Chapter 127: Voyage of the Damned

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(A/N: So close and yet so far lmao)

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(A/N: So close and yet so far lmao)

Lovers are flames that breathe all the more deeply for being closer together, it is then they shine brighter, both within and upon one another, becoming a source of light and love in the world, showering sparks of positive chaos into the dark.


After Echo had her beloved Time Lord put his fancy clothes on like her, she had soft dancing music play in the background of the console room. The lights were dimmed by the Tardis alone. The gentle ambiance embraced the serene couple, the Doctor holding her as close as possible. As they danced in tempo with the calming song, they both basked in each other's presence and felt it paradise. Even more so when their eyes met. His warming dark chocolate gazing into deep infinity. They could both recognize the look of want in their features. Eagerly and without hesitation, they leaned in simultaneously and shared with each other a loving, consuming and overall enthralling kiss.

Before their heated actions were able to progress, however, a fog horn could suddenly be heard around them. Then, much to their surprise, a ship's bow crashed through the side of the Tardis. "Well, damn." Echo said with intense confusion.

"What? What?" he repeated, just as boggled. As a ship's bell rang, he picked up a life belt and turned it over. Much to their bewilderment, they read 'Titanic'. 

She snorted in a very unlady like manner. "Of course." she chuckled. With mild amusement, Echo went to the console and adjusted the controls a bit. As they moved, the Tardis walls reformed back to normal. Moments later, they materialized inside the ship next to a board detailing a list of shipping companies. "Come along, my love. I think we look fancy enough." then grabbed his hand and led them to the doors.

Walking into the reception area, they found people in Edwardian dress enjoying a champagne buffet. A band played a slow version of Jingle Bells. Around the perimeter of the room were golden skinned statue like robots of male angels; one moving as the curious couple walked past. They then spotted a small red-skinned alien in a dinner jacket as they approached a window. "Attention all passengers. The Titanic is now in orbit above Sol Three, also known as Earth. Population, human. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Christmas." a tannoy announced.

On a screen for everyone to see was a recording of a bald man with a thin moustache sitting behind a desk. "Max Capricorn Cruise liners. The fastest, the farthest, the best. And I should know, because my name is Max." His gold tooth then glinted in the light on cue. Moments later, the screen returned to the logo and the lady singer crooned Winter Wonderland.

The Doctor smiled down at his beloved Echo and kissed the back of her hand happily. Passing dancing couples, they mingled kindly with those that greeted them. With the desire for more information, they then approached one of the angels. "Good evening. Passengers fifty-seven and fifty- eight. Terrible memory. Remind me. You would be...?" he inquired slyly.

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