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"I wish you could come with me." Jungkook whispered holding Taehyung close. He did not want to leave him, but he had to.
"I wish that, too." Tae hugged him tighter, silently cursing the government, civil service, armistices and pissing contests, toxic masculinity and all things idiotic that made his life impossible at this precise moment.
Jungkook and Hobi were off to some unholy place at the end of the world, to try out some new poles and get some training in at the same time.
Taehyung had to teach art to underpriviliged kids. Which he loved doing, it wasn't that. It was having to do it, that was annoying him right now.
"Don't fall for some tall, blond, viking when you're there." he warned Jungkook, stroking his hair, pulling it behind his ear.
"Won't." Jungkook promised, "I'm already in love with the most beautiful man in the entire world." he tugged on Tae's hair, and realised he had to kiss him again. So he did.
"Guys! Come on!" Their coach yelled, motioning them to get on the bus.
"I love you." Jungkook whispered before letting go of Tae.
"Love you too, baby." Tae smiled.
Hobi and Jimin were still kissing, in an NSFW kind of way.
"TODAY!" Coach hollered, making Hobi rip himself away and stalk off.
Tae put his arm around Jimin.
This wasn't the first time he'd sent Jungkook off like this, but it was the first time for Jimin.
"Why do I suddenly feel like we're two army-wives sending our men off to war?" Jimin sob-laughed as they waved at their men, leaving. On a jet plane.
"Yeah, I know. It sucks." Tae sighed.

"Soo," Jimin began, lying on his back, stretching his legs up in the air on Tae's brand new sofa, "how's married life?"
"I wouldn't know." Tae huffed.
"Come on! You're living together!"
"I don't know if you know this," Tae teased, "but we have been. For quite some time, now." he nodded, "Actually, now that I think about it, we've been living together longer than we've been a couple."
"Funny." Jimin pouted.
"I am. Rather." Tae giggled.
Jimin sighed.
"Still questioning things, huh?" Tae asked.
"Yeah." Jimin sat up, "I mean, I want to fucking live in his body, I'm fucking addicted to him, and the sex? Ah, mah, gawd! You have no idea!"
"He freaks me out."
"Why?!" Tae was shook. That was the last thing he'd thought someone would think about Hobi.
"He's so focused, and, targeted." he shuddered.
"Yes." Tae agreed, "He's always been."
"Has he?" Jimin wondered.
"Yes." Tae laughed, "He's fun and easy going and energetic and lovely. But also focused, targeted and ambitious. He's a professional athlete for crying out loud! World class athlete. Of course he's focused!"
"Jimin," Tae sighed, "you've known him for ten years! How can you not know this about him?"
"I don't know!" Jimin whined and threw himself on his back again, "I just never realised!"
"Well, someone's been living with his head up his ass..." Tae tsked.
"Is Jungkook like this too?"
"Yes." Taehyung laughed, "You better not come between Jungkook and his training schedule, or rather, you can't."
Tae stood up and walked in to the kitchen, "And don't get me started on his fucking feeding habits, brr."
"I feel like I've been lied to my whole life." Jimin muttered, "And you just accept this?"
"Yes." Tae laughed, "Of course I do, just like he accepts the stench from my painting equipment, my art deadlines and weird work hours."
"Is that what you want?"
"Yes." Jimin moped, "But I want Hobi to be irresponsible with me." Jimin's lower lip jutted out.
"But then he wouldn't be Hobi." Tae argued.
"AAARGH!" Jimin threw himself on the floor, rolling around kicking and hitting, "GOD DAMMIT! FUUUCK!"
"Feel better?" Tae asked cooly when he got up and sat down at the kitchen counter, and put a muffin infront of Jimin.

Hobi and Jungkook arrived in Arvidsjaur midday.
"We're in freaking Narnia." Hobi said amazed looking around at the snow covered landscape.
"This is so cool." Jungkook agreed, shivering from the cold, "but let's get inside, I'm freezing my balls off."
"Yeah, we'll have to buy some warmer clothes." Hobi nodded.
They were warned and had both brought their warmest winter clothes, but...
"Are we actually in Arctis, or?" Hobi asked the receptionist, as they were checking in.
"No, sorry!" she giggled, "But it feels like it today," she continued, mock shivering in her thick, hand knitted, jumper.
They decided to brave the cold and head out to get themselves better equiped before doing anything else.

Thankfully everything was close by, as all the buildings seemed to huddle together in this very small town.
"Cars or sports equipment?" the sales guy that helped them pick out appropriate clothes in the store asked.
"Sports equipment." Jungkook confirmed, "but how did you know?"
The guy shrugged, "It's January." he said like that explained everything.
And maybe it did.
"I need to snap a picture for Taehyung." Jungkook said as they were leaving the store, "This is so beautiful, I'll have to take him here some day!"
Hobi smiled. Somehow he doubted Jimin would like this place, Tae would, yes. But Jimin?
He shrugged.
"Do you want to get some pizza?" Hobi asked, realising he was freaking famished, it was like, late evening in his body.
"Oh, yeah!" Jungkook moaned, instantly hungry.

"Can I ask you a personal question?" Hobi peered at Jungkook.
"Mhm, sure." Jungkook said, stuffing his face.
Hobi had to gather his thoughts and looked out the window, why was he bringing this up?
And why was he talking to Jungkook about it?
He sighed.
"Do you think Jimin is the right guy for me?"
Jungkook swallowed too big of a piece and had to take a big gulp of his soda to get it down, he felt like a fucking Boa trying to down a goat or something.
He looked at Hobi, trying to find a clue in his face as to why he'd asked him this question, but couldn't find one. Hobi could be truly inscrutable at times.
Jungkook sighed and decided to stick with the truth, as he saw it.
"No." he answered, "I'm sorry, but I don't." he took another sip of his drink, "He really loves you, though. For real. Not, like, in his head, like with Yoongi." he tried to soften the blow.
"But, I don't know Hobi-ssi, he's," Jungkook paused, "he's a great guy, so much fun to be around and very kind, but," he paused again, having to think how to put this into words, "he's like, smoke." he shrugged, "Like, he's everywhere but also impossible to hold, if it makes sense?"
"Huh." Hobi said, kind of surprised, "It does, actually. It makes perfect sense."
"And I mean, I'm sure you could make that work, if you wanted to," Jungkook argued, "you'd just have to be prepared to rely on yourself and keep your own direction, allowing the smoke to rise up around you or disappear whenever." he paused, and continued, "I just always figured you were more intrested in, I don't know, substantial things? Aliens, for instance. Like me." he smiled.
"Why are you so wise?" Hobi whined, "You're twelve," he pointed his knife at Kook, "you shouldn't be this wise." he shoved a big slice of pizza in his mouth.
"You have taught me well, Hobi Wan Kenobi." Jungkook bowed.
Hobi laughed, "I taught you how to pole vault, young Padawan, not how to give life lessons!"
"Actually, I've learnt a lot from you." Jungkook admitted, "How you take care of everyone you love and stand up for your principles. And keep dedicated to your goals without sucking all the joy out of everything. I've learnt a lot." he nodded.
"I'm a role model?" Hobi asked both moved and a little bit freaked.
"The best." Jungkook grinned.

The next day they woke up earlier than was legally allowed, unable to go back to sleep and hungry like wolves.
"There's an hour and a half 'til they start serving breakfast." Jungkook groaned.
"Wait!" Hobi said and disappeared out the door before coming back with a whole fruit basket he'd stolen from one of the conference rooms.
"I love you." Jungkook whined, and snatched a banana, and two apples, "What's the time difference again?" he asked as he got his phone out, "They're like eight hours ahead of us or is it the other way around?"
"Nah, they're ahead, it's like, lunch time, back home." Hobi said.
"Good." Jungkook smiled and went to FaceTime Taehyung.
Hobi decided to call Jimin, wanting to be able to close his eyes and search his feelings without the other one looking at him.
He sighed inwardly. They were a new couple! And so in love! Why was he having doubts?
Trust issues.
Maybe Yoongi was right? Was he not willing to fully trust Jimin with his heart?
And was that because Jimin couldn't be trusted or because he himself couldn't entrust anyone with it?
How did you figure these things out?!
"Fuck. My. Life." he muttered and called his boyfriend.

The Kim Family TetralogyWhere stories live. Discover now