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"AAAAH, yeah! Right there!"
Namjoon was brutally ripped from his reading by the comment and heard an evil sounding giggle and a loud bang followed by "IMMA KILL YOU!" seconds before two half-naked men streaked by him in the living room.
He sighed inwardly. Why was it impossible to get a minute of peace and quiet during his free time?
Why, God, why?

"KIM TAEHYUNG! GET YOUR SKINNY ASS DOWN HERE RIGHT THIS MINUTE!" a shrieking voice bellowed from downstairs.
'Ah, Jin's home early. That's something, at least.' Namjoon thought to himself. Maybe they'd even get to spend some time together today.

"Shit!" Taehyung hissed against Jungkook's neck and let go of the young man he had successfully pinned down under him, after Jungkook caught him and let him win, "Shit, shit, shit!" Tae tried to pull his shorts up, but they'd mysteriously lost all elastic and wouldn't stay up on their own any more.
"Me?" Jungkook pointed to himself. "What did I do?"
"What didn't you do?" Taehyung said, pulling the other one up with him.
They both started giggling like two derranged leprechauns and hurried down to get their usual scolding.

Jin was standing outside his bedroom with his arms crossed over his chest, tapping his foot impatiently, when the two younger boys came tumbling down the stairs.
"You're home early." Taehyung said, scratching his head, avoiding eye contact.
"I SWEAR TO GOD, if you EVER fuck in my bed again, I will FLAY you! Both!"
"Ouch." Jungkook shivered.
Taehyung made his way over to his older brother and wrapped his arms around him, "Please don't flay the love of my life, Earnie!" he begged, all puppy eyed whith his chin on the older one's chest.
"UGH!" Jin tried to push his little brother off him but Taehyung just held him closer. "Ple-ease." he pouted.
Jungkook crept up on Jin to hug him from the other side and used his utmost weapon, his innocent doe eyes.
"We're sorry, Jin, we won't do it again!" he promised.
"Yes, you will." Jin sighed and turned his head up to the skies, longing for the sweet release of death.
"Get off me," he shrugged himself free, "you are both disowned!"
He walked away.
"AND CLEAN THIS SHIT UP, RIGHT NOW! " he pointed to his room without looking at them.
Taehyung bent down to pull his shorts up to cover him again. They'd somehow ended up around his ankles while he was hugging his brother.
Jungkook was doing his wide stance walk towards him, pulling Taehyung's hips close to his own crotch.
Jin stuck his head out from the stairs, "AND DO THE FUCKING NASTY IN YOUR OWN ROOM FROM NOW ON! Little shits." he stomped up the stairs still muttering.

"Tough day at the office, dear?" Namjoon smiled at his partner as he glanced over the book he was trying to read.
"UGH, the WORST! And the those two Horn. Dogs. defiling my bedroom. Our bedroom! I shall have to cleanse it with rosewater, and fire, probably, to consecrate it to it's sacred use again." he slumped down beside his man who held out his arms and let him lean his head on his shoulder.
"Why didn't you stop them?" Jin whined and gripped the other one's hand and bringing it to his mouth for a kiss.
"Ah." Namjoon said, looking off into the distance.
"Never mind." Jin said and turned to kiss him properly, "I see you were reading..."
"Mm." Namjoon bent down for a smooch.
"Why do I bother, Joon?" Jin fell back into his lap, slinging his hand up to his forehead in a perfected dramatic gesture and placing his legs over the armrest.
"I try to make a nice home for us, you know? A soft place to land for all of us, you know?"
Namjoon smiled, he could not resist his martyr boyfriend of which his martyr boyfriend was very well aware, and stroked the hair off of Jin's forehead. "Well..."
"AND THOSE FUCKING FUCKTARDS FUCKING FUCKED IN MY FUCKING BED! THOSE WERE BRAND NEW BEDLINNEN!" Jin just remembered, "FUCKERS!"  he choked on his own spit from screaming so much and started coughing so Namjoon sat him up and stroked his back while Jin was trying to catch his breath.
"Why. Do. I. Bother, Joon?" he said cradling his head.
"Well," Namjoon pried his hands off and pulled Jin towards his chest and kissed his temple, "you love them."
Jin shoved him, "You just had to bring that up?"
Namjoon laughed and hugged him closer, "Well, you do!" he kissed the crown of Jin's head getting almost knocked out when he suddenly stood up, "I PRACTICALLY RAISED YOU, YOU UNGRATEFUL LITTLE SHITS, WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?!"
"Jin, honey," Namjoon pulled at his hand to get him to sit down, "let me take you out? Hm, yeah?"
Jin sat down in a pouting mess, "I don't wanna go out."
Namjoon cupped his cheek, "You don't wanna go out with your hubby, hm? I'll take you somewhere nice?"
"I don't wanna go somewhere nice."
"Hmm... How about I just run you a nice, warm bath and read to you? And,"
"Can we have strawberries?"
"yes. And then,"
"And champagne?"
"and champagne, yes. And then,"
"And then?"
"And then I'll make sweet, sweet love to you the whole night?" Namjoon pushed him down softly on to the couch and covered his mouth with his.
Jin felt love churn in his chest and heat pooling in his stomach and pulled his man down on top of him, clutching his ass and grinding himself into his hips, "Mm, I like that idea." he said, licking the other one's lower lip before kissing him deeply.
"Eww, get a room!" Taehyung and Jungkook said in chorus.
"Out! Get out." Namjoon pointed to the door without breaking eye contact with Jin. "I don't care what you do, just get out and don't come back 'til tomorrow! Out!"
"But daad! I'm nakey!" Taehyung whined clutching his shorts infront of his pelvis, trying to keep a straight face.
"Just piss off, will ya'!" Namjoon slid his hands under Jin, hugging him closely. Jin was showering him with kisses, ignoring the kids who slithered away, hopefully to get dressed and leave. They had no shame!
"Come on! Let's get you undressed!" Namjoon huffed as he tried to lift Jin off the couch.
"What are you doing? Crazy Panda!"
"Uff! I'm. Carrying you. Nng. To. The bathroom." Namjoon had succeeded in hoisting his man up, bridal style, and was trying to negotiate his way to the upstairs bathroom. With the big tub.
"Stop it! You'll get a hernia!"
"Probably. But it'll be worth it!"
Namjoon tried to maneuver through the door to the bathroom but they where an rather large equipage and Jin hit his head on the doorframe.
"Hunnybunns, please let me down?" he begged, rubbing his bruised head, "Someone has to go get the bubbly and the berries?"
Namjoon carefully lowered Jin's feet down on the floor and as soon as he knew Jin had regained his balance he pressed him to the bathroom wall with his own body and held him in place with both of his hands on either side of his head, kissing him breathless, before breaking lose, "Hurry." he demanded in a low, husky voice, with closed eyes and a head hung down.
"Oh, yes, sir! Will do, sir!" Jin managed to croak out, hurrying away on wobbly legs.

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