Sally Sparrow. And I'm sorry, Billy. I am very, very sorry. But it's going to take you a while."

They then went into deeper explanation on what the once detective inspector would need to do as Echo gave her instructions she'd quickly written down to make it easier for him in the long run. Much to her surprise, it only took under an hour for Billy to completely wrap his mind around the situation he was now in.

Once accepted, Echo then split off with the overwhelmed human man to help get him a place to live and to successfully build the foundation for his new life. By the time the day was over, they'd managed to get him a flat and a potential job at a publishing company. He was extremely grateful to have been found by this incredibly intelligent and even generous young woman and her company. He had no idea their assistance and honesty would have been his life saver. He probably wouldn't have been able to cope or even function properly without their abundant knowledge.

After the sun had set and the world was plunged into shadow, Echo then met back up with her traveling companions at the one building that started this whole mess of an ordeal. By the time she had arrived, the two friends had already finished with their painting project for Sally Sparrow. She then helped them put up wall paper that would peel away around the time they'd need it to. Once completed, they then headed out to retrieve the equipment they would need before heading back to Bree's bar for the night. They were so close and still so far from achieving their goal. Knowing it would and had already been successful, their determination could only grow the closer they came.

Untold Knowledge (Doctor Who x Genius Fem! Oc) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now