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"Imma eat a horse." Jungkook declared as they were arriving at the hotel. His stomach aptly rumbled to undeline the urgency of this statement be put into practice. Pronto.
"Roomservice or restaurant?" Bonbon wondered.
"Restaurant?" Jungkook asked, uncertain.
"Yeah, I'm sure the zealous crackpots that want you gone from the earth haven't picked up on your change of location just yet," Bonbon smiled, "and that'll mean, you'll actually get to move about more freely over here! Merry belated Christmas! You'll still have to tow me or Bikram along everywhere, though." he shrugged, apologetically.
"O, I want to go shopping!" Tae clapped his hands infront of him.
"Groan." Jungkook smiled.
"Well, I need to move." Hobi expressed, "So I'm hitting the gym after I, too, have eaten a horse." he nodded just the once.
"I love you." Jungkook squeeled and hugged Hobi 'round his waist.
"Yeah, no." Minho shook his head, "I'm going shopping with Taehyung, if you don't mind me tagging along?"
"Yay!" Tae said and mirrored Jungkook's actions by leaning into Minho for a hug, "Can we buy out the town?" he asked expectantly, grinning like a fool.
"Oh, yeah." Minho promised, smiling.
"Don't seduce my man!" Hobi and Jungkook warned at the same time, looking at the other two, a little bit worried.
Taehyung felt Minho clucking with silent laughter beside him, and pushed down his own giggle, "Not possible." he promised and reached for Jungkook.
"I only have eyes for you." Minho murmured in Hobi's ear, pulling him into his arms.
"Yeah, but it's Tae." Hobi complained, squinting his eyes at said person, "I don't know anyone who hasn't been in love with," he motioned his hand infront of him, "that." he looked up at Minho, "Myself included, as I'm sure you remember."
"Hobi, darling," Tae said, putting a hand on Hobi's shoulder, "that man," he nodded towards Minho, "has been yours since the second you met. I saw it with my own eyes."
"You did?" Hobi's eyes were round with amazement.
"Uhum." Tae nodded, smiling, "Besides, I'm not really his type." he joked.
"Sure you are." Minho objected, truthfully.
"Yeah, you're everyone's type." Jungkook nuzzled his neck.
"But," Minho actually blushed, "you have my whole heart." he confessed, shyly, helplessly in love, looking into Hobi's eyes.
"Oh, baby." Hobi sighed cupping Minho's face, "I love you so much." he practically sobbed and kissed him.
"Sweet." Jungkook commented, dryly, "Now, can we eat? Today?"
"Shut up, sex monkey." Hobi slapped him, not taking his eyes of Minho.
"Ok." Bonbon interrupted, "Are y'all gonna?" he waved his hand about, "Or are you gonna get something to eat first?" he asked, making them all laugh.
"Eat first." Taehyung laughed, "He doesn't run on empty." he pointed at Jungkook.
"Hardi har." Jungkook moped.
"See?" Tae laughed harder.

"How do you stand it?" Hobi panted as he and Jungkook were sweating on the treadmills a good while later.
"People fawning over Taehyung all the time? How do you not," he slowed the pace on his machine, "just lock him up and keep him away from the world?" he blushed, "I mean, I'm actually so jealous right now, I wanna find Minho and drag him away and claim him as mine, keeping everyone off." he shook his head, "And he's out with Tae!" he felt so embarrassed, "Tae! Who's only ever had eyes for you, you lucky bastard! You have no idea how hard I worked to get him to notice me!" he laughed, bashful over himself.
"Oh, I noticed." Jungkook smiled and slowed his own pace, "And, honestly, I still get crazy jealous a couple of times a week at least, it's just," he jumped off, straddling the belt with his feet, "that's all about me, you know?" he looked at Hobi, "'Cause there isn't a person alive today I trust more than Taehyung and," he shrugged, "it's not his fault he's the most beautiful man in the world and the most endearing, sweet soul, everyone falls for, you know?" he hopped back on and started running again, "I just need to remind myself I'm worthy of his love and attention and that he actually wants me as much as I want him."
"Are you jealous of Minho?" Hobi wondered.
"Crazy jealous." Jungkook admitted, he hopped off and looked at Hobi again, "I mean," he motioned his hands around trying to convey what he felt, "your man is, magnificent, and" he grasped for words, "I'm just, little old me, a peasant." he hung his head, "I feel like Tae's charity project in comparison."
"Yeah," Hobi huffed, and hopped off, "I jump over things for a living," he did a dog shake, "and I mean, he could, snatch a doctor or something." he sighed.
"Are you," Jungkook lowered his voice, "talking about Jin?" he whispered.
Hobi nodded and felt himself tear up. Christ! What was wrong with him?
"Let's get something to drink." Jungkook suggested and turned his machine off.
"Ok." Hobi agreed in tiny, and followed Jungkook's lead.

They sat down at a small table where Bikram could see them from his spot. He was lifting weights.
"I'm sorry." Hobi apologised, "I'm not, really..." he trailed off.
"Hobi, it's fine!" Jungkook assured him, putting a hand on his arm, "I get it. Trust me, I do."
"I know you do." Hobi smiled, faintly.
"And I don't think Jin's actually, you know?"
"In love with him?" Hobi filled in, "No, I don't think so either. I just feel, small, that's all." he shrugged.
"Yeah," Jungkook sighed, "and, he's kinda difficult to handle right now, isn't he? I mean, he almost died, for crying out loud, and that..."
"Meltdown? Yeah, that was fun." Hobi said sarcastically.
"Mm." Jungkook took a big gulp of his water, "And he's so fucking mean, right now." he hissed, "It's horrible." he complained, "Especially to Tae, and, I just wanna," he growled.
"Strangle him?" Hobi suggested.
"Yeah." Jungkook exhaled and leaned back in his chair, "But Hobi," he leaned forward again, "and I mean this from the bottom of my heart," he nodded, "Minho is your man. He's yours. Completely. And I can tell you're his. This is the shit." he nodded more intensly, "Because I recognise a fellow goner when I see one, and I am so gone." he confessed, "I'm so in love with Taehyung it scares me sometimes."
"Yeah." Hobi sighed, "Somewhere along the line Minho rearranged my molecules and changed me forever. I am his." he smiled, longingly, before turning to Jungkook, "And he is mine."
"He is." Jungkook nodded, "And I'm guessing that's forever, too." he smiled.
"You know," Hobi said, dreamily, "we might just be the luckiest two olympic gold medalists in the world, I'm sure even straight men envy us right now." he sighed.
"Yeah," Jungkook chuckled, "if you don't take all the," he waved his hand around, "into account."
"Schh." Hobi shushed him, "Don't spoil my perfect fantasy, asshole!"
Jungkook giggled.
"Have you thought about how you wanna?" Hobi wondered.
"I've been putting it off." Jungkook sighed, "So much has happened and I've just," he sighed, "I'd like to be able to land before making that decision, but I'm starting to think I'm gonna be up in the air for quite some time to come, still." he rested his elbows on his knees, "And I don't know," he sighed, "I should've already started up with my training if..." he shrugged, "But, kinda seems a bit unrealistic at the moment." he admitted.
"Do you still have it in you, you think?" Hobi wondered, "'Cause I don't. I don't think. I mean I love it, I do, but..." he shrugged, "I think I used up all my ambition for this gold, you know?"
"Yeah," Jungkook cleared out his eyes with his hands, "I don't know, maybe if everything hadn't, I might've still, but, now? I just wanna be with Tae." he let his hands fall down in his lap, "But who even am I if I'm not?"
"Training like a mf all the time?"
"A house wife?" Hobi smirked, "I'm seriously considering becoming one." he chuckled, embarrassed.
"I'll go nuts if I don't have a goal to aim for." Jungkook confessed in tiny, "But I've thought about that, too." he smiled.
"Yeah, well," Hobi shrugged, "I want, we want kids so, that'll keep you busy!"
"Yeah." Jungkook laughed, "But we've never... I mean some day! But..."
"Not ready yet?"
Jungkook shook his head. No. Neither of them were ready for kids. At least they were in agreement there.
"And besides, me being the best athlete in the world doesn't seem as important as the things we're trying to pull off right now." Jungkook returned to their previous conversation.
"No." Hobi sighed, "Everything kind of pales in comparison, doesn't it?"
"Yeah." Jungkook sighed back, "Are we crazy? Trying to do this?"
"Certifiably." Hobi laughed, "But let's do it anyway?"
"Let's." Jungkook high-fived him and got up, pulling Hobi up with him, "Come on, we gotta go get ready for our gorgeous men." he waved his eyebrows up and down, suggestively.
"O," Hobi clapped his hands, "I'm totally jumping him the second he gets back!"
"Do you switch?" Jungkook asked, suddenly curious.
"I'm not telling you that." Hobi closed his mouth in a thin line.
"So you do..." Jungkook laughed.
"Asshole." Hobi slapped him.
"What!" Jungkook ducked, "Like it's a big deal or something? I mean, come on, who doesn't?"
"Still an asshole." Hobi pointed at him.
"Naw," Jungkook pinned Hobi's arms to his sides, hugging him, "my topping mentor is a bottom!" he teased.
"Come here you little shit!" Hobi gave him a noogie, feeling a bit vulnerable all of a sudden.
"I love you Hobi Wan!" Jungkook laughed, "You're the best!"
"I love you too, young padawan." Hobi kissed him on the cheek, "I really do, crazy pants." he kissed him again.

Jungkook grew serious and took Hobi's hands, "Thank you for being my mentor and friend. I wouldn't have made it this far without you. Neither as an athlete, nor a person! Having you beside me through all this? And I'm sorry it's tainted you, too, deeply sorry, but, I feel so lucky to have you!"
"Jungkook!" Hobi was moved beyond words by his friends unexpected declaration of love, and teared up. Again!
"Thank you for holding my hand." Jungkook said, squeezing Hobi's hands.
"Thank you for letting me hold them." Hobi reciprocated, "It's ment a lot to me, and you've been a huge part of making me the man I am today." he realised, "Thank you for teaching me to teach, you lovable little dork!" he pulled Jungkook in for a big hug.
"And Hobi?" Jungkook whispered, "No one is more deserving of a great partner like Minho, than you. No one. Remember that."

The Kim Family TetralogyWhere stories live. Discover now