Chapter 139: The Fires of Pompeii

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"What is it? What's that noise?" Metella wondered aloud. For they had been hearing the underground footsteps for a good few minutes. But their confusion intensified when an unnatural circular portal appeared out of thin air. Every local human present felt themselves drown in shock as Echo, Quintus and the Doctor came running hurriedly through the mystical gateway.

Donna immediately ran to their sides. "Doctor, Echo, what is it?"

"We may be being stalked, but I may have bought us some time. We need to get everyone out of this house fast as we can so we can have a little chat." Echo answered, but was then surprised when the hypocaust grill flew off its placement violently. "Whelp, guess not." Everyone watched as the floor around the hypocaust cracked. Only seconds later did a stone and fire creature claw its way out.

As it stood straight in all its glory, the being nearly touched the tall ceiling. "The gods are with us." Evelina said matter-of-factly.

The Doctor tried to get everyone in motion to help fight against the dangerous creature but was given very little to no help. "Blessed are we to see the gods." a servant said reverently as he walked closer to the stone and fire monster. But, speaking not a word, the "god" breathed incinerating flame at the man, burning him to nothing but minimalistic ash in seconds.

The Doctor then tried a different though equally dangerous tactic. "Talk to me. That's all I want. Talk to me. Just tell me what you are. Don't hurt these people." he pleaded. With an expert eye, Echo pointed her blaster at the creature to ensure her love's safety. "Talk to me. I'm the Doctor. Just tell me who you are."

As the tall being growled and took a step towards them, Echo reacted without a second thought. Shooting a single blast of blue energy, the fire creature groaned and fell apart as its heat was cancelled out. Once on the floor and in pieces, both travelers approached so as to get a better look. "Carapace of stone, held together by internal magma. Not too difficult to stop, but I reckon that's just the foot soldier." the Time Lord elaborated with an in-depth, thoughtful tone.

"Both of you, whatever your names are, bring bad luck on this house." Metella stated as she stood as close to her husband as was possible, pulling Quintus away from them with intense distrust.

Echo shook her head without looking at them for even a second. "Not unlucky, just inconveniently circumstanced."

"If there are aliens at work in Pompeii, it's a good thing we stayed." the Doctor muttered, only speaking to his love.

Echo nodded. "Agreed. Come along, Donna. There's trouble afoot." But when there was no response, both of them looked around in confusion. "Donna? Donna!" yet still there was no reply. Without hesitation, she used her watch to help trace and locate their dear friend as quickly as possible. 


After having arrived at the Sibylline Temple, they found Donna tied up and ready to be sacrificed on a stone altar. "The false prophet will surrender with both her blood and her breath." a brunette woman declared as she stood over the red head with athame in hand.

"I'll surrender you in a minute. Don't you dare." Donna practically growled, not an ounce of fear for them to see.

"You will be silent." the seer commanded with misplaced authority.

But the tied traveler wouldn't have it, filling both watching lovers with pride. "Listen, sister. You might have eyes on the back of your hands. But you'll have eyes on the back of your head by the time I've finished with you. Let me go!"

"This prattling voice will cease forever!" The woman then raised the ceremonial blade, ready to plunge it directly into Donna's heart.

Before it could be carried out, however, they were interrupted by a scoff. "Promises, promises." Echo said playfully.

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