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"So, you and Soonyi, huh?" Hobi said as he and Jimin was leaning against a rail, waiting for the others to finish their orders at the bar.
"I," Jimin looked at him, startled, "how do you?" they were not public, Soonyi and him, not one bit, so, "Taehyung." he realised.
"Yeah," Hobi smiled, "and Minho." he shrugged.
"That guy is freaking spooky." Jimin shivered.
"People keep saying that," Hobi nodded, "but I just think he's great." he grinned.
"He suits you." Jimin admitted, "Much better fit than I ever was." he concluded.
"Perhaps." Hobi agreed, a bit reluctantly, not wanting to flat out agree.
"Oh, totally." Jimin was adamant, "I love you, Hobi, but we, us," he sighed, "I think we would've destroyed what's good about us, making us shadows of ourselves, eventually. I did destroy good parts of us, and I'll regret that for the rest of my life, not being able to, neither love you nor leave you properly. I am very sorry Hoseok, please forgive me?"
"Jimin," Hobi sighed, "I have forgiven you. I don't have it in me to be angry or disappointed with you for something you did when you were struggling, as I think you were, if I'm being honest. I was just so focused on me and mine that I didn't care to, truly, understand or be there for you. I'm sorry about that. And if I may, I won't give lectures on getting involved with someone too fast, 'cause," he shrugged, "what the hell is too fast anyway? But, you're gonna have to work, very closely, with Soonyi for quite some time yet, and, you need to be able to be professional about a potential breakup, you know? So, talk to her about it. Now. When you're still civil, if it comes to that later on." Hobi looked at him, all serious.
"We already have." Jimin answered.
"Wow, Jimin!" Hobi complemented, "Growing up right infront of my eyes!"
"Shut up." Jimin bumped him with his hip, bashful.
"By the way, where the eff do I know that girl from?"
"Another time." Jimin promised, very low, and stood up as the others were returning.
"Jimin," Minho smiled, and held out three glasses of champagne for him to take one.
"Thank you." Jimin smiled back.
"Here you go, my love." Minho handed Hobi a glass and got a bit of a smooch before Hobi said, "Thank you, baby."
"I'm sorry, but that's just weird," Jimin teased, "you calling him baby."
"Oh?" Hobi was surprised.
"Mm." Jimin giggled, "That there is a definite Daddy." he bit his lower lip, looking Minho over.
"Behave!" Tae slapped him over the head.
"What?" Jimin whined, "I'm just telling it like it is, I mean, you of all people should recognise a fellow daddy when you see one?"
"Behave!" Jungkook slapped him too.
Jimin stuck his tongue out at him, "You're just jealous of everything that moves."
"Not true." Jungkook shook his head and took a sip of champagne, "I'm jealous of Park Bogum and what's his face?" Jungkook looked at Taehyung,
"Hyun Bin?" Tae suggested, hopefully.
"Ha. Ha." Jungkook said, "No, the tall one, with the," he circled his hand over his own face,
"Minho?" Tae grinned.
"Sigh." Jungkook looked down at his feet, exasperated.
"Park Seojoon." Tae laughed.
"Yeah, that's the one!" Jungkook cheered up and turned to Jimin, but that's pretty much it!"
"Hm." Jimin pouted, "Since it's new years, I'll let that slide, but... You and I both know that's not true." he stuck his tongue out again.
"It isn't?!" Tae looked between them, trying to catch the underlying information.
Jungkook pulled Tae close and nuzzled his neck, "No, not really." he admitted very low in Tae's ear, "You are far too beautiful and likeable and sexy and, gorgeous, and, everything, for me not to get jealous of everyone that talks to you. I'm sorry."
"You know I only want you." Tae whispered, kissing him on the cheek bone.
"I do know that." Jungkook smiled, "Because you are the best. And that's why I get jealous." he grinned, feeling clever.
"I love you." Tae whispered, "So, so, much, Jungkook." he rested his head on his shoulder and snaked his arm around Jungkook's back, inside his jacket.
Jungkook kissed him in the forehead, "I love you, too, baby." he whispered back, leaning his own head ontop of Tae's.
"Now then," Hobi said, all business, "shall we venture out on the balcony? It's almost twelve?"
"Yeah." Tae smiled, not letting go of Kook, "Let's go look at the fireworks."

"Did you know," Jungkook said and played with Tae's fingers, much, much, later as they were dancing, slowly, back in their suite, "that this hotel has a pony?" he laced their fingers together.
"Has it?"
"Mm. Teddy, his name is."
"And where might they keep this, Teddy?" Tae asked, suspiciously.
"Why, in the garden, of course." Jungkook laughed, "Occasionally. He's quite the sensation, I'm told."
"You're the sensation." Tae said, in his deep, turned on voice, rumbling through Jungkook's chest as Tae put his arms around his neck and started kissing him in that way.
That made Jungkook forget everything about everything and, dissolve, "You," he sighed, "are not all I need to be happy, but it's close."
"What are the other things then?"
Tae whipped his head back, laughing, "You wanna order some room service?"
"Whattaya want?" Tae lifted the phone.
"Burger and fries."

"Let's get out of our tuxes before the food gets here." Tae ordered as he ended the call.
"You go first." Jungkook suggested, "Imma jump you otherwise." he winked.
"Kiss." Tae patted his lips and Jungkook complied, repeating his dipp from earlier this evening.
"Mmm," Tae purred, hovering over the floor, relying solely on Jungkook to keep him up, "you kissing me like this? Making me feel, things, baby." he breathed as Jungkook raised them up.
"Taehyung," Jungkook said all serious, taking his hands, "I, you're my best friend, my ally, my guardian angel and emotional support animal. And most of all, the Love. Of. My. Life." he swallowed, "You know how people say that those first stages of love, that infatuation, where you can't get enough of eachother, wears off in a couple of years? It never has for me. I want you beside me, to see you, laugh with you, cry with you, rest with you, sleep with you and make love with you, every minute of every day. I'm totally hooked on you, Kim Taehyung."
"Jungkook." Tae mewled, overwhelmed, and stepped in closer, hugging him, head on Kook's chest, in a tight, tight embrace.
"Everyday I wake up with you," Jungkook whispered, "is a good day, no matter what happens. I. Am. So. In love with you, Kim Taehyung. So in love." he sobbed and found Tae's lips again.
Taehyung forgot what he was thinking or about to think or, hell, who cared?! And melted into the kiss and Jungkook's arms.
"I hlove hyouh." Tae slobbered, breathlessly. That was all he could remember how to say.
Every part of his body was set alight and was tingling with love and anticipation.
And want.
There was a knock on the door and they broke apart.

Tae slumped down on the couch, disoriented, mouth open, breathing heavily.
Jungkook was steadying himself with his hands on his knees, panting, "Come in!" he managed to shout through his laboured breathing and their room service entered.
"Is everything alright, sir?" The server asked, worried.
"Yeas, thank you." Jungkook breathed and stood up straight, "I just happen to live with the God of Sex over there." he nodded towards Taehyung.
"Jungkook!" Tae scolded him, mortified.
"Ah!" the server said, smiling, "Let us know if there's anything else you need." he said and turned to leave.
"Thank you." Taehyung said, putting weight behind his words, "And a Happy New Year to you, good sir!"
"Happy New Year." the server bowed and closed the door behind him.
"God of Sex!" Tae slapped Kook over his shoulder with each word.
"Well you are!" Jungkook defended himself.
"Hmfr." Tae sat down with his arms crossed infront of him.
"And my cute little alien." he came nuzzling Tae's ear and neck.
"Eat you food." Tae said, nose in the air, pointing to the dome the server left.
"Mmm, food." Jungkook drooled and toddled over to the cart, "I did make sure, they would always bring you strawberries, when we ordered room service, my sweet angel," Jungkook smiled and unearthed a silver bowl, filled to the brim with red sweetness for Tae.
"Oh." Tae recieved the bowl, a tad shocked.
"And," Jungkook returned to the cart, "To double up the order, if it was just the one, because my man always gets hungry when I eat." he chuckled and brought two plates over to the couch and sat down beside Tae.
"Jungkook!" Tae whined, "I'll get fat!"
"Nah." Jungkook smiled, "you'll burn it off later when we sex."
"Hmfr." Tae threw himself backwards with his arms crossed infront of him again, "So full of yourself." he wormed his finger in the air towards him, but couldn't resist taking a big bite of his burger, "Omg, this is the best burger I've ever tasted." he admitted, mouth full of food.
"Mmm, food." Jungkook drooled, happy as a duck, shoveling it in.

"Dammit." Tae banged his hand on Jungkook's chest, and his foot on his legs, "We fell asleep, baby." he yawned, safely held by his man, lying on the couch.
"It was all the bloody food." Tae complained, "Get up, lover boy." he untangled himself from Kook's embrace.
"Hu-uh." Jungkook groaned.
"I know baby, but we have a huge, extremely comfortable bed waiting for us and I refuse to sleep in my tux."
"Mmm, 'tis nice." Jungkook agreed from the depths of sleep, starting to sit up.
"Come on." Tae took his hand and lead him to the bedroom, since Kook had trouble getting his eyes open.
Tae undressed them both quickly and Jungkook pulled him close nuzzling his nose into Tae's neck, "Tomorrow, baby." he promised, "I'll love on you 'til you speak in tongues."
"Happy New Year, baby." Tae yawned again and kissed him on the nose.
"Happy New Year, my angel." Kook slured and fell asleep with his mouth still on the side of Tae's neck, kissing him there.

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