Chapter 86: Daleks in Manhattan

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The manhole cover clanged shut, effectively blocking the pig-mens' path. "We can't go after him!" Soloman denied as he locked it for good measure.

"We've got to go back down! We can't just leave him!" the Doctor argued as he and Echo tried to open the passage, Martha watching with an almost devastated expression.

But the scared man stopped them by pushing them away. "No! I'm not losing anybody else. Those creatures were from Hell. From Hell itself! If we go after them, they'll take us all! There's nothing we can do. I'm sorry." he spoke strongly.

"Damn it!" Echo growled as she looked away from him. She refused to give up on the kind sir that was nothing but innocent.

Before they could say another word, a pretty blonde woman with revolver in hand stepped out from behind a clothing rack. "All right, then. Put 'em up. Hands in the air and no funny business." Once they all raised their hands in compliance, the woman continued. "Now tell me, you schmucks. What have you done with Laszlo?"

They all gave her confused expressions. "Who's Laszlo?" Martha asked straight away.

Sensing their genuine lack of knowledge, the woman sighed. "Follow me." She then led them all to her dressing room to give them the full scoop. "Laszlo's my boyfriend. Or was my boyfriend until he disappeared two weeks ago. No letter, no goodbye, no nothing. And I'm not stupid." she said, ironically pointing her gun at herself for a moment. "I know some guys are just pigs, but not my Laszlo. I mean, what kind of guy asks you to meet his mother before he vamooses?"

Not liking how careless she was being with the small firearm, the Doctor tried to take control. "Yeah. It might, it might just help if you put that down."

"Huh?" She then realized what he meant. "Oh, sure." tossing it onto a nearby chair without a second thought. When they cringed away from it, a smile of amusement came into view. "Oh, come on. It's not real. It's just a prop. It was either that or a spear."

Wanting more information, Martha brought them back to the more important topic. "What do you think happened to Laszlo?"

"I wish I knew. One minute he's there, the next, zip. Vanished." the blonde answered with immense bother.

The Doctor nodded. "Listen, uh... What's your name?"

"Tallulah." she answered.

"Tallulah." he confirmed.

"Three L's and an H." she jumped in again, wanting it to be correct.

"Right. We can try to find Laszlo, but he's not the only one. There are people disappearing every night." He needed her to understand the gravity of the situation.

Soloman shook his head at the mere memory of the pig-men ordeal. "And there are creatures. Such creatures."

She looked at him with a disbelieving look of confusion. "What do you mean, 'creatures'?"

The Doctor then took the lead again. "Look, listen, just trust me. Everyone is in danger. We need to find out exactly what this is." He held the slimy jellyfish like being into view. "Because then we'll know exactly what we're fighting." The moment she saw it, she couldn't help but grimace with disgust.


Echo and her Doctor were busy scavenging for parts to build a gizmo to help their efforts when Soloman came up to them with a small Art Nouveau radio. "How about this? I found it backstage."

She smiled with approval as he handed it over. "Perfection! The capacitors are what we need. We just have to make a DNA scanner for our little jelly."

Her lover nodded in agreement. "If we can get a chromosomal reading, we can find out exactly where it's from."

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