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"Kimchi! Kiimchiii!" a tall, beautiful girl half-jogged down the street as Jin was coming home from school, "Have you seen a dog?" she asked out of breath.
"Well..." Jin started,
"I mean, have you seen a dog just now, not like, have you seen a dog, like, ever."
"No, sorry, I just got home."
"Are you looking for this guy?" Taehyung asked coming from the back of the house with a small, red and white, mop in his arms.
"Kimchi!" the girl yelled and ran towards Tae and the dog, "Where did you find him?" she asked Taehyung who was hoisting the dog over.
"Oh, he came to see me in the kitchen." Tae smiled.
"Figures." Jin snorted.
"Why's that?" the girl asked as she put the mongrel down with a firm grip on the leash.
Jin put an arm around Tae, "Everyone loves my little brother," he smiled down at Tae, "especially animals."
"Oh, so you are brothers?" she smiled, "Oh, and how rude of me, I'm Jung Jiwoo, nice to meet you!" She stretched out her hand and they both took turns shaking it.
"Kim Seokjin."
"Kim Taehyung."
"We just moved in, like right now," Jiwoo said, "and this one," she nodded at the dog, "just took off!"
"Wow Tae," Jin sqeezed him tighter, "Your voodoo is getting stronger!"
Tae shoved him, feeling slightly embarrassed.
Jiwoo giggled, "At least I know where to find him if he sets off again!" she smiled, "I should get back, nice to meet you and thanks for finding my dog!" she lightly bowed her head and left, scolding her dog, "I can't believe you just took off, Kimchi, what if you got lost for real? Or someone kidnapped you? Or you couldn't find your way home? Or you got run over by a car?"
Kimchi peed on a tree.
"Kimchi! Rude."

"Cute." said Taehyung.
"Hm?" Jin seemed lost in thought as he followed the girl and the dog with his eyes. "I guess." he somewhat agreed and squeezed his brothers shoulder again, "So, what have you been up to today?"
"Jimin made me go with him to aerobics after class, I could have died, Jin, DIED!"
"Wow, you did aerobics? Wasn't the choreography hard?"
"No, not really," Tae said and shrugged a shoulder, "but the tempo? AH MAH GAWD! I couldn't breathe!"
Jin laughed as they went inside, "I think that's kind of the point with aerobics, Tae, to improve your stamina?"
"Yah, well, it was fast and neverending!"
"So, are you gonna go again?"
"Hell yeah! It was fun!"
"So where's your other half?" Jin wondered, usually he could expect both rascals to be in the house when he got home.
Tae jumped up on the counter and snatched an apple right under Jin's hand and took a big bite. "He had to go home," chomp, chomp, "his mom complained she never got to see him anymore so they were doing some mother/son bonding today."
"Don't chew with your mouth open." Jin scolded and took another apple for himself.
"What, like this?" Tae opened his mouth and held out his tongue, covered in apple.
"Disgusting." Jin said and turned to go to his study.
"Hey! Where's your better half?" Tae followed him.
"He had a late seminar today and some group thing they needed to finish after."
"Ok." Tae turned on his heal and went upstairs.
"He could be adopted," Jin muttered, "he could."

"Kim Seokjin! Kim Seokjin!"
"Jin," Namjoon tugged the hem of his sweatshirt, "That girl over there is calling you." He nodded towards a girl trying to slalom through the crowd.
"Hm?" Jin was last-minute stuffing before 'The Dreaded Math-exam'.
"Hey," the girl said out of breath.
"Oh, hi!" Jin had finally looked up, "Jung Jiwoo, this is Kim Namjoon, my best friend and study buddy, Namjoon, this is Jung Jiwoo, we met yesterday when her dog went to see Taehyung!"
"Nice to meet you Jung Jiwoo."
"Nice to meet you, Kim Namjoon. So Kim Seokjin, you go to this college too?" she smiled.
"That is great, at least I, I was gonna say know, but it's more like, met, one person before. And now I know two!" she smiled at them.
"What programs are you in?" she wondered.
"Well, I'm in pre-med, and Namjoon here is a science major, he's the genius." Jin nodded his head in Joon's direction.
"And he's the pretty one." Namjoon said mirroring Jin's actions.
"Well," Jiwoo said, "I think you're both very handsome and clever!" and smiled even wider.
"So, what's your major?" Namjoon deflected.
"Oh, I'm a business major, nothing as fancy as you guys."
"Business's nice." Jin said, loftily.
Namjoon nodded along.
"Thank you!" Jiwoo laughed. "So are we all doing the Math-exam today?"
"Seems like it." Namjoon gruffed.
"Yah!" Jin hit him over the head, "Why are you gruffing? You're gonna ace it as usual! Think about me! I'm totally in over my head, when will I ever have to use inverted functions, huh?"
"Yes, yes." Namjoon patted his shoulder, "It's totally unfair, I know, you should be able to surf by on your good looks alone."
The doors opened.
"Break a leg, guys!" Jiwoo shouted before they went in.
"We'll be in the library after," Jin told her, "You should come find us!"
"Ok! Can I bring my brother?"
"Of course!"
The three of them waved at eachother before finding their seats.

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