Chapter 120: The Sound of Drums

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"Britain, Britain, Britain." the Master began with an amused expression. "What extraordinary times we've had. Just a few years ago, this world was so small. And then they came, out of the unknown, falling from the skies. You've seen it happen." The screen then showed each happening as he named them. "Big Ben destroyed. A spaceship over London. All those ghosts and metal men. The Christmas star that came to kill. Time and time again, and the government told you nothing. Well, not me. Not Harold Saxon. Because my purpose here today is to tell you this..." As he spoke, Echo felt immense distaste for him increase gradually with every word he spouted. "Citizens of Great Britain, I have been contacted. A message for humanity from beyond the stars."

On cue, a futuristic sphere was shown. "People of Earth, we come in peace." a feminine voice said. "We bring great gifts. We bring technology and wisdom and protection. And all we ask in return is your friendship."

The image then shifted back to the smiling Master. "Ooo, sweet. And this species has identified itself. They are called the Toclafane."

"What?" the Doctor said in disbelief as Echo rolled her eyes.

"And tomorrow morning, they will appear. Not in secret, but to all of you. Diplomatic relations with a new species will begin." he went on. "Tomorrow, we take our place in the universe. Every man, woman and child. Every teacher and chemist and lorry driver and farmer. Oh, I don't know, every medical student?"

The moment the words were slyly spoken, the Doctor turned to look at Martha with equally wide and alarmed eyes. Moving quickly, Echo then turned the big old cathode ray tube television around the see sticks of explosives strapped to the back and counting down. "Gotta dash! Go!" she immediately exclaimed. Her Doctor grabbed the laptop just before he was pulled out of the room entirely.

Just as they all made it out onto the street, the first floor of the converted house exploded with a massive fireball of death smashing the windows. As the Doctor checked that everyone was okay, Martha quickly pulled out her phone and began dialing. "Martha? What are you doing?" he asked with deep concern.

"If he knows about me, what about my family?" came her only response.

"You can't tell them about any of this." Echo warned as she watched her friend closely.

"I'll do what I like." she shot back fearfully, then turned her attention back to her technological conversation. "Mum? Oh, my God. You're there." She paused as she heard her mother's reply. "I'm fine. I'm fine, Mum. Has there been anyone asking about me?" Echo crossed her arms as she analyzed her friend closely, watching her every detail so as to know what to expect. "I can't. Not now... Don't be so daft. Since when?" With another pause, disbelief and suspicion overwhelmed her. "You said you'd never get back with him in a million years."

Echo furrowed her brow with concern and shared a look with her love. "Something's off." she muttered to both men.

"Dad, what are you doing there?" Martha then looked at her best friends with an equally disturbed expression. "Dad? Just say yes or no. Is there someone else there?" Her features were then a mask of surprised horror. "Dad? What's going on? Dad?!" When the call abruptly ended, she hurried toward her Vauxhall Corsa. "We've got to help them."

"That's exactly what they want. It's a trap!" the Doctor countered, not wanting to put themselves directly into the line of fire.

But Martha couldn't care less. "I don't care." she practically growled. In response, they reluctantly followed her and hopped in. Though, all the while, they knew it was the worst course of action to take.

As Martha sped down the road with urgency smothering her, they narrowly avoided oncoming traffic and those around them. "Corner!" the Doctor warned as he gripped his seat tightly.

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