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"Minho!" a tall, dark, young woman was waving her hand over her head, "Oppa!"
"Minji!" he shouted back and ran to her, scooping her up in his arms, hugging her tight, swaying her legs from side to side.
"OMG, I missed you!" she laughed, wiping her tears as he put her down.
"I missed you more." Minho nodded, "Come on, let's go meet the man of my dreams." he pulled her along with him, zig-zaging between people.
"Hoseok, my love," he smiled, and put his arm around him, "this is my littlest sister, Lee Minji," he turned to his sister, "Minji, this is my Hoseok, Jung Hoseok."
"OMG," Minji gaped, "you're beautiful!"
"Oh, thank you." Hobi answered, a bit shy, "So are you." he smiled, "But of course you would be," he turned to Minho, "since your brother is the most handsome man in the world."
"Nah, he's too tall." Minji said and pulled Hobi along with her, "How was your flight?" she wondered.
"Uneventful." Hobi laughed.
"My sister, ladies and gentlemen." Minho muttered, picking up all the bags, "You ready, Bonbon?" he asked the bodyguard that'd waited for one of their bags to arrive.
"Yeah, where's?"
"My sister snatched him." he nodded towards the two laughing people walking away.
"Jesus Christ!" Bonbon hissed and stalked off, "Come on!" he shouted behind him to get Minho moving.

"Jung Hoseok," Bonbon scolded when they were at the car, "you should know better!"
"I'm sorry Bonbon," Hobi apologised, "I got carried away by my new friend here," he smiled at Minji, "Minji, this is my bodyguard, Bonbon, a very fine gentleman indeed, Bonbon, this is Minji, youngest Lee and my new bestie."
"Nice to meet you Miss Minji." Bonbon bowed his head.
"Nice to meet you, too." she smiled, "I'm sorry, also. I didn't remember, the whole," she waved her hand around, "I was just so happy to meet my brother and the person that's gotten him so," she leaned into Bonbon, "throwing-caution-to-the-wind-head-over-heels-in-love he's starting to sound like an nineteenth century poet when he talks about him." she giggled, "Sorry!"
"Well, that is to be forgiven, miss." Bonbon smiled, "And the media hasn't picked up we're here yet, so," he leaned towards her, "I think we're safe." he stage whispered.
"Well, then," Minji opened the car door, "Shall we?"

"MOMS? DADS?" Minji hollered as they entered the Lee/MacAnny household on Ravina Street.
"Minho!" a woman, looking exactly as Minji only older, shouted and threw herself at her son who lifted her of the floor just as he'd done Minji earlier.
"Darling!" another woman, slim as a whip with naturally blond hair pulled back in a french twist, exclaimed, and held her arms out and Minho shifted moms.
"Moms," Minho said, putting an arm around Hobi, "this is my Hoseok," he smiled, starry-eyed, "Hoseok, these are my moms, Lee Chunja and Catherine MacAnny."
"Welcome home!" Chunja spread her arms and enveloped Hobi in her arms.
"It's so nice to finally meet you Hoseok," Catherine said and took over from Chunja, "is it ok if I call you Hoseok?" she wondered, and continued talking after he nodded, "we were so proud of you and Jungkook Jeon,"
"Jeon Jungkook, mom," Minho laughed, "Jeon Jungkook."
"Yes, yes," she waved him off, dismissively, "anyway, very proud of you and Jungkook," she stuck her tongue out at Minho, "for doing so well in the Olympics and afterwards!"
"DADS!" Minji shouted, even louder, "YOUR ONE AND ONLY SON IS HOME! AND THE LOVE OF HIS LIFE!"
"Jesus!" Minho protested, holding his hands to his ears.
"Could you persuade them to go get hearing aids? Please?" she begged, looking up at Minho, doe eyed.
"Yeah?" he asked.
"Oh, yeah." Chunja answered, "The volume from that part of the house?" she shook her head.
"Anyway," Minho continued, as if nothing'd happened, "this is Hobi's and I guess mine? Our bodyguard, Bonbon." he pulled him out from the sidelines, "Treat him right or he'll, no, I'll, shoot you in the leg!"
"Oooh!" Minji mock shivered, "Of course we'll treat him right! He's such a sweetheart!" she cooed, making Bonbon drop his jaw, and recieve a hug from the girl.
"Yeah." Minho laughed, "She's like me." he nodded.
"Welcome Bonbon." Catherine smiled.

"SON!" a very tall, very thin, man, looking very much like Minho, shouted as he came down the stairs with a considerably shorter, man on his tail, "You're home!" the shorter man squeeled, tears in his eyes, and Minho was being hugged from all sides.
"How have you been?" the shorter one asked cupping Minho's cheeks in his hands, "You look tired. Have you been eating properly?"
"Dad," Minho laughed, "I've been on a plane for twelve hours, of course I'm tired!"
"Ooh! And this is your man!" the shorter one squeeled again, "He's so beautiful!" he was getting tears in his eyes again, "Welcome, son!" he hugged Hobi, "Such an amazing performance!"
"Yes," the taller man said, as he shook Hobi's hand, "Harold and I was practically glued to the tv when you and Jeon Jungkook took home your golds! So proud of you, son." he smiled, "I'm Lee Sangwook." he introduced himself, "And this is my better half, Harold MacAnny."
"Nice to meet you both," Hobi greeted, "I'm Jung Hoseok, but please call me Hobi!"
"Oh?" Harold said, surprised, "Minho always talks of you as Hoseok?"
"Yes," Hobi nodded and smiled up at Minho who had his arm around his shoulder, "he's special, like that!"
Minho kissed him, struck by his love for him again.
"Ooh!" Harold cooed, "Look how beautiful they are together!" he clapped his hands infront of him.
"Dad!" Minji rolled her eyes, "Easy on the gay. We've got company!" she pulled Bonbon to the front, "This is their bodyguard, Bonbon, total sweetheart and my new adoptive father if you keep embarrassing me like this!"
"Nice to meet you." Bonbon greeted, "Sir, sir." he shook their hands.

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