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"Have you lost your fucking mind!?" Yoongi could not believe he was having this conversation! "NO!"
He tried to walk away from her, but she followed him, "Yoongi, come on! Have you any idea how much exposure like this would cost? If we had to buy it?"
"I. Don't. Care." he crossed his arms infront of him, "We're not doing it. I'm not doing it."
"Why are you being such an grumpy old fart about this?!" Jangmi stomped her foot, "I know you're not stupid? Give me one good reason not to do this?"
Yoongi took a breath preparing for take off, but she held a finger up, "That's not about you being stubborn." she demanded.
And Yoongi lost his air and had to start again, "How about this? I refuse to take advantage of my friends' gayness! I will not climb on their fame to better my own business! Hell no! If my work alone doesn't bring me the accolades I need and deserve, there is no way in hell I'm using theirs to haggle some sordid deal for myself!" he shivered with disgust.
"Well, I hate to break it to you," Jangmi shook her head, exasperated, "but no matter what you do or don't do, they will still be hounded." she shrugged and lost it, "IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU DO! THEY DONT CARE ABOUT YOU! FUCKING USE THE OPPORTUNITY, YOONGI!"
"ERRGH!" she stomped her foot again and walked off, "You need the money!" she shouted as she left.

He did need the money.
He would not monetise his friendship with Hobi.
And most definitely not in some frecken womens magazine being a happy couple with Jangmi, inviting them into his home.
Yeah, well, her home, but.
"I mean, come on!"
It wasn't that he wasn't up for some theatre, occasionally, but this was just, no.
He could not bring himself to play house with Jangmi infront of some reporter.
Yes, yes, yes, they were a couple.
But they weren't living together!
They didn't have plans.
You know, for the future?
He felt dirty.
It would've been another thing completely, if they'd approached them before this whole thing.
Then he might have considered it, but, now?
The only reason they wanted to do this now was because his best friend had won the Olympics whilst having the audacity of being gay at the same time.
It was fucking hurtful, come to think of it!
Like the only interesting thing about him was the fact that he was friends with Hobi.
He did see her point, though, joke's on them, right?
Using the users.
But it just felt, wrong.
Being able to profit from Hobi's demise.
Like some sort of vulture.
And, she wasn't wrong, it would cost him a fortune to get this massive exposure, it would, and no matter what he did, how much money he spent, it still wouldn't rival the the current interest in him and his business.
But, God dammit!
He should be able to live with himself!
And he wouldn't be.
Even if Hobi probably would be ok with him using this to his advantage.

And that thing with Taeeul!
Yoongi had actually liked her.
He felt an uncomfortable spike of shame worm itself through his body.
What a fucking miscalculation that had been.
And Jangmi had just, blaeh.
Fine, they were related somehow, but Yoongi would've fucking buried anyone who'd betrayed his trust like that!
Especially a close friend!
And what an lovely argument that had been...
Jangmi twisting Taeeul's arm and making her give up the money she'd earned from telling all.
Jangmi wanted Hobi and Jungkook to have it but Yoongi couldn't bring himself to even tell them about it.
It just sat in his account.
Burning a hole in his conscience.

And getting shot!
He called Hobi, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" he shouted.
"Well, hello to you, too." Hobi answered, sarcastically.
"Fuck. I'm sorry Hobi," Yoongi excused himself, "I just wanted to know if you could talk for a bit?"
"Why? What's happened?"
"Girl trouble." Yoongi admitted.
"Well, as luck would have it," Hobi giggled, "I'm currently in the arms of my lover," there was a distinct kissing sound and Yoongi gagged, silently, "and still in town, we could meet up tomorrow if you don't want to take it right this very moment? Over the phone?"
"Dude," Yoongi protested, "like I'm gonna make you talk about my shit when you're finally getting laid?" he paused, "I hope you didn't actually pick up in the middle of?" he shivered, "Please say you didn't?"
"No!" Hobi laughed, "we're just post fuck cuddling right now." there was a disgruntled noise and some giggles, "Sorry, my love," Hobi said, "post love-making cuddles." he laughed.
"Ugh." Yoongi sounded, "Did I really need to know that Hobi, seriously?"
"Well, you asked." Hobi said.
"Tomorrow then?"
"Are you ok?" Hobi asked, a bit worried when Yoongi didn't end the call.
"Yeah." he sighed, "Just over all, this, crap." he sighed again, "I just needed to hear my best friends voice, that's all."
"Would you like me to sing to you?" Hobi asked with a laugh and didn't wait for an answer, "The hills are aliiiiive with the sound of muuuusiiiic, with songs they have sung for a thousand yeeeeeaaars!"
"Please don't." Yoongi groaned.
"The hiiills fill my heart with the sound of muuuuuusiiiic,"
"Ok, thanks, see you tomorrow, ok thanks, bye!" Yoongi ended the call, shaking his head.

"I'm moving in with Minho."
"Whoah, whoah, whoah! Back up, horsie!" Yoongi had stopped dead in his tracks, "You've been on what? Like one date with the guy? Don't you think you're moving a bit fast?"
"Yes." Hobi agreed, "But I have never been more sure about anything in my entire life."
"But," Yoongi tried.
"I don't care if it wrecks me, Yoongi, it'll all have been worth it just to feel what I'm feeling right now." he looked at his best friend, "And we owe Tae and Kook an apology, if this is the way they're feeling about eachother? They've been a wonder of restraint and moderation!"
"Christ." Yoongi turned to the heavens, "Another one bites the dust."
"I'm so happy!" Hobi sang and cavorted over to the kitchen island.
"Did you just skip?!"
"Did I?" Hobi smiled, and did a big Disney princess twirl, "I'm just so happy!"
Yoongi couldn't help but smile. He'd known Hobi their entire lives and he had never seen his friend this silly and bright, "I'm happy for you," Yoongi admitted, "I don't think I've ever seen you more animated and alive!" he smiled, "You've always been my sunshine, Hobi, dragging me from the dark, giving me energy, thank you for that, and if this guy recharges your battery like this? Keep him."
Hobi came twirling against Yoongi and pinned his arms to his side with a big bear hug around Yoongi, "Oh, I intend to!" Hobi shrieked, making Yoongi winch, "I intend to!" he started showering Yoongi's face with kisses.
"Ughl. Get off me." Yoongi protested, trying to wriggle himself free.
"NO!" Hobi shouted and just held him tighter, intensifying the kissing, "I love you Yoongles, thank you for being my rock! And big brother!"
"You're welcome." Yoongi said, almost bent over backwards to escape the freaking puppy, "But let me go. Please."
"Ok." Hobi went back to skipping and twirling.
"A princess. An actual Disney princess." he spat out, "Would you like me to get you a dress to go with that, ?" he waved his hand around infront of him, sarcastically.
"YES!" Hobi shouted to the skies, arms raised over his head, happier than he'd ever been.
"Jesus Christ." Yoongi laughed making a mental note to actually get him an Cinderella outfit for his bachelor party, whenever that may come.
He didn't doubt that it would though.
And he automatically thought of himself and Jangmi.
Would they ever get married?
Did he want to?
Was it even in the cards?
He wasn't entirely thrilled with how she'd handled 'the leak', but, maybe it wasn't fair to judge her on an exeptional situation like that?
But then again, maybe it was?
"Where did you go?" Hobi asked, serious, standing beside him leaning on the counter.
"Jangmi." Yoongi sighed.
"Do you love her?"
"I, how do you know?" he asked Hobi, suddenly unsure.
"If you love someone?"
Yoongi nodded.
"Well for me, it's like these two opposite feelings at once," Hobi started to explain, "that I'm venturing out on a journey with deep, uncharted waters, with never before seen discoveries awaiting, that I can't begin soon enough, I can't wait to see where it takes us! What joy, what pleasure, what storms it's going to bring? And coming in to port at the same time. That I'm home. Minho both exhilirates me and grounds me, if that makes sense?"
Yoongi nodded.
"It's like, everything's just a little bit better and brighter, now, knowing that he'll catch me if I fall but that he still encourages me to fly nontheless." he turned to Yoongi, "Kind of what you've always done." he smiled, "But in the non-romantic kind of way. You. Not him." he clasped his hands infront of his chest, "He's very romantic." Hobi sighed.
"He better be." Yoongi muttered, "My best friend deserves to be treated like the princess he apparently is."
"Oh, shush!" Hobi slapped him on the arm, "You're just jealous."
"I am. Rather." Yoongi admitted, "I'm no way near those feelings you have for Minho with Jangmi." he sighed, "I mean, the sex is great and we do have a lot of fun together,"
"But, you're not close?" Hobi confirmed rather than asked, "You and I had this exact conversation on Jeju, remember?"
"But I like her!"
"But the question is, do you love her?"
"I want to."
"For some people it grows. I hear." Hobi turned to Yoongi, "I mean, I don't think Tae and Kook new, like directly from the get go, it was gonna be them forever and ever?"
"Neither did Jin and Joon." Yoongi remembered, "And honestly, we're both so freaking busy all the time, we just eat and fuck and that's kinda it. We don't have time for anything else."
Hobi didn't say what he thought, Minho was probably busier than either of them and he still found time to really get to know Hobi.
Yoongi wasn't really receptive for unsolicited advice though, so Hobi knew to keep silent.
And changed his mind, "Yoongles, maybe,"
"Don't say it." Yoongi begged, "I'll think about it. I'll give it a real good think, I will, but for now she kind of fills my needs."
"O, ho, ho, don't ever let her hear you say that! Talk about slap in the face!" Hobi warned.
"Oh, shut up."
"Yeah. But don't say I didn't warn you."

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