Chapter 67: Smith, Jones and Halifax

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Echo, Martha, Sybil and the Doctor were on the mezzanine level, watching the nonviolent chaos caused by the Judoon's presence from above. "Oh, look down there; you've got a little shop. I like a little shop." he said approvingly.

"Nice. Finally, a hospital that gets it." his lover said with a happy nod.

Martha gave them an incredulous look. "Never mind that. What are Judoon?"

Echo shrugged, "Pricks who think they have power, but are actually on a very short leash." she answered by her own definition.

Her Doctor gave her a fond glance. "They're like police. Well, police for hire. They're more like interplanetary thugs. Though, Echo's description sums them up better." he said in a more understanding way.

"And they brought us to the Moon?" the human woman asked with overwhelming confusion. It all seemed too farfetched to be real; to which is exactly why it was.

He nodded, "Neutral territory. According to galactic law, they've got no jurisdiction over the Earth, and they isolated it. That rain, lightning? That was them. Using an H2O scoop."

Sybil nudged Echo a little to get her attention, then pointed down at a scared woman doctor below them. "She's hot."

Earning her a snort, Echo silenced her chuckle. "I love a woman in uniform." she muttered back, causing Sybil to snicker happily.

But Martha was more focused on the why. "What are you on about, galactic law? Where'd you get that from? If they're the police, are we under arrest? Are we trespassing on the Moon or something?"

"If that were the case, I'd kick them out myself." the brunette traveler said confidently, knowing exactly what she was capable of.

"I wish it were that simple." her Doctor agreed. "They're making a catalogue. That means they're after something non-human which is very bad for me. Potentially Echo."

Martha looked at him with a disbelieving look. "Why? Oh, you're kidding me. Don't be ridiculous." When he still didn't say anything to refute his statement and implication, Martha became weirded out to say the least. "Stop looking at me like that."

"Come on." he then said and proceeded to lead them all to a place they could find out more on why the Judoon had stolen the hospital.


Echo and her Doctor were working on a computer while Martha was to stand watch. "They've reached the third floor. What's that thing?" she then pointed to his small tool.

"Sonic screwdriver." he answered absently as he continued on with their work.

Martha rolled her eyes with a sigh. "Well, if you're not going to answer me properly." she grumbled.

"No, really, it is." he countered and paused to show her as Echo and Sybil kept working. "It's a screwdriver, and it's sonic. Look." then continued on as well.

With a playful scoff, Martha's smile widened. "What else have you got, a laser spanner?" came her kindly sarcastic remark.

"I did, but it was stolen by Emily Pankhurst; cheeky woman. Though, to be honest, I favor my lovely Echo's blaster. Oh, this computer!" he suddenly exclaimed as the computer shut itself down. "The Judoon must have locked it down. Judoon platoon upon the Moon." he grumbled, momentarily at a loss on what to do. He ran his fingers through his hair, causing it to go mad.

"Let's focus on trying to find what they're looking for." Sybil said, then kicked one of the computer towers on the floor.

"Obviously they're looking for something that looks human, but isn't." Echo replied as she glared at the useless equipment.

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