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"You know, I wouldn't have minded having at least some energy left so we could fornicate, this first night at our new place." Jungkook confessed lying on his back beside Taehyung, all pumped out from the move.
Taehyung giggled and rolled over to cuddle him, nuzzling his neck, "Yuck. You reek." he rolled on his back again.
"Sorry, babe." Jungkook huffed, too tired to really care.
"Come on," Tae sat up and pulled Kook with him, "let's go get washed up!"
He bent down and whispered in Jungkook's ear, "I may, or may not have forseen this very predicament and might have a surprise for you..."
Jungkook shot up and muscled Tae infront of him going in to the bathroom, in a teensy bit of a hurry.
"Do you know where the towels are?" he asked.
"I do know where the towels are." Tae nodded, "Because I unpacked them and stocked the bathroom with them before I did the bed, baby."
"Marry me."
"Will." Tae kissed his nose, "Just name the date!"
"Now?" Jungkook pleaded.
Tae giggled and shoved him, "Get in the shower, stonky!"
"Join me?"
"Yeah, but let's make it quick."
Obviously, they had to kiss a little bit, 'nd just, you know, rub up against one another, but Jungkook soon rested his head on Tae's shoulder, "I really don't have the energy, but I'm so lovestruck!" he complained.
"Lovestruck, huh?" Tae giggled, "Come on, baby, let's get you dry and then I'll give you your present."

"Take a couple of towels with you, will you baby?" Tae ordered as he left the bathroom ahead of Jungkook.
Being the boyfriend material he was, he of course obliged.
Taehyung layed one out for them to lay on, "I just thought it'd be nice if we didn't have to change sheets tonight."
"You are so thoughtful, baby." Jungkook said, hugging him from behind.
"You ready for this, baby?"
"I'm ready for anything! As long as I get to hold you in my arms."
Tae turned around and softly caressed Jungkook's cheek. Putting his way too long hair behind his ear, "I'm so in love with you, Jungkook. You make me beyond happy." he smiled.
"Baby," Jungkook's voice had turned all raspy from emotion, "I, you, I, love you." he hid his face against Taehyung's shoulder, "I wish there were words, stronger than that. They're not enough."
Slowly, Jungkook pushed Taehyung's bathrobe of his shoulders, watching as it fell off, pooling round his feet. He untied his own and let it drop.
"Can I just hold you in my arms for a second?" he wondered.
Taehyung nodded, almost shy from the intenisty of the feelings in this moment.
Jungkook took a small step forward, closing the gap between them, putting one arm around Tae's body, resting his hand on the small of his back, pulling him close.
The other hand, was carefully moving, very lightly, up through Tae's neck and into his hair as Jungkook fitted his mouth to Taehyung's, softly kissing him.
Letting the taste of Taehyung fill his senses.
Tae forgot everything about presents and surprises and linked his hands together behind Jungkook's back, letting the light, tingling, sensation Jungkook's kissing was causing, wash over him.
"I want to stay like this forever." Tae whispered, consumed by love. He didn't need to get off. He didn't need to have sex. He just needed this.
Jungkook's love.
And presence.
"I want to make love to you." Jungkook whispered, "But I really don't have the energy," he huffed, "and I want to keep holding you like this, too." he kissed him again.
"Hn." Tae sounded.
It felt totally out of place, now, to suggest what he was about to suggest, but he actually had a solution to this very problem.
He took a deep breath, "This might sound a little kinky," he peered at Jungkook, having peaked his interest, "but if you really are up for it? I might have a solution that'll make it possible for us to do all those things, without having to lift a finger..."
"What did you get?" Jungkook asked, suspiciously.
"Hn, well," Tae was wriggling a bit, "matching, cockrings and eggs." he blushed, "That vibrate." he confessed.
Jungkook whipped his head back and laughed. "Oh, bring it on, baby!"
"You're sure?" Tae peered at him, "'Cause I'll be happy with just laying next to you, looking at you 'til you fall asleep?"
"Baby, if I can hold you, kiss you, look at you and maybe get off while I'm doing that? Heaven." Jungkook whispered, voice all husky.
He might be spent, but he was always up for an experiment!
"Ok, baby." Tae smiled, "Bend over?"
"Hell yeah!" Jungkook turned on a dime and grabbed his ankles, making Tae giggle.
"Such a nice ass," he complimented and kissed one of the cheeks, "and it's all mine." he licked the rim.
"Oh, yeah." Kook moaned.
Tae coated a finger with some plain, unscented lube and gently pushed it in, swirling it around, streaching Kook's walls, "So soft, baby." he hummed, sliding another finger in, slowly widening Jungkook's hole, before slipping the lubed up egg in, carefully.
"Yeaahh." Jungkook shivered.
Tae leaned over him, helping him to stand up, "Can you help me, now?" he whispered, holding out the lube and the egg for Jungkook to take.
Jungkook took a step forward and sloppy kissed his man before turning him and gently making him bend over. Kook kissed Taes back as he circled his entrance with his lubed up fingers, tickling him, having his hand reach down to play with Tae's balls, sending shivers up his spine.
He made his index, long and ring fingers in to a pointed arrow, very slowly and carfully prying Tae open. When he reached his joints he softly spread his fingers out a bit, placing the slippery egg over them and managed to exchange the egg for the fingers, feeling Tae clench around it as it nested in his hole.
"Beautiful." Kook sobbed and kissed Tae's ass cheek, wrapping his arms around him, pulling him up with him.
Tae's eyes were black with desire as he turned and mounted the cock rings around their, fully erect, penises.
They crawled into bed, pulling the covers over them, laying on their sides, holding eachother.
Jungkook almost felt like crying, Tae was so beautiful! He was so handsome and the look of love in his eyes touched Kook's very soul.
He just had to kiss him.
"You ready, baby?" Taehyung whispered.
Kook nodded.
The both let out a deep moan when the eggs kind of flicked, once. And then seconds later, the rings buzzed around them, heightening everything, since they could feel both at the same time.
"I love you." Jungkook panted.
"Hhhnng, I love you too." Tae fitted his mouth to Jungkook's.
"Hhhnng, OMG, this is so good!" Jungkook was salivating.
"HHhnng! Sweet, sweet, torture." Taehyung agreed, and bucked his hips.
Jungkook pulled Taehyung on top of himself, he wanted his weight on him.
That only made the feeling more intense.
"Hhhng God!" Jungkook moaned, cupping Tae's face in his hands, trying to kiss him but only managing to hold his open, slobbering, mouth close to Tae's.
Taehyung no longer had the strenght to keep his head up, so he rested it beside Jungkook, turning to face him.
Their noses met and their open mouths breathed heavily in an neverending exchange of air.
The buzzing and vibrating was picking up speed and turning up in intensity, as they panted into eachother's mouths, communicating only with their eyes.
Knowing that the other one was feeling exactly what you were feeling at the same precise time as you, was, amazing.
Taehyung could see the exact millisecond Jungkook's release started to build up, deep inside him, making Tae feel all hot and cold at the same time. Like when you sat down in a hot bath.
He put his open mouth on Jungkook's and felt Kook's arms tighten their grip around him as they both started to empty themselves, connected mind, body, and soul.
The pulsing from Jungkook's release echoed in his own member, amplifying everything a thousand times.
It was the weirdest, most fulfilling orgasm he'd yet to experience.

"That was," Tae gasped when he could finally speak again, "so weird. And soo good."
"Hnng." Jungkook sounded, halfway asleep already.
Tae tried to extricate himself from Kook's arms, "Hngu." Kook protested and held him closer.
"I'll just rid us of these gadgets, baby." Tae soothed, "And clean us up a bit." he kissed Jungkook on his chest as the grip loosened.
"Hnk." Jungkook agreed.
Taehyung was really quick, getting everything off, but Jungkook had still fallen deeply asleep before he was done and was snoring, layed out flat on his back.
Taehyung discarded the equipment and crawled in to bed, next to him, pulling the covers over them and snuggled close to him, kissing his cheek.
"I love you, baby."
"Hng." Jungkook said, puckering his lips, kissing the air.
Taehyung knew what it ment.
He felt the same way.

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