Chapter 47: Fear Her

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After everyone had dispersed, the three travelers continued with their investigation. "Well then, that metallic smell can only mean tomfoolery." Echo said as they looked around the small lawn.

"Yeah, quite peculiar." the Doctor agreed with a nod. They then went to the next area where one of the other children had gone mission. "Danny Edwards cycled in one end but never came out the other." he said just as they came to a small pathway between two lots of back gardens. "Whoa! There it goes again!" he said excitedly as they walked through a cloud of invisible metal. "Goodness, look at the hairs on the back of my manly, hairy hand." he mused with a smile.

"Whatever's taken those kids used a ton of power. There's an awful lot of residual energy. Almost like a teleport exchange, but different and has a bit more strength behind it." Echo said as her mind went rampant with theories based on the facts they so far had. For she knew of one of the many truths about what the very powerful and the very stupid had in common. They don't alter their views to fit the facts; they alter the facts to fit their views.

They only stayed there for a few moments longer before they went to the third kidnapping site. When they arrived, Rose and Echo were almost immediately distracted by a friendly cat. "Aren't you a beautiful boy." the blonde cooed as they both gave it loving pats.

"Thanks! I've been experimenting with back combing." the Doctor replied with pride, then noticed who they were truly complimenting. "Oh." he said with disappointment quickly lacing his words.

"Don't you worry, my love. You're always gorgeous." Echo reassured with amusement, the large smile he then showed being her only goal. Just then, the cat walked into a nearby cardboard box. She furrowed her brows, "What are you going in there for?"

When she went to look inside, she was met by nothing but a potent cloud of burnt metal. "Well, damn!" she exclaimed and dropped the empty box while taking a few steps back.

Without hesitation, her Doctor quickly went over to inspect the box as well. "Whoa, ho, ho! Ion residue. Blimey! That takes some doing. Just to snatch a living organism out of space-time. This baby is just like, 'I'm having that!' I'm very impressed."

Rose looked at them with an intensely burning wave of curiosity. "So the cat's been transported?"

Echo nodded, "That thing can harness incredible reserves of ionic power somehow."

"Exactly." he agreed. "We need to find the source of that power. Find the source and you will find whatever has taken to stealing children and fluffy animals. See what you can see. Keep them peeled, Lewis." he playfully told Rose. Having no specific plan, he took hold of his lover's hand and led them away.

The couple calmly walked around in search of any more obvious clues. "What's one of your most cherished memories?" Echo asked the moment the curiosity came into mind.

He thought deeply on all he could that stood out amongst the rest of his memories. "There was a single moment I can pin point exactly that changed my entire life with no chance of diverting. It was the moment I stepped into our Tardis for the very first time. She was the absolute most breath taking being I had ever known. That's when I set out to see the stars." he mused with clear and obvious love for the magnificent being he called home.

Echo couldn't help but smile with her own adoration coming to the surface as well. "I have to agree with you there. When I first saw her, I too fell in love." she admitted without shame or hesitation.

His smile growing, her Doctor shrugged. "Well, what's not to love?" he asked rhetorically. Then, with hesitation momentarily tying his tongue, he looked at her with a loving and adoration filled gaze. No one he'd ever met was like her. In every aspect, she was purely one of a kind. "I love you, Echo." he vowed with intense infatuation, practically entranced by her smile adorned features.

Just as they were sharing a soft yet passion fueled kiss, they were suddenly interrupted by a loud Bang! With great haste, they both ran in the direction of the sounds. "This way!" she said as anticipation pushed her faster.

Running around the final corner, they saw Rose fall to the ground with some strange type of scribble creature above her. Their Doctor immediately used his sonic screwdriver, causing the ball to essentially deactivate and become hand-sized. After helping the blonde to her feet, they all began examining the strange ball. "Well, hey. I'll give you a fiver if you can tell me what the hell it is, because I haven't got the foggiest." he said with obvious fascination.

"Did you kill it?" Rose asked, wanting just as much to understand more.

Echo shook her head. "Nah. It was never even alive. It's just animated by energy." she explained.

"Same energy that's snatching people." the Doctor added as he continued to look at the scribble ball. "That's so dinky! The go anywhere creature. Fits in your pocket, makes friends, impresses the boss, breaks the ice at parties. Come on." He then led them back to the Tardis to conduct certain experiments so as to find out what exactly it was."

The strange anomaly was analyzed by the Tardis for a good few minutes before the results finally came through. The moment they heard the notification of its completion, Echo instantly dashed to  look at the screen first. "Ooh, now that is interesting." she said with a grin as she read the Gallifreyan symbols.

"Get out of here." her Doctor said in equal surprise. He then picked the ball up to look at it from different angles.

Rose looked at the screen then back at them with interest. "What's it say?"

Instead of answering right away, the Time Lord's lover handed him a pencil from its secure place on the console. He then used its eraser on the strange object. When some of it disappeared, his curiosity spiked yet again. "It is. It's graphite. Basically the same material as an HB pencil." he explained.

The blonde's brows furrowed with surprise. "So I was attacked by a pencil scribble?"

Echo shrugged with a joyous grin as their Doctor replied, "Scribble creature, brought into being with ionic energy. Whatever we're dealing with, it can create things as well as take them."

"But why create a scribble?" his brunette wondered aloud.

"Maybe it was a mistake?" Rose suggested as she thought over all she knew and had noticed. "I mean, you scribble over something when you want to get rid of it; like a--..., like a drawing. Like a--, a child's drawing. You said it was in the street." she elaborated to the best of her grown abilities. "The girl."

Looking at each other in confusion, both Echo and her beloved urged her to continue. "What girl, Rosie?" her best girlfriend inquired.

"There was this girl watching us from her bedroom window. When her mum noticed, she looked pretty scared. Maybe we should try there first." she said, speaking her mind.

Echo smiled at her proudly, "See? This is why we keep you around. Absolute genius!" she praised happily.

Rose couldn't help her grateful grin caused by the compliment. "Okay, okay. Let's get a move on and help those kids." Allowing not another moment's delay, they all headed back outside to further their investigation.

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