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"Tits, I" Jin stood gaping looking out over the bay of Naples in the sunset.
It was the most beautiful place he'd ever seen in his entire life.
It almost didn't feel real.
Like he was on a movie set and any second someone would come in and take the scenery down and reveal an ugly factory parking lot or something.
He'd been here for two weeks already, but he would never get used to it.
"Come have a seat, dear boy." Tits tapped an armchair beside her and he went to sit down beside her, "Are you hungry?" she wondered.
"I can eat." Jin answered, truthfully.
"So are you famished or just a little peckish?" she couldn't tell.
"Famished." he blushed.
"Ok." she laughed and stood up, "I'll fetch you something to nibble on while I make something more substantial." she patted his shoulder, and went into the kitchen and returned with a picher of some sort of bright red beverage, a plate of olives, cold cuts and a dozen other antipasti.
"Mm!" Jin sounded as he took a sip of the cold, refreshing drink she'd poured him, "This is really nice! What is it?"
"Iced hibiscus tea." Tits smiled.
"Very nice." Jin smacked his lips.
"Yes." Tits nodded, and went back into the kitchen.

He wanted to call Namjoon.
To hear his voice.
Tell him he loved him. And missed him.
"God." he muttered, getting a bit, antsy, from the thought of his man.
"Hm?" Tits popped her head out.
"I miss my man." Jin sighed, "No offense." he held a hand up.
"Non taken." she giggled, and returned to her cooking.
Jin stood up and joined her in the kitchen, "Can I ask you a deeply personal question?"
"Yes." she smiled.
"Are you gay, Miss Tits?" he blushed a second time this evening, but he wanted to know and he couldn't really tell.
"I don't know." she shrugged, "There probably is some sort of correct term for people like me but," she shrugged again, "I'm mostly drawn to androgynous people, for some reason." she sighed, "The inbetweeners." she huffed, "The best sex I ever had was with a transgender someone who were in midst of their transition. God! Where they hot." she fanned herself, "I could've totally fallen in love with them."
"Why didn't you?" Jin leaned against a low bench, intrigued.
"Well," she grinned, "they chopped it off."
"Omo!" Jin clasped his hands over his mouth.
"But that was just a downside," she laughed, "I honestly think we didn't have much in common apart from the attraction, 'nd," she shrugged a third time, "they were propbably gay. Or straight? Into men." she clarified.
"Nothing is ever easy, is it?" Jin sighed.
"No." she shook her head and quit cooking, hands on her non existent hips, "You know, my favorit poet, if you can call him that, Piet Hein wrote a grook a long time ago,"
"A Groot?" Jin gaped.
"Groo-k, kh." Tits sounded.
"Ok?" Jin felt bewildered.
"It's a poem, or, musing, a philosophic thought in poem-form." Tits explained, "Anyway, he wrote; Problems worthy of attack, prove their worth by hitting back." she silenced, "Or is it fighting back? I can't remember, but you get the point." she returned to her cooking, "Those simple, ten, words has helped me not lose my frecken mind, many a dark night in my life." she admitted.
"That one and the epic; The universe may be as great as they say. But it wouldn't be missed if it didn't exist."
There was a short, surprised, silence and then Jin died of laughter, "Who is this guy?" he wheezed.
"Piet Hein." she again shrugged, "My household deity. Look him up."
"I will." Jin promised and leaned in over the pots and pans to sniff, "Mmm, that smells amazing! What are we having?" he wondered.
"Saltimbocca." Tits said, "With polenta filled zucchini flowers. And a salad."
"Jesus Christ, Tits. Imma get fat!"
"Nonsense!" she whipped a towel to his leg, "You'll burn it off, worrying."
"About what?"
"Oh, I don't know?" Tits sighed, "The kids? Namjoon? Your work, the weather, the hunger crisis in Yemen, the state of the union?" she joked.
"Funny." Jin pouted.
"Oh, don't be a sour puss," she jutted her lower lip out, "go set the table instead, it's ready in a sec."

When Jin got out on the small patio, Namjoon was there.
"Am I seeing things?" Jin gasped.
"Well," Namjoon started,
"Oh, shut up." Jin ordered and straddled his man where he sat and gave him a right old smooch.
"I've missed you so much, Jin." Namjoon breathed, "I love you." he reconnected their lips.
"I love you." Jin sobbed, "I love you!" he kissed him again, laughing through the tears.
"Enjoy your dinner, kids!" Tits giggled and put out the food for them, "I have a date." she bragged, "So don't wait up." she flipped her hair, "I mean, I won't be back 'til morning..." she ogled at them, to get her point across.
"Thank you." Jin said sincerely.
"You're welcome, dear child." she smiled and gave each of them a kiss on the forehead, before she left.

"Namjoon." Jin sighed, happily and stroked his face.
"Jin." Namjoon smiled, holding his hands loosly on Jin's butt.
"Namjoon." Jin repeated, "When did you get here?"
"This afternoon." Namjoon still smiled, "But traffic was hell so it took me a minute, took the buss a minute. Not me. But, you know?" he laughed.
"I can't believe you're here with me!" Jin sighed, "I've missed you so much, Namjoon!" he kissed him again.
"Mm." Namjoon groaned, "It's so good to have you in my arms again." he confessed, "So good." he kissed him again and felt his tummy rumble, "But, let's eat, baby." he giggled, "I'm starving and I'm sure you must be, too." he smiled.
"Ok." Jin agreed, and started to get off him,
"Stay." Namjoon hindered him, "Stay in my arms while we eat. Let me hold you? I've missed holding you."
"Hunnybunns," Jin laughed, "We're never gonna be able to make that work!" he looked around, "Let's go get that small sofa over here!" he suggested instead.
"Ok." Namjoon smiled and they carried the bamboo two seater over to the table and dug in.
"Omg!" Jin groaned, "This is the best thing I've eaten in my life!"
"Mmm." Namjoon agreed, munching, "Hang on!" he said and stood up and extremely gracefully, being him, managed to somehow put a leg behind Jin and give him a quick kiss. He didn't even spill any drinks or anything.
"Isn't that uncomfortable?" Jin worried.
"No." Namjoon said and stuffed his face with almost half of his veal escalope, so he could look at Jin who was eating in a more, measured, way.
"You are the most handsome man in the whole wide world." Namjoon placed his hand on Jin's cheek, "And I love you," he sighed, out of words, "three thousand." he suddenly remembered.
"Namjoon." Jin sang, touched by his man's sweet declaration of love, and drew him in for a kiss.

"Mmm." Jin purred, held securely by Namjoon, feeling full and content, looking out over the dark Mediterranean, sparkling with lights reflected from the houses on shore, "It's even pretty at night."
"Mm." Namjoon agreed, "Wanna go for a walk down at the beach?"
"I would," Jin nodded, "but it's hard as fuck to get down there even in broad daylight, so I think we should leave it 'til tomorrow."
"Aren't you tired, baby?" Jin turned to look at him, it would be the middle of the night in Namjoon's body right now, he remembered.
"Little bit." Joon nodded, "But I pushed my bedtime an hour later each day the whole week before coming here, so, it's not as bad as it could be."
"Mm." Namjoon nuzzled his neck.
Jin hid his head against Namjoon's neck and whispered, "I want to make love to you so badly, Joon, but I'm scared." he confessed.
"Of what, baby?" Namjoon asked softly.
"Of," Jin had to think, "all that emotion." he realised, "I have so much shame and regret," he spoke so quietly, Namjoon could hardly hear him, "I feel so small."
Namjoon shuffled closer, but didn't say anything, he just held him, "'Nd I'm scared, I'll somehow lose the little me I've managed to, you know," he shrugged, "scrape together." he sighed, defeated, "And I'm having such a hard time accepting those few pieces, accepting me for what I am, and honestly, having to show someone those scraps, freaks me out a little bit."
"Jin," Namjoon said, very determined, "listen to me," he held him firmer, "I love you, and, if you let me, I will hold you for as long as you need, 'til you can start believing that even those scraps, as you call them, are worthy of love." he paused, "I get that you feel a bit broken? Am I right in assuming that?"
Jin nodded.
"And that you have to learn to navigate in a new, unfamiliar way, and that, that's scary, but," he silenced again, "to me, that makes you even more beautiful, more," he waved his hand around, out of words again, "Euler's identity." he nodded, "Complex, irrational, beautiful and real, all at the same time."
"T-heh." Jin laughed through his tears, leave it to Namjoon to use calculus to express himself, "Nerd." he said very affectionately.
"Nerd-nerd." Namjoon smiled back, and let his thumb draw circles on Jin's temple, "I'm in no hurry, Jin." he promised, "We can take this slow, fast, or not at all, but believe me when I say, having you show me the small, and uncertain, and vulnerable parts of you, would be such a privilege."
"I love you." Jin cupped his face and kissed him.
"I love you." Jin said and Namjoon let him settle in his arms, turning away from him, leaning back, lacing their fingers together.

"I want you." Jin confessed, now that he wasn't looking at him. For some reason it made it easier to talk and get things off his chest when he wasn't looking, "I want to feel you move in me."
Namjoon bit himself in the tongue to hinder a deep moan from escaping and bucking his hips, like he ached to do.
"And I can feel your hard-on," Jin continued, "and I want you to touch me." he took Namjoon's hand and put it down his shorts.
"Hlelh." Namjoon's head tipped backwards, he was gonna lose it tonight! Certainly.
"I'm just not sure I can look at you."
"Ok, baby." he had to pause, "But I think we may be moving a bit fast. I want you too, but, I don't want us to hurry this, just 'cause we haven't had sex in ages." he sighed, "Maybe we need to," he made an explanatory gesture with his hand, "just, chill?"
"Maybe we need to kiss?" Jin groaned and turned a bit so he could do that.
"Maybe you're right." Joon breathed and caught Jin's head with his big hands.
"Maybe you should stop talking." Jin whimpered and turned even more.
Jin cut him off with a stern kiss.

The Kim Family TetralogyWhere stories live. Discover now