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Taehyung had sat through a four hour long lecture on the basics of civil law and was a bit, tender.
Like a piece of meat.
Beaten with a mallet.
Ready to be thrown on the grill.
But he'd gotten an offer he wanted to run through Minho, so he was on his way to the office when he got a text from Jungkook: Babe, I've done something...
Tae: Oh, God! What?

Tae was almost hit by a car, having stopped in the middle of the street, calling up his man, saved only by Daewoo, his new bodyguard, pulling him to the side

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Tae was almost hit by a car, having stopped in the middle of the street, calling up his man, saved only by Daewoo, his new bodyguard, pulling him to the side.
"Jeon Jungkook!" he, some would say, yelled, "Is that a dog? In our house?"
"Yeah." Jungkook admitted, with an embarrassed giggle, "I got him today."
"Omg, he's so cute!" Tae swooned.
"You have no idea!" Jungkook laughed, "He's so cute you wanna eat him!" he cooed, clearly petting the puppy at the same time.
"But," Taehyung sighed.
"Yeah, I know, baby." Kook agreed, "But I need to grow my emotional security net and, I'm not really good at making friends, and how would I even? Now? So, I got a dog." he sighed.
"Does he have a name?" Taehyung inquired, going soft.
"Bam." Jungkook boasted.
"Mm. Bam." Jungkook said, proud.
"I'll be home to love on you both in a while." Taehyung promised, "I just have to run something by Minho real quick."
"Yeah, I got a business proposition that may be... Well, I want his imput. And yours!"
Taehyung could hear Jungkook's pout not being the first one in on it.
"Hurry home." Jungkook pleaded.
"You bet." Taehyung smiled, "Oh, and Jungkook?"
"I love you."
"Oh, no, no, no, no! No, no, no, nooeh. Gotta go. Bam did a thing." he hung up.
"I'm not the love of his life anymore." Taehyung sighed, smiling to himself.

"I actually think this might be what we've been trying to, you know, make up?" Minho said, "I mean, if it's something you want to do?"
"It pays a shitload of money." Tae nodded, "Not that I actually need it, but, shit, security costs? They're not gonna get any less anytime soon, probably quite the opposite." he pondered, "And it would mean a lot of 'free' exposure, but, I don't know? Would it undermine what we're trying to achieve? Will I loose cred because of it?"
"Huh." Minho grew thoughtful, "When do you need to give them an answer?"
"By the end of the week, and I wanna run it by Jungkook as well, of course, but." he shrugged.
"Ok." Minho wrote something down, "Give me two days to run some analytics on it, you know focus groups and shit,"
"Nothing's ever straight forward anymore is it?" Tae sighed.
"No. I'm sorry kitten, but." Minho shrugged.
"You did not just call me kitten in the middle of a business meeting?!" Taehyung laughed.
"I did, didn't I?" Minho blushed.
"Yup." Tae chuckled.
"Told you it was a bad idea to befriend one's clients." Minho sighed.
"Yeah, people would totally believe we're fucking if they heard you." Tae teased, "And, sure, I mean, yeah." he motioned his hand up and down Minho's frame, nodding.
"Oh, yeah, I would totally fuck you, too." Minho laughed, "If I weren't completely head over heels for my husband and you for yours. And you weren't my client." he winked, "And hadn't become one of my best friends."
"Same." Tae smiled, "But for the love of God, don't let Jin hear you say that!" Tae joked.
"Christ!" Minho wheezed, "We're such an incestuous group of fuckers aren't we?"
"Totally." Taehyung agreed, trying to calm his laughing, "Maybe Jungkook's got the right idea? Getting a dog?"
"He's getting a dog?"
"No. He got a dog. Today." Tae showed him the picture.
"Without telling you?"
"I think it was a spur of the moment kinda thing." Tae confessed, "But," he sighed, "I think my husband is a bit lonely."
"Mm." Tae felt a bit bad, "I mean, he's been working his ass off since before I met him. Having practically no free time whatsoever, and yeah, we were so young when we fell in love and, what little time he's had, he's spent with me." he shrugged, "And the people we're close to, he's gotten to know through me, well, except for Hobi." he realised, "So, he's got very few friends of his own." he shrugged again.
"And now, making new friends is almost impossible." Minho sighed, feeling bad for him too.
"And he's such an akward little dork too." Taehyung kinda swooned, "So, it's hard for him anyways." he felt his heart constrict, "God, I love him!" he said on an princess exhale.
"You're both very easy to love, Taehyung." Minho said, serious, "And together you're like the custest thing since Lady kissed the Tramp over a bowl of spaghetti. Absolutely swoon-worthy." he nodded, "Both Hobi and I are in love with you as a couple."
"Omg, Minho, sthap." Tae blushed, covering his cheeks with his hands.
"It's true." Minho laughed, "But, kitten," he winked, "let's couple flirt over dinner some night and not on the clock."
"Yeah, we should normalise Kook and Hobi's relationship again, my baby's still a bit, embarrassed." Tae sighed.
"Who wouldn't be?" Minho agreed, "But please, please tell him I really know nothing about it. Hobi hasn't said peep and, yeah, I really don't." Minho shook his head, "Just what you told me and that Hobi managed to comfort him." he assured him.
Tae nodded, certain that was more than enough for Minho to put two and two together, but he would calm Jungkook about it nontheless.
"So, our place or ours?"
"Ours." Taehyung decided, "We've got a furry kid now, apparently..."
"Right." Minho snorted, "So, I'll get back to you on the," he made an impassive gesture, "and we really should decide on the social media presences soon, and you know, the 'paparazzi' incident, we want."
"So much fun." Tae groaned.
"Yeah, I know." Minho made an excusatory face.
"Let's do dinner tomorrow, if you're free?" Tae suggested.
"I'll have to check, but I think so." Minho said, nodding.
"Ok, lemme know." Tae said and stood up, and decided to bend over the desk and kiss Minho on the cheek.
"Blimey." Minho laughed, not expecting that.
"Later, Darling." Tae winked and left a chuckling Minho behind.

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