Chapter 107: The Family of Blood

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As Rocastle, the Headmaster, came back inside, he had nothing but a dark expression of overwhelming disbelief to accompany him. "Mister Philips has been murdered, Mister Smith. Can you tell me why?"

"It's pretty obvious, isn't it? They'll kill all and any that are in their way to get want they want. Though what they want is currently unattainable; which means unnecessary deaths will transpire. Good thing the phone lines have been cut. That would only bring more unnecessary deaths and havoc." Echo rambled, trying to think of their next course of action. "I'd say, we cause a distraction and high tail it out of here and so I can come up with a plan on how to punish them properly."

"You, madam, should know your place and shut your mouth." Rocastle said, fear tampering with his every thought. "Now, if we have to make a fight of it, then make a fight of it we shall. Hutchinson, we'll build a barricade within the courtyards. Fortify the entrances, build our defenses. Gentlemen, in the name of the King, we shall stand against them."

As the boys went into action to do as told, Echo tried to reason with the Headmaster once more. "You have absolutely no idea what you are dealing with--" then was Slapped! across the face.

Everyone in the room froze at the unexpected action, but became even more shocked when she immediately threw a powerful right hook across his face and kicked him in the abdomen. When he dropped to the floor breathlessly and with a groan, she glared into his eyes dangerously. "Do it again. Let's see how far you get." she spat angrily.

Before anything else could happen, John pulled her away from the beaten man and ordered the shocked boys to continue their tasks. She then shook his hands off of her and begrudgingly left to join Martha and Joan in John's study. He watched her go with a new found respect and even attraction for her that he never thought possible.


In the bedroom of John Smith, Martha was frantically searching for the fob watch as Joan stood and watched. "I know it sounds mad, but when the Doctor became human, he took the alien part of himself and he stored it inside the watch. It's not an actual watch, it just looks like a watch. Kind of like Echo's, but different."

"And alien means 'not from abroad', I take it." Joan inquired, wanting to know more.

"The man who's name is John Smith was originally born on the far away planet known to history as Gallifrey. You could say 'abroad', but that would have to be on a planetary scale." Echo said as she walked into the room to help Martha and calm down.

"A different species." Joan muttered, unsure on exactly how she should feel towards such a fact. "Tell me then, in this fairy tale, who are you two?" she questioned further, insecure towards the whole idea.

"I'm just a friend enjoying the ride. Echo's... on a whole other level." Martha said as she lifted a pile of books out of her way.

"And you're human, I take it." she pressed of her, scared to know more of the unnervingly silent Echo.

"Yep, human through and through. And I'm more than that. I'm don't just follow them around. I'm training to be a doctor. Not an alien doctor, a proper doctor. A doctor of medicine."

Joan couldn't help but scoff in a derisive manner. "Well, that certainly is nonsense. Women might train to be doctors, but hardly a skivvy and hardly one of your color."

Seeing the look Echo immediately had towards her, Martha quickly took over. "Bones of the hand. Carpal bones, proximal row. Scaphoid, lunate, triquetral, pisiform. Distal row. Trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate. Then the metacarpal bones extending in three distinct phalanges. Proximal, middle, distal." she ended by explaining with only her middle finger bones.

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