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"I swear to God." Hobi hissed through clenched jaws, holding a protective arm around Jungkook, trying to get out of the press corps snake pit alive, holding on to their new, completely massive, mountain, of a bodyguard they'd gotten specifically for the Olympics.
The world seemed to have decended upon them.
And, they were warned, his husband had warned them, but it was an entirely diffrent thing, experiencing it in reality.
Minho had ordered Jungkook, ordered him, not to talk about anything other than his upcoming performance. To visibly try to get out of any questions about the gay movement and the attempts to get the new law passed.
To say, out loud, thay he wasn't here to talk about politics, he was here to compete.
He was even allowed to show his nuisance.
Getting those questions.
Hobi did have the ok to mention all things gay, being plastered to Jungkook's side as he was, but he too was under the command of showing irritation to getting those questions.
None of them needed to pretend.
They were sick of them.
"I love your husband." Jungkook said, when they'd gotten out of there, breathing out, loudly.
"I do too." Hobi giggled.
But he got what Jungkook ment.
The group of actors Minho had sicced on them, acting as the press, over and over again without warning leading up to this, had made it possible for Jungkook to pretty much tune out the real press by now.
To answer them without really engaging with them. To not be drawn out of his head.
It enabled him to stay focused.
To not be unsettled.
But the best piece of advice, though, Taehyung had given him, "Remember, we like to be watched." he'd told him, just before Kook'd left for the pre-camp.
And, yeah.
It did all the difference.
Having cameras shoved in your face all the time.
He just pretended they were being watched.
That it was part of their foreplay.
And it turned the whole thing around.
Instead of getting disturbed by the intrusion of cameras on him all the time, he kinda got off on it.
In some strange non-sexual way.
'Cause he was in command.
Here. To. Win.
To show off.
And then go home and fuck his husband for ever and ever 'til the end of times.
In peace.

"I need." Jungkook grunted. His mind didn't wanna do that last, honing in, he needed to compete. There was too much going on around him.
"Ok." Hobi said, turned on a dime and led the procession back out to the waiting area again.
Jungkook went straight for Taehyung's arms and put his head over Tae's shoulder as soon as he saw him.
That helped a lot, 'cause he was always fully aware of Tae.
"I love you, you got this." Taehyung comforted him, recognising the signs, "Now, turn your attention inward."
He held Jungkook out so he could look at him, "I'm down there, on the field, with you in spirit. But, you don't need me. Listen."
Jungkook let himself be hypnotised by Taehyung's eyes and felt the entire world shrink.
He heard it.
And all he could see, all he cared about, right now, was finish lines and hights and distances.
To check off all those boxes.
One by one.
'Til he was done.
Taehyung saw Kook's eyes go black, "Now, go destroy that fucking World record. Destroy. It. It's is yours to break. Grab it by the nuts and twist it around. Do it. Go." he ordered and kissed him hard.
Jungkook shifted his weight from one foot to the other, coming up on his toes like a boxer and turned away from Tae, "I'm ready." he growled.
"Yes." Hobi agreed and nodded to their bodyguard to take them out on the field again, secretly giving Tae a thumbs up.

"Wow." Minho gasped as he saw his sweet little kitten first win the 100 m dash and then jump further than anyone out there on the field with him, "I mean, I knew he was great but, I didn't perhaps, you know, watch? The last Olympics?" he blushed.
"Mhm." Hobi pursed his lips, "And were you, perhaps, sleeping? During the last World Championships?" he asked his husband, rather sourly.
"No. But I was working." Minho excused himself. 'Cause you know, he'd been there, but.
"Leave him alone." Taehyung defended his mentor, "He's not that into sport." he shrugged.
"Why am I married to you?" Hobi snorted, with contempt.
"Because you love me?" Minho chuckled in his ear squeezing his neck with his hand.
"Mm." Hobi halfway protested, squinting his eyes at him, "Now shut up, he's about to put." he scooted more forward in his seat, hands to his knees, craning his neck to see better, focusing entirely on Jungkook.
Minho turned to Tae with a question in his eyes.
"He's not that good at it." Tae shrugged, but didn't take his eyes off Jungkook either, crossing his fingers and toes and legs, willing the freaking shot to fly.
"Dammit." Hobi sulked when Kook couldn't get his put together and only nudged his PB.
"It's fine." Taehyung assured him, "He always does better on his second throw."
"Put." Hobi corrected, "Put, people. Put."
"Put the lime in the coconut," Yoongi started.
"No." Hobi ordered him, pointing at him.
"Thanks Meowmeow." Taehyung groaned, "Now I've got that in my head for a week."

All of them had t-shirts in the different colours of the rainbow with 'Team Jungkook' printed across their chests on.
Except Hobi and Coach who were sporting the official national team attire. Official representatives as they, in fact, were.
Occasionally, the cameras sought out the coaches in the audience for reaction shots and they had placed themselves, strategically, amongst the flipping large, 'Team Jungkook' contignent for that exact purpose.
To be seen in the middle of a rainbow.
It was a statement, without being a statement.
There were no rainbow flags, no LGBTQ paraphernalia per say. Only friends and familiy supporting their athlete.
In brightly coloured t-shirts.
"Go back half a step!" Coach shouted a suggestion at Jungkook.
"Isch, I feel a stomach ulcer." Jiwoo swallowed, joking.
"He can afford a point in the ninehundreds." Namjoon tried to calm her.
"Mhm." Jiwoo pursed her lips exactly as Hobi'd done, "And that means what? He can drop it on his toes?"
"Schh!" Hobi shushed her.
"Yes!" Taehyung pumped his fist in the air as Jungkook beat his PB.
"Yeah, he's not gonna break a thousand." Hobi shook his head, "But that was a bloody good put!" he clapped his hands and stood up, as did Coach.

The high jump was a thriller. Jungkook was good at this, but so were two of the other guys.
But, Jungkook, being Jungkook, actually performed better when he got some true resistance.
He didn't even think about the fact that he was in the lead, score-wise.
He just wanted to win.
The other two did eventually out jump him, but not before Jungkook had jumped higher that he'd ever done, previously.
He shook their hands, thanking them for their inadverted help.
"Get it, Jungkook." the better one of them encouraged him, "Smash the crap out of it."
"I will." Jungkook growled, determind. Proud. Certain.
He cast a quick eye up over at the bleachers and saw his guys doing some silly dance, celebrating his achivement.
Taehyung threw him a kiss.
He felt the side of his cheek go up in a crooked smile.
But, returned his focus to the field almost immediately.
He watn't done.

"Go, Baby! Gooo!" Taehyung was jumping up and down, dropping his excited ass down on his chair before springing up again, over and over again, screaming his lungs out on the last discipline of the day, 400 m, "YYYEEEEAAAAH! THAT'S MY MAAN!" he hollered as Jungkook crushed the opposition and came in first.
"Shit, he's fast!" Minho gasped, almost not believing his eyes.
"Omg," Hobi sob-laughed, and sat down, wiping his tears, "he's actually closing in on it." he nodded, looking at the score that came in, starting to sob-laugh louder, "He's actually, I gotta go." he realised and quickly took off with Coach.

"You put the lime in the coconut," Taehyung, Jimin and Yoongi shout- sang and started dancing again, like you'd imagine cats dancing, pointing at eachother, bobbing their heads to the side, was not pretty, Soonyi and Jangmi both felt their dismay return, for entirely different reasons, but.
Tae burst into tears almost immediately, being, a bit, unstable, "Hold me, Earnie." Taehyung cried, going for his brother, who gathered him in his arms.
"There, there, Squirt." Jin comforted him, "Be as happy and unsteady as you want. He's on track. And you'll see him tomorrow. There, there."
"You're not gonna see him tonight?" Tits wondered, coming up to them to congratulate them of day one.
"No, I'll be a distraction." Tae shrugged, "And besides, I'm not crazy?" he snorted, "He, runs, and, jumps, and, throws things in his sleep on these nights. It hurts!" he complained and stroked himself over his arms, shivering.
"And he's gotta eat like ten thousand calories and drink a gallon of sports drink and do weird athlete stuff and get massages and be, yeah, Imma say it," Jin took over the explanation, "rude."
Taehyung nodded, "He has to go deeper."
"Yeah." Namjoon shook his head, "I don't envy him, having to find those last slivers of determination to do it again tomorrow whilst being completely spent from today. Hobi's really the only one who can communicate with him right now."
"By grunting." Taehyung laughed, "They have their own language." he shook his head.
"Here we go." Minho muttered when two formal looking dudes approached them, one of 'em with a clipboard in his hands.

The national team had, problems, with their t-shirts, showing the way they did on tv, it seemed.
"But would it be ok if we all had the same coloured t-shirts with Team Jungkook on them tomorrow?" Minho asked agreeably.
"I don't see why not?" the Olymic representative said, looking at his national team counterpart.
"Purple?" Taehyung asked, innocently, "That's his favourite colour?"
"That would be ok." the national team stickler nodded, graciously.
"Purple it is then." Minho nodded along, making sure to include everyone in the entourage in that nod.
Getting submissive nod-alongs here and there.
It was all going according to plan.

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