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"Milo, get down from there." Hobi warned, as his oldest son was trying to commit suicide, climbing on the small stage at the venue they were at, "What was I talking about?" he asked Jungkook.
"You were telling me about,"
"Milo, get down from there!" Hobi got up, fast, to catch his son who was about to fall.
Jungkook chuckled, fondly, at his friend, being a dad.
Hobi had gotten hold of his kid and was coming back to Jungkook with an angry little ferret in his arms trying its best to escape, "Where is your brother?" Hobi asked the ferret that sulkingly pointed at his three minutes younger brother.
"OMG, HOLDEN! WHERE ARE YOUR PANTS?!" Hobi shrieked and hoisted Milo into Jungkook's arms before running after his other son.
"DADDY!" Milo bawled in a panic, being in someone he hadn't seen for a couple of months' arms, startling Jungkook who almost dropped him, but held tight until Hobi returned with angry ferret nr two.
"Jesus Christ." Hobi sighed and sat down beside Jungkook again, putting the clothes back on.
"Grr, no!" Holden tried to slither out of this indignification with pants.
"Grr, yes." Hobi insisted, and managed to pull them up.
"But I wanted to show Chris my peepee!" Holden objected.
"Yeah, I know!" Hobi nodded, "But we've talked about this, Holden," Hobi scolded, "we don't show our peepees to people,"
"But you show yours to daddy all the time!" Milo defended his brother.
Jungkook died.
Right there.
"Yes." Hobi nodded, slapping Jungkook over the head, managing to keep serious, "But daddy wants to see my peepee sometimes, and I want to see his,"
"Chris wants to see mine too!" Holden protested.
"Has she actually told you that?" Hobi inquired.
Holden shook his head.
"And what does she do when you show it to her? Does she come closer?"
"No." Holden pouted.
"She runs away screaming." Milo spilled.
"And what do you think that means?" Hobi asked.
"That she wants me to follow her?" Holden looked hopeful, in an apparent attempt of wishful thinking.
"That she doesn't want to." Milo shook his head, certain he'd reached the right conclusion.
"Do you really think she wants you to follow her?" Hobi looked at Holden who was blushing and shook his head no.
"Ok." Hobi said and pulled both boys in for a hug, "How about we keep our pants on for now, and stop climbing on things? Think we can do that? At least until we get home?"
The boys nodded.
Holden wormed his way up onto Hobi's lap, he didn't like getting scolded. Even a little bit.
Hobi kissed him on top of his head, "I love you, my little snuggle bug." he whispered and pulled Milo closer as well, "And you too, ketchup."

Minho came back.
"Where's June?" Hobi asked, since Minho'd left to feed and change the baby.
"Taehyung's got her." he smiled, "She fell asleep in his arms and I fear we may have lost her forever." he joked and bent down to kiss Hobi with one hand on each of the boy's heads.
"GIVE HER BACK, YOU HEARTLESS HINE!" Milo roared and set off for Tae who was following behind, with the sleeping baby in his arms.
"GIVE US BACK OUR SISTER!" Holden demanded seconds later and kicked Tae on the shin. Hard.
"Boys!" Minho tried to discipline them but couldn't keep a straight face, "I'm sorry," he laughed, "I shouldn't have said it like that! He's not gonna steal her, it just means he likes her and wants a baby of his own." he explained.
"Oh." both boys hung their head, pouting.
"You're gonna have to step up your game, my friend." Hobi giggled slinging his arm around Jungkook's shoulders.
"No way am I going to be able to handle this," he waved his hand around, "as good as you guys are, anytime soon." Jungkook shook his head, in awe of his friends' parenting skills.
"We're sorry Mr Kim." the boys said in unison.
"It's ok." Taehyung laughed, "June's so lucky to have you two to look out for her." he nodded, making them shine up with big smiles on their faces, "She's really cute." he confessed and sat down with her still soundly asleep in his arms, looking down on her.
"She's very cute." Milo corrected him, and gently stroked her head and placed a soft kiss on her forehead while Holden nodded and carefully held her little foot on the other side.
"I think my ovaries just exploded." Jungkook sighed, sincerely.
Hobi whipped his head back and laughed and pulled Jungkook closer so he could hug him properly, "You're doomed, my friend!"
"Aish!" Jungkook shoved him, slightly embarrassed.
"Ask your heart what it doth know." Milo said, solemnly, looking at Jungkook, before he and Holden took off like two arrows, "GRANDMA!"
"Heh." Taehyung said, "The Shakespeare's strong with that one."
"Yeah, he loves it. I have to read some to him every night!" Hobi laughed, "My dad couldn't be more pleased." he giggled and turned to Jungkook and laughed even harder when he noticed Jungkook had gone full doe.
"I feel, naked, right now." Jungkook complained, "Exposed." he shivered, "Undressed to the bone by a five-year-old."
"Naww," Taehyung cooed and placed a hand on his cheek.
"Speaking of naked," Hobi remembered, "how did the bar-exam go?" he turned to Tae.
"I think I did ok, but?" he sighed, the results wouldn't come in 'til after New Years.
"I drilled you so hard and Mr Kim pummeled you with his knowledge too." Minho put his arm around Taehyung, "I'm sure you did just fine." he squeezed his shoulders, "I'm so proud of you, Mini-me!" he pinched his cheek.
"Aish!" Tae's turn to get embarrassed and shove his mentor, "And besides, I think this one's your Mini-me." he nodded towards the baby.
"Huh." Jungkook said, "I would've pegged their oldest."
"Nope." Tae grinned, "Those two," he smiled, looking at the boys, running around like maniacs, "are more Hobi, especially Milo," he bumped Kook's shoulder, "apart from you know, the,"
"Alien dna?" Jungkook suggested.
"Whatever." Tae chuckled.
"Yeah." Minho sighed, looking at the boys, with affection radiating off of him, "They do have a lot if energy." he turned to Hobi, "But I'm still the luckiest man alive." he bent down, steadying himself on Hobi's chair and gave him a sultry kiss.
"I'm betting daddy's gonna show daddy his peepee tonight..." Jungkook teased, suggestively.
"Shut up." Hobi smacked his head without even looking.
"Holden took his pants off?" Minho laughed.
"Mhm." Hobi grumbled and pulled him in for another kiss, "We do have babysitters tonight..." he whispered.
"Mmm," Minho agreed, "Imma love on you 'til you pass out." he promised.
"So ten minutes then?" Hobi laughed.
"Better than five." Minho nodded. "Like last time."
"Old people." Jungkook huffed, mocking them.
"Parents." Hobi laughingly corrected him.
"And that is why you and I shall never have kids." Jungkook nodded, all important, turning to Taehyung.
"Oh, shush!" Tae slapped his arm.
"Doomed." Hobi said, ghostly.

The Kim Family TetralogyWhere stories live. Discover now