Chapter 75: The Shakespeare Code

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"The Carrionites disappeared way back at the dawn of the universe. Nobody was sure if they were real or just a legend." the Doctor said as they gathered back in Shakespeare's room. They were all trying to figure out what was going on.

"But what do they want?" Martha wondered aloud.

"A new empire on Earth. A world of bones and blood and witchcraft." he answered grimly as he thought carefully over everything they knew so far.

"But how?" Martha pressed, just as eager to know what to expect.

Echo checked her phone for messages absently, earning her a strange look from their wordsmith. "We're looking at the man with the words." the Doctor said as he gestured to William.

"Me?" he asked with great confusion. "But I've done nothing."

"Hold up. What were you doing last night? Your exact actions during the Carrionite attack." Echo then questioned suddenly, looking up from her phone.

"Finishing the play." he answered simply, still not seeing what he had to do with anything.

"What happens on the last page?" the Doctor then asked.

Shakespeare shrugged without worry. "The boys get the girls. They have a bit of a dance. It's all funny and thought provoking as usual. Except those last few lines..." he then realised. "Funny thing is– I don't actually remember writing them."

"That's it." Echo said with a snap of her fingers.

Her Doctor also saw what she had. "They used you. They gave you the final words like a spell, like a code. Love's Labour's Won. It's a weapon. The right combination of words, spoken at the right place, with the shape of the Globe as an energy converter! The play's the thing! And yes, you can have that."

"If I didn't know better, I'd think you're doing that on purpose." Echo said playfully, earning a knowing look from her love.

William then pulled out a map; a hopelessly inaccurate map at that. The Doctor then pointed to one of the three marked streets. "All Hallows Street. There it is. Martha, you're coming with us; we'll track them down. Will, I want you to get to the Globe. Whatever you do, stop that play." he ordered.

"I'll do it." the human man agreed reverently. "All these years I've been the cleverest man around. Next to you and your beautiful lady, I know nothing."

"Oh, don't complain." Martha said with a grin as she went to join her friends.

"I'm not. It's marvellous. Good luck to you three." he answered happily.

"Good luck, Shakespeare. Once more unto the breach!"

Echo laughed as she walked out of the room. "I knew it was purposeful." they heard as she headed out.

"I like that. Wait a minute, that's one of mine." William mused.

The Doctor poked his head back around the corner. "Oh, just shift!" then ran back out to follow his girls.


Once at the correct location, the three travellers began their search for specifics. "Which house? Which house? Which house?" Echo mumbled as her sharp eyes looked over everything she could.

"Am I missing something here? The world didn't end in 1599. It just didn't. Look at me. I'm living proof." Martha said with immense perplexity in her tone.

"Oh, how to explain the mechanics of the infinite temporal flux?" the Doctor said idly. "I know. Back to the Future. It's like Back to the Future."

Martha furrowed her brow. "The film?"

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