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"Where are we gonna live?" Jin sighed, lying in bed, side by side with Namjoon.
"Doesn't really matter." Namjoon huffed, "I've been practically fired anyway. And you're, I don't know, what you are? Marooned?"
"In limbo." Jin sighed, and turned to Joon, "But if your parents are moving to town to be closer to us..."
"Yeah." Namjoon sighed, "I know, but."
"Have you told them?"
"Not the whole truth, no." he turned to Jin, "I mean, I've told them we've had to stop working for a while, on acount of the death threats, but." he shrugged.
"That news story, though." Jin made a disgusted face.
"Yeah." Joon agreed, "It does not make us look good."
"Corrupting the poor little lonesome prodigy with our gay." Jin spat, "Yuchl."
Jin sighed, "I've never felt more dirty in my life!" he confessed, "I mean, the hate we, they're recieving is, awful, but being blamed for, I don't know, infecting someone with gay? Like I'm some kind of disease?"
"Yeah." Namjoon agreed, "I feel like some sort of predator, luring the innocent with sex and drugs and, yeah, well, maybe not rock 'n roll, but you know what I mean."
"Come hither, children," Jin said with a witchy voice, motioning with his index finger, "Uncle Joonie's got something to make you feel good..."
"Jesus!" Namjoon snortled, and placed a kiss on Jin's mouth.
"Yeah." Jin flopped on his back, "But, I do think I kinda did turn my brother a little bit gay." Jin sighed.
"Jin! No!" Namjoon bent over him looking him in the eye, "You can't turn someone gay. You of all people should know that!"
"Yeah, but," Jin turned on his side again, "if I hadn't been open, I don't think he would've, you know, acted upon his..."
"Not straightness?" Namjoon suggested, "Jungkook would've still been gay, though, and." Namjoon raised his shoulders, "They are very much in love, you know..."
"Yeah, I know, but still..." he turned on his back again.
"Honey," Namjoon turned Jin's face towards him, "I'm not gay, either, but I fell in love with you, long before you even knew you were gay! Christ, you had a girlfriend! Would I have acted upon it had you not been of the gay persuasion? No. But I would've still been in love with you. I would've still known I wasn't entirely straight. I'm sure Taehyung would've known that too, about himself. Eventually."
"No. No. You're right. You're right. It's just, I still feel responsible, you know?"
Namjoon gathered him in his arms and kissed the top of his head, "Yes," he agreed, "because you are an amazing guy who've raised two amazing kids and are an amazing husband!"
"Hmpf, we're not married, yet."
"Yes, we are." Namjoon protested, "In every way that counts, we are. I promised you forever and I don't need a piece of paper to keep that promise."
"I love you."
"You better." Namjoon pulled him up so they could kiss.
"Tell me something, my tall, hadsome, man," Jin kissed Namjoon's lips between every word, "why is it that it seems only yesterday we were struggling nerds in college and fucking ages since the Olympics?"
"Einstein's theory of relativity." Namjoon nodded.
Jin threw himself on his back, "Of course you would say that! Nerd!"
"Bah! You love me." Joon said, and bent down to kiss Jin.
"Mm, I do." Jin purred, "But you're still a nerd."
"Your nerd." Namjoon buffed Jin's neck with his nose.
"Dads," Taehyung said, opening and knocking on the door at the same time he entered, "Shit!" he stopped whe he saw them, "Why the hell don't you lock the door! People! Please!" he backed out and closed it behind him.
"Did you want anything important?" Jin shouted.
"No!" Taehyung shouted back.
"Well, I feel like I'm twenty-two again!" Namjoon giggled.
"There's Einsteins theory of relativity for you!" Jin laughed and drew him down for a sultry kiss.

"Arrghh!" Tae shoved his knuckles into his eye sockets as he sat down on the bed beside Jungkook.
"Dads're getting it on are they?" Jungkook giggled.
"Yeah." Tae gasped.
"I must say, this exile seems to have turned our dads' libidos on." he giggled.
"Yeah. It's horrible!" Tae laughed.
Jungkook tackled him and pulled him down beside him, "Come here, you!" he blew a rasberry on Tae's neck, "I need cuddles!"
"Mwah, mwah, mwah!" Tae squished his cheeks and kissed him like he was a little girl.
"Mwah!" Jungkook warned and gave Tae a kiss for the ages, pulling his man close.

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