Chapter 144: Planet of the Ood

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"What the hell?" Halpen demanded and immediately went to figure out exactly what was happening.

As he stepped away from them, Echo leaned back a bit. "I have a lock pick in my boot, but I can't reach it." she whispered, keeping her eyes on the humans on the other side of the room.

"We'll figure this out. Don't worry." her love answered just as quietly.

"Emergency status. Emergency status. All exits sealed. All Ood declared hostile. Ood distribution center now--"


Suddenly, a very loud explosion was heard as Kess was speaking again. "It's a revolution."

After Halpen had gone outside for a moment to find all Ood attacking their captors, he hurried inside with a strategy in mind. "Change of plan."

"There's no reports of trouble off-world, sir. It's all contained to the Ood Sphere." Doctor Ryder informed. He hated helping such a cause, but he was in a position he'd been working towards for so long that he refused to deviate from his own personal plan.

Halpen nodded. "Then we've got a public duty to stop it before it spreads."

"What's happening?" the Doctor quickly demanded to know.

"Everything you wanted, Doctor. No doubt there'll be a full police investigation once this place has been sterilized, so I can't risk a bullet to the head. I'll leave you to the mercies of the Ood."

But the Time Lord wasn't done with him. "Mister Halpen, there's something else, isn't there? Something we haven't seen yet?"

"What do you mean?" Donna asked with great confusion clear on her face and in her voice.

Echo nodded. "Well, a creature couldn't survive with a separate forebrain and hind brain; they'd be at war with themselves." she explained, keeping her piercing gaze on the pathetic excuse of a man.

"There's got to be something else, a third element, am I right?" the Doctor went on, eager to prolong the conversation as long as possible.

"And again, so clever." he commented, not liking just how quick and precise they were. Though could never imagine just how clever they truly could be.

"But it's got to be connected to the red eye. What is it?"

"It won't exist for very much longer." Halpen shot back with a stoney expression. "Enjoy your Ood." He then turned and left the room completely.

As they were left alone, both the Doctor and Donna began to struggle with their restraints while Echo remained still as she thought out every option they had. They'd only been alone for over five minutes and yet still made no progress. "Well, do something. You're both the ones with all the tricks. You must have met Houdini." Donna said with frustration.

"These are really good handcuffs." the Time Lord answered with a grunt.

She rolled her eyes. "Oh well, I'm glad of that. I mean, at least we've got quality." came her sarcastic response.

"Well, shit." Echo muttered as three red-eyed Ood suddenly came into the room.

"Doctor, Donna, Echo, friends!" the Doctor said just as fast as his thought processes.

"The cirlce must be broken!" Donna yelled as well, wanting desperately to help save their lives.

"Touch them and see what happens. Friends or not." Echo growled, not wanting to hurt the Ood if she could help it. But she was very willing if she was forced.

As the Ood drew nearer with deathly intent, both the Doctor and their Donna repeated themselves while Echo readied herself for a hands-free fight. When they were just out of reach but close enough for a kill, they abruptly stopped and grabbed their heads for a moment. Looking back up revealed that their eyes were no longer red. "Doctor. Donna. Echo. Friends."

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