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Yoongi had apparently made it his life's mission to keep them apart, a quest they now regretted having asked for in the first place, but, here they were, being kept apart, these last few hours as betrothed.
They hadn't been able to ditch him all night, he'd even escorted them to their seperate rooms, and probably stood guard outside, but, Jungkook wasn't one to give up easily, climbing over the balcony wall, so now they were stood, looking, just looking, at eachother in their dark hotel room with only the light from outside to guide them.

"Light a candle." Jungkook whispered and went to pull the curtains closed.
He did not want to take any chances tonight.
They hadn't had bodyguards and security breifings and all kinds of protections for years, only to get caught on film the night before their wedding.
Been there, done that.
Got the t-shirt.
That was just not happening tonight.
Obviously they'd had the hotel swept for recording devices.
That was routine by now.
As was having bodyguards.
Probably for the rest of their lives.
There were still some industrious crackpots out there, wanting them dead.
And gay bashing was always a threat too.
Sadly enough.
But they were used to it know.
It was part of their lives and, so much good had come of it also.
They'd talked about it often.
How lucky they were to have found eachother.
To have been able to change the world, like they had.
At least the tiny corner of the world they called home.
How it was impossible to wish that first film clip had never happened, because of all the huge changes, for them, for so many, that had only been made possible because of it.
Because of them.
And their friends.
How it was worth the pain and the hardships.
In the end.

"I'm scared to make love to you." Jungkook admitted, voice cracking, holding Tae's face in his hands.
Taehyung placed his on ontop of Jungkook's, "Because of the emotion?"
Jungkook nodded.
It felt too big, right now.
Too, encompassing.
"It's just me, Jungkook." Taehyung smiled, "Just me and you."
"And everything I feel for you." Jungkook breathed, "And everything you feel for me."
"Yes." Tae nodded, solemnly.
"And tomorrow we'll be married."
"The weird thing is," Jungkook snorted, "I can't wait to make love to you as your lawfully wedded husband," he smiled, crookedly, "but now? I, it's, too, why am I this weird?" he shook his head.
"We're closing a chapter?" Taehyung suggested, "This amazing, truly wonderful chapter that has been our youth and it's scary to move on! To begin something new and unfamiliar." he confessed, "I'm scared what normalcy, what everyday life without, Olympic try-outs and insurmountable hurdles will do to us." he quieted, "How we will cope with being normal." he felt almost shamful, admitting to this, "'Cause I don't think Romeo and Juliet would've stayed together had they'd survived." he shrugged, looking away.
Jungkook put his indexfinger under Taehyung's chin and lifted his head, "I don't think that either." he agreed, "But you and I, have." he nodded, "Stayed together, and I am still just as in love with you as I was all those years ago when you first kissed me. So in love."
"Jeon Jungkook," Taehyung sighed, "you take my breath away!" he put his elegant hands on Jungkook's cheeks and kissed him softly, "I consider myself the luckiest man alive," he continued, "getting to love you, to be in love with you, to be loved by you. And I want to be married to you, so badly! Can we promise eachother to remind us to view this next part of our lives as an adventure too? Even if it's calmer or not as chaotic as our lives has been, on occasion, up until now?"
"It is an adventure." Jungkook whispered and took a step closer, "The biggest adventure of my life!"
"Of our lives." Tae corrected him.
"I think I want to just hold you tonight?" Jungkook whispered in Tae's ear.
"I think you're just scared." Tae whispered back.
"I think you're right." Jungkook giggled, but changed his mind, "No." he shook his head, "I think, have I ever told you about, the first time I held you through the night? How that was the best and the worst night of my life?"

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