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"Omg, Hobi!" Tae cried and hugged his friend close.
"Taehyung, sweetheart, what's wrong?" Hobi wondered, worried, as he welcomed them out on the driveway.
He'd had every intention to go pick them up from the airport himself, but, of course it'd collided with his obligations and he hadn't had the time to make it work.
"I didn't realise how much I've missed you." Taehyung cried against him, "And I'm so happy to see you and I'm even happier to see you be so freaking happy as you are!" he whined and cried harder.
"Naaww!" Hobi laughed and hugged him tighter.
"Hobi Wan!" Jungkook shouted, he'd helped Bikram with the bags and ran to them and hugged them both, "You look amazing! Married life suits you, I see!" he rejoiced.
"Why, thank you, young padawan!" Hobi giggled, still holding Taehyung to his chest, "Bikram, my man!" he freed one hand and held it up for a high-five, "Long time, no see!"
"Bonbon's bored you sensless, has he?" Bikram chuckled as he slapped Hobi's hand.
"Well, I never!" Bonbon gasped, hand to his chest, coming out of the guest house as he heard them, and gave Bikram a hard hug. More of a choke hold really, but they seemed happy to see eachother nontheless.
"Minho will be home in a couple of hours," Hobi smiled, "he's so vEry ImpORtaNt, nowadays, you have no idea!" he giggled, "Come on! Let's go inside and I'll show you around in our humble abode!" he ushered everyone inside, still holding Tae in his arms.

"Humble, my foot." Jungkook gasped, looking at their host's living room and entertaining area.
"What he said." Tae pointed to Jungkook, jaw dropped.
"Yeah, I know!" Hobi giggled, "I reacted the same when Minho brought me here after our honeymoon. Actually, I almost fainted." he admitted.
"He carried you, didn't he?" Tae chuckled.
Hobi turned bright red and pretended he didn't hear.
"Pay up." Tae demanded, and held out his hand infront of Jungkook.
"Dammit." Jungkook groaned and got out a bill that he shoved in Tae's hand.
"Couldn't you've worn the pants, just once?" he accused Hobi, "And hauled his tall ass in?" Jungkook was disappointed.
"Yah!" Tae slapped him, "Pants' got nothing to do with this, you toxic masculinity spreader." he complained.
"Yeah, I know!" Jungkook defended himself, he really didn't like losing, that's all, "Still think you should've carried him." he muttered to Hobi.
"Sure." Hobi nodded, "Had I known where our house was. Or that we even had a house, I, most definitely, would've done the heavy lifting. Trust me. I even practised some deadlifts just to prepare."
"See," Jungkook turned to Taehyung, "that's why I thought you'd lose." he complained, "I mean, look at my mentor," he put his arm around Hobi, "fit as they come, olympic gold medalist and all! Why would someone need to carry him over the treshold?"
"Why would anyone need to carry anyone?" Tae asked, and jumped up in Kook's arms, bridal style, making Jungkook catch him, and placed his arms around Kook's neck, batting his eyes.
"Yeas, well," Jungkook grumbled, a tad smitten with his Tae, "I love you..."
"Precisely." Taehyung grinned, pecked him on the lips and got down again, "It looks amazing, Hobi." he turned to their friend, "And it really feels like your home."
"Wanna see the rest of the place?"
"Every inch." Tae assured him, nodding.
"Oki. Let's start with your room then?" Hobi giggled and showed them upstairs, "I put you as far away from us as possible..." he winked, "'Cause you know, we're horny." he joked, not joking.
They were having so much sex it was ridiculous. Couldn't stay away from one another.
He sighed, happily.
He had the best life.

"Kittens!" Minho greeted them when he got home.
"Crazy hot lawyer!" Tae laughed and came to hug him, "I missed you!"
"I have actually missed you too." Minho smiled, and turned to Hobi, "Husband," his voice dropped when he looked at said person and Hobi stepped into his arms, giving him a welcome home kiss that made Taehyung feel all kinds of things, just standing beside them.
"Ahum." Jungkook sounded, amused, backhugging Tae.
"Oh, hi Jungkook." Minho said on an exhale and looked at him, "Have we reached the hug stadium of our?" he wisked his hand around.
"Sure." Jungkook chuckled and gave him a quick squeeze, without letting go of Taehyung.
"Ready for some dinner?" Hobi asked the congregation.
"Oh, absolutely!" Minho groaned, "I'm so hungry I could eat a horse. But I want to take a shower first." he remembered and pulled Hobi closer with a hand on the small of his back so he could kiss him again.
"Go ahead, my crazy hot lawyer" Hobi giggled, "It's not gonna be ready yet for another twenty minutes or so." he placed a light kiss on the tip of his nose, before letting him go and patting him on the butt as he sent him off to get washed up.
"This feels so domestic," Taehyung said, amazed, staring at them with his mouth open, "I'm not sure it's even real?" he turned Jungkook, "Am I dreaming?"
"I can't tell." Jungkook confessed.
"Oh, blah, blah, blah." Hobi slapped their arms, "You're just jealous!"
"No," Jungkook shook his head, "that's not it."
"Alternative reality? Where Hobi cooks?" Taehyung suggested.
"Hardi har." Hobi moped.
"Hoseok, my dear friend," Jungkook said and put an arm around his back, "I've known you for, what ten years? Not once have I ever seen or known you to cook something."
"No." Hobi took a step back and crossed his arms infront of him, staring Jungkook down, "You only drank all my peppermint tea like a little syphon."
"Do you cook everyday, or?" Taehyung had taken out a small notebook he always carried and prepared to write down the answer.
"You suck!" Hobi sulked.
"Yes." Tae giggled and hugged Hobi again, "This is not new information." he laughed.
"God, I've missed you!" Hobi squeezed him hard, again, "And you too!" he pulled Kook into his embrace, "Crazy much."

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