Chapter 74: The Shakespeare Code

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As they headed over to the madhouse, William decided to flirt with Martha. The main reason he didn't even try to make a move on Echo was due to the shows of affection between her and the mysterious Time Lord. A man he knew, for some unknown reason, to not piss off without genuine reason. "So, tell me of Freedonia. Where women can be doctors, writers, actors."

Martha paused with a friendly smile. "This country's ruled by a woman." she pointed out.

"Ah, she's royal. That's God's business. Though you are a royal beauty." he shot back happily.

That was when Martha stopped them completely. "Whoah, Nelly. I know for a fact that you've got a wife in the country."

"But Martha, this is Town." he practically moaned, his own grin staying in place.

"Get a move on. We can all have a good flirt later." the Doctor said, impatient to get them where they needed to be.

"Is that a promise, Doctor?" William then asked playfully, not meaning his flirt in any serious manner. He also knew not to piss off Echo.

"Oh, fifty seven academics just punched the air. Now move!"

Echo laughed at the comments, "Off we go!"

Once they arrived at Bethlehem Hospital, they arranged for a meaning with Peter. "Does my Lord Doctor wish some entertainment while he waits?" the keeper asked, a whip already in hand. "I'd whip these madmen. They'll put on a good show for you. Mad dog in Bedlam." he joked apathetically.

Echo glared at him with disgust. "Leave. Now." she practically growled, her hand on her blaster. When her Doctor tried to subtly calm her down, she shook him off and twitched her brow challengingly at the keeper.

Not sensing the danger through his deafening stupidity, the man cleared his throat uncomfortably. "Well... Wait here, my lords, while I make him decent for the ladies." He then turned and quickly walked away while they waited.

Martha then turned to William with her own outrage. "So this is what you call a hospital, yeah? Where the patients are whipped to entertain the gentry? And you put your friend in here?"

Shakespeare rolled his eyes with a tired sigh. "Oh, it's all so different in Freedonia." he spoke sarcastically.

"But you're clever. Do you honestly think this place is any good?" she pressed, flabbergasted by what she was faced with.

He then knew to state his opinion more clearly. "I've been mad. I've lost my mind. Fear of this place set me right again. It serves its purpose."

"Mad in what way?"

"You lost your son." the Doctor then said.

"My only boy." the genius agreed. "The Black Death took him. I wasn't even there." As he spoke, the remembered heartache was obvious in his words.

"I didn't know. I'm sorry." Martha immediately apologised, feeling horrible for her misunderstanding.

But he felt the need to continue. "It made me question everything. The futility of this fleeting existence. To be or not to be... Oh, that's quite good." he then said, hearing his own words.

"You should definitely use that." Echo said with a nod of approval.

William shrugged in contemplation. "Maybe not. A bit pretentious?"

The Doctor shrugged in slight agreement before the keeper came back. "This way, my lords!" he called, then led them to the correct cell. Within did they find a hunched figure dressed in rags, his back facing them. "They can be dangerous, my lord. Don't know their own strength." he warned them without care in the slightest.

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