Chapter 93: The Lazarus Experiment

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Lazarus was posing for the photographers as Echo, Martha and the Doctor watched him with great concern. "It can't be the same guy. It's impossible. It must be a trick." their companion said, having a hard time processing what had been accomplished right before their eyes.

"Oh, it's not a trick. I wish it were." he answered, unable to anticipate exactly what would become of the unnatural transformation.

She looked at them with furrowed brow. "What just happened then?"

Echo crossed her arms in bother. "He just changed what it means to be human."

When Lazarus stiffened with a gasp, the travelers walked towards him as he took a tray of food from a passing waiter; proceeding to scarf down as much as he could. "Richard." Lady Thaw, the older woman he'd been talking to, became outwardly confused.

"I'm famished." he shot back through his food filled mouth, continuing to shovel the nibbles in.

"Ah, yes. Energy deficit. Quite the bitch, isn't it? Usually happens with this kind of process." Echo said casually as they approached the professor.

Lazarus gave them a look of confident arrogance. "You speak as if you see this every day, Miss...?"

"Echo. Not every day. More like every other day." she answered without skipping a beat. "My love also has a fair amount of experience with this kind of transformation."

Lazarus rolled his eyes condescendingly at them without care or consideration. An action that immediately and so completely infuriated her just hearing the imbecilic man who thought himself a genius. "That's not possible." he brushed off.

"You used hypersonic soundwaves to create a state of resonance." she deadpanned with not a second's worth of hesitation.

He stared at the expecting brunette for a moment, taken off guard. "You understand the theory, then." As he spoke, interest lust washed through him and saturated his words. Something that didn't sit well with the Doctor in the slightest.

The Time Lord then abandoned his "social politeness", wrapping his arm around his girl's shoulders possessively. "We've seen enough to know that you couldn't possibly have allowed for all the variables. I'm the Doctor, by the way."

With a careless shrug and a misplaced sense of superiority in his smirk, Lazarus showed how little he'd listen to them. "No experiment is entirely without risk."

"That thing nearly exploded." he pressed, more so bothered by this old man's plain disregard towards the lives of those around him. "You might as well have stepped into a blender and set off a neutrino bomb all in one go."

"Neither of you are qualified enough to comment." Lady Thaw sneered, causing Echo to zero in on her.

"If we didn't stop it, you would have destroyed the entire building and everyone in it." she practically spat, fed up with the ignorance of the wanting and selfish humans.

"Then I thank you both. But that's a simple engineering issue." Lazarus said with pride. "What happened inside the capsule was exactly what was supposed to happen. No more, no less."

Martha gave him an incredulous look. "You've no way of knowing that until you've run proper tests." 

He then zeroed in on her with an almost equally interested gaze; though was more interested in defending himself and his position. "Look at me. You can see what happened. I'm all the proof you need."

Lady Thaw then looked at Lazarus with greed pouring from her eyes. "This device will be properly certified before we start to operate commercially."

Both women looked at her as if she'd just slapped a baby. "Commercially? You are joking. That'll cause chaos."

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