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"I drank too much." Taehyung whined.
"You did." Jungkook answered, holding him tight on his chest.
"You carried me." Tae placed a grateful kiss on Jungkook's naked chest.
"I did."
"You're the best."
"I am." Jungkook agreed, and waited. He knew his man.
But when he didn't say anything else he asked, "Can we sleep now?"
"Soon." Tae gave his chest another kiss.
Jungkook sighed.
After a long while, Tae finally said, "Something's buggig me about tonight, but I can't put my finger on what."
"What do you mean?"
Tae sighed, "I don't know. Something's just, off."
"Yeah." Tae shook his head, "Maybe I'm just too drunk?"
"You are. Very drunk."
Tae lifted his head and kissed Jungkook on the lips, "I could be wrong, you know?"
"You could," Jungkook nodded, "but?" he pulled Tae up to look him in the eye as he raised one eyebrow, they both knew he seldom was.
Anyhow, now that he had him up there... It also got him a better position to kiss him like he wanted.
"Mm," Tae purred, putting his elbows on each side of Jungkook's head, kissing him breathless, "not tonight though, baby. I'm too drunk." he smiled down on him.
"No kidding?" Jungkook giggled, "Necrophilia isn't really my thing, Tae."
"I have to pee." Tae fought himself free from the covers and got up.
"You made me drink two large bottles of water!"
Jungkook pushed himself up on his elbows so he could look at his naked man stumbling away from him.
"Mm, mm, mmm, baby!" he licked his lips.
"Maybe you should jerk off?" Tae suggested, holding on to the door post for balance before disappearing in to the bathroom.
"Maybe I should." Jungkook groaned, feeling a familiar sensation down below, falling on his back.
He couldn't help his hand finding it's way down, scratching it a bit. Twisting the top a little. Grazing over it with feather light fingers.
When Tae came back, he got up.
"I need to..." he motioned towards the bathroom and his, friend.
"Clearly." Tae giggled and kissed him lightly, "Have fun, baby." he smiled.
"Not bloody likely." Jungkook muttered, it felt more like a chore nowadays than anything else.

Didn't take him long, but when he got back Tae was out like a light, splayed out diagonally on his stomach over the whole bed.
"You're lucky I love you." Jungkook huffed as he crawled over Taehyung and collected him in his arms, pulling a corner of the covers over them, and turned off the lights.
But he did love him.
So fucking much, he realised!
He sqeezed him tighter, placing a soft kiss on Tae's sleeping head.
"Sweet dreams, baby." he whispered, as he dozed off.

Jungkook didn't want to wake Taehyung up, but he was bored out of his mind and he couldn't reach his phone, which left him with nothing to do but flip through the hotel info in the nightstand. Gideon's Bible he stayed away from.
"Mhnnngh." sounded the corpse on his chest, fucking eons after Jungkook had learnt the brochure by heart.
"Good afternoon, sunshine." Jungkook placed a kiss on Tae's head.
"What time is it?" Tae slured.
"Just after one, I think?"
"That bad, huh?"
"I really need to pee, baby." Jungkook started to untangle the koala.
"MHNNNG! Don't leave me, baby!" Tae's grip got harder.
"I need. To pee." Jungkook managed to sit up, only to have the koala grip his back. "Fine." he sighed and stood up. "Come with me."
Tae was plastered to his back as they walked together to the bathroom.
"I spoil you too much." Jungkook grumbled as he relieved himself, with Tae's weight on his back.
"Yes." Tae agreed, "You really do." he kissed Kook's shoulder blade.
Jungkook flushed and opened Tae's arms and turned around to kiss him, "Can you stand, or?"
"Actually," Tae looked away, "I need to..."
Tae nodded. Jungkook losened Tae's grip and deposited him on the toilet, "You're on your own." turned, and left to go get a shower in the big bathroom.
"Thank you!" Tae giggled after him.

He decided to take a shower as well. And, brush, his teeth. Ew.
When he was finished, Jungkook had ordered up a feast and was already seated on the balcony, stuffing his face.
"Mm, pancakes." Tae mused as he sat down beside him and removed one of the domes.
"Mhm." Jungkook munched, "I know what my man likes." he said and shoved some more food into his mouth, nodding, pleased with himself.
"You sure do." Taehyung smiled, reached out to put his hand on his neck and pulled him closer so he could kiss his temple.
"So, what do you want to do today?" Jungkook asked when he was done eating, feet up on another chair, leaning back on his, stretching out his stiff body.
"Snuggle, cuddle, and kiss?" Tae asked hopefully, mouth full of food.
Jungkook laughed and put down his feet and made Tae come sit in his lap.
"You're irresistible!" he giggled and nuzzled Tae's neck.
"I love you, too." Tae said, pleased and leaned his head on Jungkook's shoulder.
Tae kept eating a bit more and Jungkook was just content holding him, running his fingers through his hair.

"Do you wanna take a cooking class with me tomorrow?" Kook asked after awhile.
"Is this your way of telling me my cooking sucks?" Tae wondered.
"No. Your cooking sucks, is my way of telling you that your cooking sucks." Jungkook kissed his nose, "I just thought it'd be a fun thing to do, together? That's all."
"Sure." Tae agreed, "But you know that my cooking sucks, right?"
Jungkook almost tipped them of the chair from laughing so much.
They got a grouptext from Namjoon telling them he'd made a reservation at a nice restaurant a couple of beaches over that Jin had read about somewhere.
He asked if everyone would be ok with visiting the lava tubes on their way there, they'd have to leave by five thirty in that case?
"Do we want to see the lava tubes?" Tae asked, "Strike that. Of course we do!" he answered for them both, and then pulled Kook's bathrobe down from his shoulder and placed a sultry kiss just below his armpit, and wedged his hands in under it, softly stroking Jungkook's back. He grinned when he felt the bulge he was sitting on start to grow.
He thought he'd planned to keep it on a make-out-only-level for today but he couldn't help himself. He pushed Jungkook's bathrobe fully open and slid down on his knees and took him in his mouth.
"God, Tae!" Jungkook groaned, "Give a guy a warning!" he was clasping the armrests on his chair so hard his knuckles were turning white. He was getting close, fast! "Imma come in a couple of seconds if you keep that up!" he moaned. The pleasure was intense! Why was it so intense? He could feel ripples of electricity going up his back, almost like when you licked a battery or something. He came in a sharp release that cut through him. He wasn't even aware Taehyung was palming himself until he opened his eyes and watched Tae climax, with his left arm around Jungkook's back, leaning his chin on Kook's thigh, breathing on his balls. Everything south of Jungkook's ribs clenched at the sight and a last drizzle escaped his tip.
"God Tae! You're so beautiful!" he stroked his hair and was rewarded with a panting smile. Tae gave his balls a million light kisses, before wiping his hand with a couple of tissues and reclaiming his spot in Jungkook's lap.
"I love sucking your cock, baby." Tae grinned, happy.
"I love when you suck my cock, baby." Jungkook gruffed, searching his way with his lips up Tae's throat, finding his mouth.
"I love doing that to you, too." Jungkook whispered, "I love it so much I almost want to carry you, naked, in my arms on to the streets, lift you up, saying, 'Look! Look at this beautiful man! Do you know how lucky I am to be able to call him mine? How fortunate I am to be allowed to put him in my mouth?'"
"Sthap!" Tae was blushing and slapped him on the arm.
Jungkook giggled and kissed him again.
"You know, the first time I saw you naked," Kook whispered hiding his head in the crook of Tae's neck, "was the first time I ever saw you? And you were, beyond beautiful! And then you came and sat down beside me! I thought I would jump you, then and there. All I could think about was wanting to put you in my mouth and feel you spill your load down my throat, I was so embarrassed!" Taehyung kissed his head. "That image of you, standing before me in all your glory has burnt it self into my mind, Taehyung, I'll never forget it." Jungkook laughed a shy laugh, "And you have no idea how many times I've jerked off to that mental picture!" he confessed, "I still do, sometimes."
Tae giggled, "Well I'm happy it's me you see and not some freaking muscle monster you saw at some meet somewhere!"
"No. It's you. It's always you." Jungkook held him tight and tipped his head up and kissed him.
They had to go and start to get ready when he was through. Or they would've been late.

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